CYPRES Rigger’s Guide for Installation Contents page date of issue update Discl
CYPRES Rigger’s Guide for Installation Contents page date of issue update Disclaimer 11/01/92 1 Preface 11/01/92 2 Rigger Kit 11/01/92 3 Technical introduction 11/01/92 4 " 11/01/92 5 Contents 11/01/92 6 Accessories (1-pin Cypres) 11/01/92 7 Accessories (2-pin Cypres) 11/01/92 8 General Remarks 11/01/92 9 Installation of the control unit pocket 11/01/92 10 " 11/01/92 11 Installation of the release unit(s) (EOS) 11/01/92 12 " 11/01/92 13 " 11/01/92 11/01/94 14 " 11/01/92 15 Installation of control unit (Expert and Tandem) 11/01/92 16 " 11/01/92 17 " 11/01/92 18 Installation of control unit (Student) 11/01/92 removed 11/2003 19 " 11/01/92 20 Cypres reserve Loop 11/01/92 11/01/94 21 " 11/01/92 11/01/94 22 Installation of loop (1-pin container) 11/01/92 11/01/94 Rigger's Guide published July, 1st 1995 I N T R O D U C T I O N I N S T A L L A T I O N G E E N E R A L page date of issue update 23 Loop support discs 11/01/92 11/01/94 24 Sketch of loop attachment 11/01/92 25 Installation of loops (2-pin container) 11/01/92 11/01/94 26 " 11/01/92 27 Packing of 1-pin container 11/01/92 28 Packing of 2-pin container 11/01/92 29 Packing of 1-pin Pop Top 11/01/92 11/01/94 30 Packing of 2-pin Pop Top 11/01/92 11/01/94 31 " 11/01/92 32 " 11/01/92 33 " 11/01/92 34 " 11/01/92 35 " 11/01/92 36 " 11/01/92 37 " 11/01/92 38 Packing the reserve 11/01/92 39 " 11/01/92 11/01/94 40 Cutter replacement 11/01/92 07/01/95 41 Battery replacement 11/01/92 07/01/95 42 Contents 11/01/92 43 " 11/01/92 07/01/95 44 Installation in Vector I 11/01/92 45 " 11/01/92 46 " 11/01/92 47 " 11/01/92 48 Installation in Vector II 11/01/92 49 Installation in Chaser 11/01/92 Rigger's Guide published July, 1st 1995 I N S T A L L A T I O N G E N E R A L I N S T A L L . S P E C I A L page date of issue update 50 " 11/01/92 51 One Pin Tear Drop 11/01/92 52 Installation in Javelin 11/01/92 53 Installation in Talon 11/01/92 54 Installation in Atom 11/01/92 02/15/95 55 Installation in Jaguar/Mini Jaguar 11/01/92 02/15/95 56 LOR II 11/01/92 57 Installation in Ultra 11/01/92 58 Installation in Invader 11/01/92 59 Installation in Vulcan 11/01/92 60 Installation in Mini Hawk 11/01/92 61 Installation in Combination Tandem 11/01/92 62 Installation in Sweethog 11/01/92 63 Installation in EOS 11/01/92 64 " 11/01/92 65 Installation in Top Flyer V 11/01/92 66 Installation in Top Flyer VI 11/01/92 67 Installation in Pitt III 11/01/92 68 Installation in Warp III 11/01/92 69 " 11/01/92 70 Installation in Centaurus 11/01/92 71 Installation in Wonderhog 11/01/92 72 " 11/01/92 73 Installation in ACE 11/01/92 74 Installation in NARO 11/01/92 75 Installation in Excaliber 11/01/92 76 Installation in Innovator II 11/01/92 77 Installation in Swift 11/01/92 78 Installation in Dual Hawk Tandem 11/01/92 Rigger's Guide published July, 1st 1995 I N S T A L L A T I O N S P E C I A L page date of issue update 79 " 11/01/92 80 " 11/01/92 81 Installation in Vector Tandem 11/01/92 82 Installation in Galaxy Tandem 11/01/92 83 Installation in Zerox 11/01/94 84 Installation in Swift II 11/01/94 85 Installation in Eclipse 07/01/95 86 Installation in Vector III 07/01/95 87 Installation in Dolphin 07/01/95 88 Installation in Prestige 07/01/95 89 Installation in Sidewinder 07/01/95 90 Installation in Orion 07/01/95 Questionnaire 11/01/92 Disclaimer This only applies to equipment used in the USA. This manual contains information and instructions on installing Cypres in various harness container systems. Where the manufacturer of the harness container system has also issued written instructions for installation these must be followed. As an alternative a US master rigger may seek his own approval following the procedure outlined in "A C 105 - 2 C". Rigger's Guide published July, 1st 1995 I N S T A L L A T I O N S P E C I A L Preface The installation of Cypres requires considerable attention to detail. All riggers are therefore requested to study the manual carefully prior to commencing such installation. Some of the descriptions are rather detailed, even when dealing with basic rigging activities. This is not meant to patronise, merely to ensure that no detail is overlooked. Regular installation seminars for riggers are held by Airtec at our factory in Wünnenberg. We ask that all riggers installing Cypres who have not attended one of these seminars conform strictly to the information contained in this manual. Should you encounter difficulties with any