Click to edit Master title style 1 True Blue Guide 50+ English MCQs for Competi
Click to edit Master title style 1 True Blue Guide 50+ English MCQs for Competitive Exams Click to edit Master title style 2 English MCQs 2 Q1. Which Poem of Coleridge is an opium dream? 1. Kubla Khan 2. Christabel 3. The Ancient Mariner 4. Ode on the Departing year Q2. The Romantic Age Begins with the Publication of _______? 1. Lyrical Ballads 2. My Last Duchess 3. The Tale of Two Cities 4. Canonization Q3. T.S Eliot was born in________? 1. Ireland 2. England 3. Wales 4. USA Click to edit Master title style 3 English MCQs 3 Q4. Browning was the composer of any of the following poems- 1. Two Voices 2. The Scholar Gipsy 3. Andrea del Sarto 4. Oenone Q5. Who wrote the story “Gift of the Magi”? 1. William Wordsworth 2. Robert Frost 3. Jane Austen 4. O. Henry Q6. “Caesar and Cleopatra” is- 1. A tragedy by Shakespeare 2. A play by G.B Shaw 3. A poem by Lord Byron 4. A novel by S.T Coleridge Q7. Who is called the “Father of English Poetry”? 1. Edmund Spenser 2. William Langland 3. Geoffrey Chaucer 4. John Wycliffe Q8. Author of “The Time Machine” is _____. 1. T.S Eliot 2. Thomas Kyd 3. Robert Herrick 4. H.G Wells Q9. In which century was the Victorian period? 1. 17th century 2. 18th century 3. 19th century 4. 20th century Click to edit Master title style 4 English MCQs 4 Q10. Who is the author of “The Jungle Book”? 1. Jonathan Swift 2. Leo Tolstoy 3. Rudyard Kipling 4. Charles Dickens Q11. American female novelist Pearl S. Buck got Nobel Prize in 1938 of the book- 1. The Good Earth 2. House Divided 3. The Patriot 4. De Cameron Q12. Elizabethan tragedy is centered on_____. 1. Love 2. War 3. Revenge 4. Philosophy Q13. Who wrote the book “Doctor Zhivago”? 1. Boris Pasternak 2. Leo Tolstoy 3. George Orwell 4. Bertrand Russell Q14. Charles Dickens is not the novelist of which of the following novels? 1. A Tale of Two Cities 2. Treasure Island 3. David Copperfield 4. Great Expectation Q15. “Renaissance” means- 1. The revival of learning 2. The revival of hard task 3. The revival of life 4. The revival of new country Click to edit Master title style 5 English MCQs 5 Q16. Who wrote the poem “The Patriot”? 1. Sir Walter Scott 2. Robert Browning 3. Robert Herrick 4. Robert Frost Q17. who is the author of “The Taming of the Shrew”? 1. Rudyard Kipling 2. William Shakespeare 3. Jonathan Swift 4. Charles Dickens Q18. Who is the author of “Around the world in 80 Days”? 1. Jules Verne 2. Christopher Marlowe 3. Walter Scott 4. George Bernard Shaw Q19. What is Shakespeare’s longest play ? 1. Othello 2. Macbeth 3. Hamlet 4. King Lear Q20. Which of the following is a famous work of poet Alexander Pope? 1. The Rape of the Lock 2. Spectator 3. The Deserted Village 4. I Wandered Lonely as a cloud Q21. Who is considered as the "Rebel Poet of English Literature”? 1. Walter Scott 2. Lord Byron 3. W.B Yeats 4. John Keats Click to edit Master title style 6 English MCQs 6 Q22. Who wrote the poem “Piers Plowman”? 1. John Wycliffe 2. Geoffrey Chaucer 3. William Langland 4. Edmund Spenser Q23. Who created the detective “Sherlock Holmes”? 1. Charles Dickens 2. Jonathan Swift 3. Sir A Canan Doyle 4. Dylan Thomas Q24. How many lines are there in a sonnet? 1. 12 2. 14 3. 6 4. 8 Q25. Most important feature of a romantic poetry is______. 1. Beauty 2. Nature 3. Subjectivity 4. Imagination Q26. Where did the Renaissance start? 1. France 2. Italy 3. England 4. Germany Q27. Who is the poet of the poem “Ode to a Grecian urn”? 1. William Wordsworth 2. William Shakespeare 3. P B Shelly 4. John Keats Click to edit Master title style 7 English MCQs 7 Q28. Who wrote the book “Ivanhoe”? 1. O. Henry 2. R.L . Stevenson 3. Ernest Hemingway 4. Sir Walter Scott Q29. Which of these is the “Magnum Opus of Chaucer”? 1. Troilus and Criseyde 2. House of Fame 3. Canterbury Tales 4. Parliament of Fowls Q30. Which English Poet was Addicted to opium? 