E-Lock Client Software Installation and Troubleshooting Guide Pre-Requisite for

E-Lock Client Software Installation and Troubleshooting Guide Pre-Requisite for installation of E-Lock software 1. Complete administrator privileges during installation of ElockClient.exe file 2. Make sure that you are installing the latest version of E-Lock client software. Current version is (If you have older than just register the new license key by following the steps: Start --> E-Lock SuperSigner Plus Client --> Register License --> Serial Number --> R8d234f31829db201cb ) 3. Please check supported browser versions: Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Google Chrome v.56 and above, Mozilla Firefox v.47 and above 4. If antivirus filters out SignApp.exe or any part of installer, then disable antivirus before installation of E-Lock components 5. .Net 3.5 with SP1 or above is required 6. Supported Operating Systems: a. Windows 7 b. Windows 8 and 8.1 c. Windows 10 Steps to Install E-Lock Components 1. Please ensure complete administrator privileges before installing. 2. Temporarily disable Anti-virus software running on your machine 3. After starting the installation, please wait for the installation to finish. A successful message will mark the success of the process. 4. If you are doing a re-install on the same machine, then please follow the below mentioned steps: i) Uninstall E-Lock components. You can do this from Control Panel Programs and ii) Install new E-Lock components from dropbox link : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xp49azk1ioymqss/AACX4uwNTBlvy5XrNvtDCM1Za?dl=0 General troubleshooting 1. If certificate selection dialog coming and is it showing the DSC, but you get some error while signing? In such cases, the error is usually of the form “Microsoft Crypto API internal error…” or “Cannot access cryptographic provider for private key…”. If yes, your E-Lock software installation is fine but cause is some issue with token or token driver or the key / certificate on the token. Check with token vendor 2. If are you getting a message like “Please ensure that you have a non-expired certificate…”? If yes, your E-Lock software installation is fine but cause is that either your token is not connected or token driver is not installed or the token does not have a valid certificate 3. If you get a message like “Could not connect to E-Lock SignApp…”? If yes, go through the following steps: *Start Task Manager. Is SignApp.exe running in background processes? If yes, most likely cause is that you are not using a supported browser. Make sure you use a supported browser, If you are using a supported browser and you are still getting this error, go to Connection Troubleshooting *If SignApp.exe is not running in the background, try “Restart SignApp’ menu from Start button under “E-Lock SuperSigner Plus Client”. Check if SignApp is running in Task Manager. *If SignApp is still not running, or if the “Restart SignApp” gives some error, most likely there is some problem with your installation. *If SignApp is seen in the task manager, try signing again. If it still gives the error like “Could not connect to E-Lock SignApp…” and you are using a supported browser, go to Connection Troubleshooting Connection Troubleshooting Usual causes for “Could not connect to E-Lock SignApp…” kind of errors despite the SignApp running in the background are: • You are using Chrome 56 onward and your Client installation is old (older than, or • You are using newer version of IE 11 and your Client installation is old (older than, or • You are using Internet Explorer version older than 10, or • You are using IE 10 or later but the Emulation mode of IE is less than 10 (Press F12 on the signing page, at the bottom, on Emulation tab, check Document Mode. It should be 10 or higher, or Edge), or the site has been added to Compatibility View settings • You are using Firefox 47 or later, but have never clicked on “Enable Firefox” menu from Start “E-Lock SuperSigner Plus Client” • You are using a supported browser but browser is configured to use proxy even for local connections • Your Windows Defender firewall or Anti-virus software is preventing SignApp from accepting connections from browsers locally The resolution of this is to: • Make sure you are using correct supported browser • Make sure you have installed latest Client • If you are using Firefox, click once on “Enable Firefox” from Start “E-Lock SuperSigner Plus Client” • If IE 10 or later is giving problem because site has been added to Compatibility View, go to Tools / Compatibility View settings and remove the site from the list there. Note that your portal web application may not work correctly if the site is remove from compatibility view. Check with the Portal support team • If IE 10 or later is giving problem because of Emulation mode, use Chrome, Firefox or Edge • Make sure browser is not using proxy for local connections For proxy settings, do the following: • • Open IE and go to Tools / Options / Connections tab. • • Click on LAN Settings... button • • In the dialog, make sure that the checkbox towards the bottom "Bypass proxy server for local addresses" is checked • • Similar settings would need to be done for other browsers if they are using those browsers and those browsers also have been configured to use proxy. For example, Firefox can either use system proxy settings or it can have manual configuration. In that case, specify No proxy for and localhost. Chrome and Edge use the same proxy settings as IE. uploads/s3/ elock-guide.pdf

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