Guide to Application for PhD Admission and Victoria Scholarships Read these ins
Guide to Application for PhD Admission and Victoria Scholarships Read these instructions carefully before completing the application form. All applicants are advised to consult the website of the Faculty of Graduate Research at Glossary FGR: Faculty of Graduate Research Full-time Doctoral Student: Students are deemed to be full-time when they are able to devote a minimum of 30 hours per week to the thesis, on average, over the year. This workload excludes statutory holiday periods. Note: a realistic workload for a full-time student hoping to complete within 3-4 years would be 40–50 hours per week. Half-time Doctoral Student: Students who cannot work on the thesis for the minimum amount of 30 hours per week are deemed to be half-time students. Section A—General information Distance study and international students Victoria University does not offer a distance option for PhD study. All PhD students are required to be under supervision and resident in Wellington for their provisional registration period, a maximum of three months absence may be approved during this period. International students are limited to a total of twelve months absence during the PhD programme. Required documentation and incomplete applications Applications will only be considered once all documentation and supporting material has been received. All documents apart from referees’ statements should be submitted at the same time. In addition to your completed application form and copies of all official documents, you must also upoad an Expression of Research Interests and a sample of your academic writing. A portfolio of creative work or DVD may also be required. See the Faculty of Graduate Research website at for more information. You should upload your documents through the online application form (except for referees’ reports, which should be sent to the contact addresses at the end of this document). If for some reason you cannot upload your documents, email them to: If documents are emailed, they must be PDF or word files and not JPG or RAR documents. Note: if you provide information over and above what has been requested, this will not be forwarded to selection panels. Certified copies of official documents Before you can be admitted as a doctoral student, you must supply the Faculty of Graduate Research (FGR) with certified paper copies of all official documents asked for in the application form. You do not need to send these certified copies when you apply, though you may do so if you wish. Successful applicants will receive an offer of place which will be conditional on the FGR receiving certified copies. International students should note that Immigration New Zealand may require an unconditional offer before they will issue you with a student visa. Copies of your official documents must be certified by the institution of issue, or by an official notary, and must bear the official stamp of the institution or person. Return of documents Unless original documents are specifically requested in the application, the FGR does not undertake to return documents supplied. Privacy of personal information Victoria University of Wellington (the University) collects, stores, uses and discloses personal information relating to students in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993 for the purpose of conducting its proper business. A unique identifier is assigned to each student. Personal information is disclosed to other agencies as required under the Education Act 1989 and other relevant New Zealand laws, regulations, and contractual agreements by which the University is bound. Students have the right to access and seek correction of their personal information. More information on the University’s protection of the privacy of personal information is available at Section B—Application form The Document Upload section of the online form lists the documents you need to provide. All documents should be uploaded in your online application if possible, except for referees’ reports. Referees’ reports should be sent to the contact addresses at the end of this document. Personal information—Citizenship International students do not need to have a student visa at the time of application. You can apply for a student visa after you receive an offer of place. Victoria scholarships Applicants for Victoria Doctoral Scholarships must read the full Doctoral scholarship regulations which you can download from the following webpage: Victoria Doctoral scholarships are open to all applicants. There are limited numbers of scholarships available each round. Applicants for Victoria Doctoral Scholarships must: o have completed a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree with academic distinction equivalent to a First Class Honours degree at a New Zealand University; or o have a significant publication record, research experience and/or professional experience (see the Qualifications and Experience form at admission-and-victoria-scholarships#expression). You may be offered admission without a scholarship. It is therefore important that you investigate alternative funding options. If you intend to study half-time, you are not eligible to apply for a Victoria Doctoral scholarship. Victoria University academic staff are not able to hold a Victoria University scholarship. If you hold a full Victoria scholarship, you are limited to a maximum of 550 hours of employment per year, preferably in an area related to your research. Additional information required by international applicants for Victoria scholarships: Category 1—applicants whose degree has been conferred at a university in the United Kingdom, Ireland, United States of America, Canada, Germany or Australia must supply an original or certified copy of their university transcript. Category 2—applicants from any other country must have their transcript verified and assessed with a course-by-course evaluation of the prerequisite degree by Educational Credential Evaluators ( Proposed start date You are required to nominate a start date for your PhD to assist schools with their planning. Dates may later be changed by negotiation. You are strongly encouraged to begin your studies within six weeks of one of the Faculty of Graduate Research’s orientation programmes for new students. See the FGR website at for dates. Successful applicants will receive an offer of place around six weeks after the closing date for applications. You will have one month to accept the offer and will be expected to begin your PhD within six months of your acceptance if you are a domestic student or within nine months if you are an international student. Academic qualifications Applicants who have studied at a New Zealand university will need a first- or second-class, division one pass in an Honours or Master’s degree, or be currently enrolled in a Master’s by thesis. Overseas applicants need to have equivalent qualifications to New Zealand applicants. In general, for applicants who have a four year Bachelor’s degree graded in a four point GPA system, the GPA should be at least 3.0 out of 4.0. For applicants who have a Bachelor’s degree graded in the British system, including India, the degree must be awarded with first or upper second-class honours. For some programmes evidence of relevant work/research experience may be necessary. You must provide certified copies of academic transcripts for all qualifications except those you have obtained at Victoria University of Wellington (see Certified copies of official documents in Section A above). Academic referees—confidential report You must ask two referees who are able to evaluate your academic ability and research potential to complete a report. Referees may be academics from your most recent institution or other appropriate professionals. Referees statements will only be accepted on the correct form. You must provide your referees with the Academic referees - Confidential report form at Please advise referees of the relevant closing date for your application (1 March, 1 July or 1 November). Applications will not be considered until referees’ reports have been received. If the reports arrive late, your application will be held over until the following round. Referees’ reports are confidential to the Victoria University of Wellington panel(s) assessing the application and must not be submitted by the applicant unless they are in a sealed envelope with the referee’s signature across the seal. The Academic Referees—Confidential report may be emailed to phd- provided the referee uses a verifiable institutional email address. Any referee’s report that is received from an unverified source will be marked as unverified’. The Faculty of Graduate Research will request a hard copy if there is any doubt about authenticity. Why we ask for an expression of research interests Successful doctoral research makes original and significant contributions to knowledge and prepares graduates to undertake further research or to apply their advanced skills. Victoria doctoral candidates begin with up to 12 months of provisional registration. During this period, each candidate works under supervision to develop and write a full research proposal, which is a formal document designed to clarify the parameters of the doctoral project and situate it in the context of relevant international scholarship. In many cases, the precise focus of candidates’ research changes from their initial ideas. There can also be restrictions on what can be studied, due to funding considerations, or compliance with local requirements such as provisions for access to Antarctica, human ethics requirements, consultation with uploads/s1/ guide-to-application 1 .pdf
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- Publié le Oct 04, 2022
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