aspect of installation do not hesitate to contact us. Please, do NOT experiment whilst trying to solve a problem. We shall answer all questions immediately and give advice and assistance wherever possible. Notice to Riggers: Because of safety reasons, the fact that the CYPRES setup configurations for each individual rig have been designed and tested by Airtec with the CYPRES, and because of liability concerns for you, the rigger, we must remind you that Airtec CYPRES set-ups (pouches, cutter elastics, etc.), and CYPRES loops and discs MUST be used with CYPRES AADs. At the same time, as Airtec has performed testing on these setups and loop system ONLY with CYPRES, we must insist that CYPRES setups and loops NOT be used with any other AAD, because of the same safety and liability concerns. We kindly ask you to check for these situations and correct any that you discover. Thank you for your understanding. Please: Never ever install Cypres by trial and error. This could cause someone's death! Dieses Handbuch ist in deutsch erhältlich. Ce manuel est disponible en français. Cypres is a trade mark of Airtec GmbH (Ltd.) US patents number 4858856 and 5024400, European patent number EP 0281 and German patent number P 37 07 294.3 have been granted for Cypres. Airtec GmbH, November 1992 Rigger's Guide published July, 1st 1995 1 Rigger Kit This manual is designed primarily for use by parachute riggers. It details the method of installing Cypres in most harness container systems (rigs). Supplied with the manual is a special "rigger kit" containing parts and spares necessary for the task. The kit consists of: (1) Rigger's Guide for Installation Manual (2) Rigger's Guide for Installation Video (3) two soft bodkins (4) three Cypres pull-ups (5) three support discs (6) three 0.7 m sections of adhesive cable housing (7) five elasticated release unit housings (8) 2 strips of velcro for fixture of control unit (9) 50 m of Cypres loop material (10) two fingertrapping needles (11) 1 container of silicone gel (12) 1 running loop housing (13) 1 screwdriver (14) 1 pilot chute strap (for 2-pin Pop Top systems) (15) 2 Cypres packing pins (16) 2 control unit pockets (17) Cypres installation checklist We would welcome any constructive comments based on rigger's experience in installing Cypres. Rigger's Guide published July, 1st 1995 2 Technical introduction Cypres works by measuring air pressure and the rate of change of air pressure. Air pressure is of course the basis of altitude measurement. When Cypres is switched on it calibrates itself to the ambient air pressure and then memorises this as its zero or ground level. It re-measures the ambient air pressure once every 30 seconds thereafter, to check for any changes caused by weather and updates its memory accordingly. It thus always knows the latest actual air pressure and its memory is always set to the correct zero or ground level. The microprocessor recognises the rapid pressure change when the aircraft takes off and at 100m above ground level (AGL) it changes to a fast calculation mode in which it obtains seven different release criteria once every 0.25 seconds. All of these criteria must be positive before the unit will fire. Once the unit passes 450m (1500ft) AGL in the climb it arms itself and becomes fully operational. NOTE: Cypres will not work if the aircraft is exited before it reaches 450m (1500ft) AGL. Once the aircraft has climbed through 450m and Cypres has become fully operational, it will work for any exit height. During a descent in the aircraft, in freefall or under canopy, Cypres will operate down to 40m (120ft) AGL, at which height it is of no further use and switches itself off. Considerable efforts have been made to eliminate the influence of air vortices. Such vortices can cause erroneous altitude readings varying by more than 200 metres from the actual altitude. You can observe these pressure differences when looking at your altimeter in freefall and turning from a belly down to a belly up position (or vice versa). The needle will shake and change to a higher (or a lower) altitude. The diagram below shows the pressure changes in such situations: Rigger's Guide published July, 1st 1995 3 At moment A the true altitude is 2.600m (1); but the measured pressure at that moment shows an altitude of about 2.400m (2). Previous AADs do not compensate for these erroneous fluctuations and are therefore inaccurate uploads/s3/ cypres-riggers-guide.pdf
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