To EE and Beyond! Let’s Aim and Achieve: >40% As for PW! Page 1 of 15 © 2011 Ta
To EE and Beyond! Let’s Aim and Achieve: >40% As for PW! Page 1 of 15 © 2011 Tampines Junior College / Project Work Unit 2011 Project Work – Written Report (WR) Style Guide for the Written Report Table of Contents A. General formatting requirements 2 B. Formatting of sections in the Written Report 3 C. Avoiding plagiarism in the Written Report 5 D. Citations and references 5 In-text citations: the Basics 5 In-text citations: Author / Authors 6 Citing Indirect Sources 7 Electronic Sources 8 Tables, Figures, Graphs 8 E. Writing the Written Report in a clear style 9 Appendix A: Sample page from a Written Report with appropriate formatting Appendix B: Sample Contents page with appropriate formatting Appendix C: Format for Bibliography in APA style Appendix D: Sample Bibliography Page 2 of 15 © 2011 Tampines Junior College / Project Work Unit To EE and Beyond! Let’s Aim and Achieve: >40% As for PW! A. General formatting requirements Please follow these requirements when formatting your Written Report: Check each point: Style: APA (American Psychological Association) Font: Arial Font size: 12-point Line spacing: Double spacing Margins: 1” / 2.5cm all around Alignment: Left-hand margin. The text should not be justified. Indent the start of each paragraph. (You may use „tab‟ function.) Page numbering: All pages should be numbered at the top right corner. The official Cover Page for Written Report (pg.7 of QP) should not be numbered. Numbering begins either on the „Contents‟ page, or on the optional group cover page. Heading: Main headings: Centred in 16-point, Bold, Title Case* Sub-headings: Left Margin in 12-point, Bold, Title Case* * Title Case means every word is capitalised, but not prepositions (i.e. ‘of’, ‘in’, ‘at, etc.)’ Tables / Diagrams: These may be inserted at any part of the report. Each table or diagram should be labelled appropriately with source information. Annexes: Each Annex should be labelled as „Annex A‟, „Annex B‟ and so on in running order at the top right corner in bold, and underlined. The Annex should not be numbered. Length: 2500 – 3000 words. The word limit includes all words enclosed within text boxes, tables, diagrams, etc. The word limit excludes references, citations, and accompanying captions for tables and diagrams. Reports that exceed 3000 words will be penalised during assessment! Submission: Hardcopy: Single-side printing, in colour where applicable; stapled, with official Cover Page. Softcopy: Word 97-2003 document, on CD-R. Naming convention: “2010_TPxxx” See Appendix A for a sample formatted page. Page 3 of 15 © 2011 Tampines Junior College / Project Work Unit To EE and Beyond! Let’s Aim and Achieve: >40% As for PW! B. Formatting of sections in the Written Report Your report should contain these sections in the following order: Check each point: Official Cover Page This is issued by MOE in the Project Work Question Paper (pg.7). Ensure all details are completed legibly. Each candidate must sign against their names. Group Cover Page This is an optional page for groups who wish to add their own custom- designed cover page. This page must contain the project title, the PW group number (TPxxx) and the names of the individual group members. It should be numbered as page „1‟. Contents page This should list the main section headings and sub-headings of your Written Report and give the relevant page numbers. It should be numbered as page „1‟ if you do not have a Group Cover Page. See Appendix B for a sample Contents page. Introduction The purpose of this section is to give the reader a brief overview of the entire project. It should include: the objectives of the project (what you intend to achieve, how you will achieve these) the rationale of the project (convince reader of the value of your project, why you want to do this project) Body This will form the main part of the report. It includes an analysis of the Model context, drawing out lessons learned, and the application of these lessons to a project of the group‟s choosing. Do not use the heading, “Body”. The group should decide the number of, and the headings for, the main sections and sub- sections in the Body. Do not use “Model context” or “Target context” when writing your report – these generic terms should be replaced with the actual contexts of the project proposal. Appropriate in-text citations should be given for all references to evidence. (Refer to the section on „Citations and References‟ for details). The use of footnotes is discouraged, as these may be misused to evade the word limit. Use appropriate connectors within sections, and from one section to the next. Doing this helps the reader to follow the flow of the report. Essential raw data, i.e. only data that has been used to substantiate ideas in the report, should be placed in the Annex. The length of the Annex should not exceed the length of the report proper. There should be no inappropriate gaps or „white space‟ between the end of one section and the start of the next. Conclusion This section summarises the group‟s project, and should also: state the group‟s final holistic evaluation of the project and any recommendations the group has reached offer possible areas of expansion or exploration, and possibly for a different community, triggered by their project‟s findings Page 4 of 15 © 2011 Tampines Junior College / Project Work Unit To EE and Beyond! Let’s Aim and Achieve: >40% As for PW! Bibliography / Reference list The Bibliography provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your bibliography; likewise, each entry in the bibliography must be cited in your text. All lines after the first line of each entry in your reference list should be indented one-half inch from the left margin. This is called hanging indentation. Authors' names are inverted (last name first); give the last name and initials for all authors of a particular work for up to and including seven authors. Bibliography entries should be alphabetised by the last name of the first author of each work. If you have more than one article by the same author, single- author references or multiple-author references with the exact same authors in the exact same order are listed in order by the year of publication, starting with the earliest. You should list the items in your bibliography under the following headings (where applicable) in the order given: Books Chapters in books Encyclopaedias Magazines / Journal Articles Newspaper articles Reports Interviews CD-ROMs Audio-video productions URLs (World Wide Web) If there is more than one item under any heading, the items should be given in alphabetical order of the author‟s name (if possible). See Appendix C for more details. Annex The Annex should contain raw evidence or data necessary to establish the validity of the report. Parts of these should have been cited in the report proper. For surveys: o sample copy of the survey form(s) o summary of the raw data (i.e. dates and times when survey was conducted, number of respondents, breakdown of respondents‟ details, etc.) should be included For interviews: o a full transcript should be included, with date, time and interviewee‟s details For email correspondence: information should be neatened up instead of including the chain of actual emails. Assessors will not refer to the Annex unless the evidence is cited in the report proper. All useful data and the analysis of these data must be integrated into the Body of the report. Page 5 of 15 © 2011 Tampines Junior College / Project Work Unit To EE and Beyond! Let’s Aim and Achieve: >40% As for PW! C. Avoiding plagiarism in the Written Report Plagiarism is using someone‟s work (e.g. phrasing, findings, statistics, graphs, drawings) without acknowledging the source of that information. This includes: Check these: „cutting and pasting‟ information from print sources or the Internet passing off of another‟s person‟s, student‟s or group‟s work, past or present, with or without consent, as one‟s own Plagiarism amounts to intellectual theft and is seen as an act of dishonesty. An investigation will be conducted when there is cause for suspicion of plagiarism. Where clear and convincing evidence exists, disciplinary action will be taken against any candidate found to have committed or aided the offence of plagiarism. D. Citations and references The following sections provide a guide on how to cite sources within the body of the report (known as „in-text citations‟) and including the full source information under the Bibliography or reference list. APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to cite sources within uploads/s3/ 2011-wr-style-guide.pdf
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