1. S.T Coleridge 2. P.B Shelly 3. John Keats 4. William Wordsworth Q31. “Silent Woman” is written by_____. 1. John Ruskin 2. Ben Jonson 3. William Wordsworth 4. Geoffrey Chaucer Q32. Wordsworth was inspired by_____. 1. The French revolution 2. The American revolution 3. The industrial revolution 4. The Russian revolution Q33. Which poetry is written by Sir Walter Scott? 1. Patriotism 2. The Patriot 3. A Frosty Night 4. All of the Above Click to edit Master title style 8 English MCQs 8 Q34. The word “Renaissance” came from which language? 1. Italian 2. French 3. English 4. German Q35. Who is called “Poet of Sensuousness”? 1. Geoffrey Chaucer 2. William Wordsworth 3. John Keats 4. William Shakespeare Q36. Francis Bacon is _______. 1. A novelist 2. A dramatist 3. A poet 4. An essayist Q37. Who is considered to be the “Father of English Novel”? 1. Francis Bacon 2. Geoffrey Chaucer 3. King Alfred the Great 4. Henry Fielding Q38. Which of the following is a comedy written by William Shakespeare? 1. As you Like it 2. King Lear 3. Macbeth 4. Hamlet Q39. Which period is known as Dark Ages? 1. Anglo Norman 2. Age of Chaucer 3. Age of Bareen 4. Anglo Saxon Click to edit Master title style 9 English MCQs 9 Q40. “Elegy written in A Country Churchyard” is written by- 1. William Wordsworth 2. Thomas Gray 3. Robert Frost 4. W.B Yeats Q41. Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” is a ____. 1. Comedy 2. Satire 3. Tragedy 4. Historical Play Q42. Who Wrote the first comedy in English Literature ? 1. John Heywood 2. Bishop Bale 3. Nicholas Udall 4. Thomas More Q43. Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse? 1. Alliterative Verse 2. Sonnet Form 3. Lambic Pentameter 4. Dactylic Hexameter Q44. Who wrote the book “Utopia”? 1. William Langland 2. Sir Thomas Malory 3. Geoffrey Chaucer 4. Sir Thomas More Q45. Which of the following is not a poetic tradition? 1. The Epic 2. The comic 3. The Occult 4. The Tragic Click to edit Master title style 10 English MCQs 10 Q46. What was the first fruit of renaissance? 1. Utopia 2. Tottel’s Miscellany 3. Canterbury Tales 4. The Divine Comedy Q47. What was the oldest period of English Literature? 1. Anglo Norman 2. Age of Chaucer 3. Anglo Saxon 4. Jacobean Period Q48. What is a funny poem of five lines called? 1. Quartet 2. Limerick 3. Sextet 4. Palindrome Q49. Who of the following is a famous epic poet in English Literature? 1. Charles Dickens 2. John Milton 3. Jonathan Swift 4. William Shakespeare Q50. Which was Marlowe’s First Play? 1. Doctor Faustus 2. Tamburlaine the Great 3. The Jew of Malta 4. Edward || Q51. Who wrote “The Four P’s”? 1. John Heywood 2. Bishop Bale 3. Nicholas Udall 4. Thomas More Click to edit Master title style 11 English MCQs 11 Q52. The Repetition of Beginning Consonant sound is known as- 1. Personification 2. Onomatopoeia 3. Alliteration 4. Rhyme Q53. Who wrote the “Waste Land”? 1. W.B. Yeats 2. Robert Frost 3. W.H Auden 4. T.S Eliot Q54. Who is the first sonnet writer in English Literature ? 1. William Shakespeare 2. Christopher Marlow 3. Sir Thomas Wyatt 4. Sir Thomas More Q55. “War and Peace” is a famous novel by which writer ? 1. George Bernard Shaw 2. Leo Tolstoy 3. Ernest Hemingway 4. Charles Dickens Q56. When din the renaissance start? 1. In 14th Century 2. In 15th Century 3. In 16th Century 4. In 17th Century Q57. Who is the author of the prose “Le Morte D’Arthur”? 1. Lord Tennyson 2. Thomas Malory 3. William Dunbar 4. Geoffrey Chaucer Click to edit Master title style 12 “ “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to than I have ever known.” - A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens 12 Click to edit Master title style 13 Thank You uploads/s3/ english-mcqs-for-ugc-net-true-blue-guide.pdf
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