LA VILLE RAYÉE Adventures close to home, 2010. Edition : Gallery S. Bensimon, P

LA VILLE RAYÉE Adventures close to home, 2010. Edition : Gallery S. Bensimon, Paris / Prototype : Galerie du jour agnès b, Paris. Adventures close to home is a nest of white ash tables. Designed to support single objects such as a mug, a laptop or a plant pot, the tables can also be stacked to form domestic totems. Adventures close to home combines hyperfunctionalism and design reminiscent of architectural patterns. LA VILLE RAYÉE La Ville Rayée is a group of architecture formed by David Apheceix (1984), Benjamin Lafore (1983) et Sébastien Martinez-Barat (1983) in 2006. They live and work in Paris, France Projects 2013 Surface for Work and Production, Super Window Project, Bordeaux 2011 Walls Regime, Le Pré Saint-Gervais, France Super Window, Pantin, France Hôtel de Cléry, Toulouse, France Stanzes, JCDecaux, La Défense, France Grandi BianchiI, with Bernard Dubois (architect), Galerie Balice Hertling Dissolutions croisées, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz, France 2010 Scene of two, 72, Forest Road, London, United Kingdom Group Form, Centre Pompidou-Metz For Loop, Cité internationale de la Tapisserie d’Aubusson Réalisation d’un paravent en tapisserie d’Aubusson Appel à projet Le Moulin, Galleria Continua (San Gimignano, Beijing, Le Moulin), Moulin Sainte-Marie, Boissy-Le-Châtel, France. Adventures Close to Home, galerie du jour / agnès b, Paris et Gallery Serge Bensimon, Paris France Half modern, half something else, Super Window Project, Kyoto, Japan Soshi Matsunobe (artiste) 2009 Tour Nuage, Tokyo, Japan New Moulin Rouge, 82, boulevard de Clichy, Paris, France Les Protagonistes, Monstre magazine, Paris, France Les Communautés de l’Instant N°3, La Java, Paris, France Les Communautés de l’Instant N°2, Point Ephémère, Paris, France Les Communautés de l’Instant N°1, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France Assorted swimming pools, Kaiserin magazine, Paris, France 2008 Models, Galerie le 22, Toulouse Now Better Than New, with Mathieu Mercier, Biennale d’art contemporain du Havre, Le Havre, France Panorama, project for Mathieu Mercier, Paris, France 2007 La Communauté qui vient, Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Paris, France Global Warming Ready, project Shön, project Plus fort que moi, Air Garten Gallery, Berlin, Germany Sur la paille, Concours Petits Archi, Paris, France Group exhibitions 2013 Géométrie Variable, Domaine Les Crayères, Reims, France. Curator : Baron Osuna Le terrain, Galerie Spéciale, Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture, Paris France. Curators : Adrien Durrmeyer & Max Turnheim 2011 De l’hétérogène (ou pas), Art & Rapy, Monte-Carlo, Monaco Global Warming Ready, 2006 Global Warming Ready is a critical fiction offering a post-capitalist vision of the tower-type object. The radical accumulation of program and the structural exaggeration turn this tower into a billboard of itself. Now Better Than New, 2008, Le Havre Biennal, in collaboration with Mathieu Mercier. On Auguste Perret square, facing the Oscar Niemeyer volcano, seven containers in a “modern” white are piled high as an echo to the city of Le Havre’s brutalist architecture. As the Biennal epicenter, Now Better Than New accommodates a temporary reception, meeting room and bookshop. Plus fort que moi, 2006 Mixing vocabularies from both italian avant-gardes and Minimal Art, Plus fort que moiI revisits ergonomic seats from the 90’s, dedicated to the service industries production line subordinates. Its weak affordance forces the user to figure out the position to take. I am a monument, 2006 This update of the Robert Venturi drawing Sketch Proposal for a Monument is a request to quote the site of knowledge production, the possibility of objectivising the identity base of architectural production. Les Communautés de l’Instant, 2009, Centre Pompidou, Point Ephémère & La Java, Paris This project aims at mapping the nocturnal and party circuit communities. Upon making the choice to pose by a flag, each individual chooses a selective, temporary and contractual belonging to a community. Photos published on social networks quickly spread through avatar portraits and are widely commented. Here architecture is reduced to a media apparatus. It functions as a means of identity among small urban cliques. Tour Nuage, 2009 A block of architecture without attribute serving a romantic gesture. Shön, 2006 This stair-house is a transfiguration of “the architect’s house” as an apparatus to turn daily life into the spectacular. Shön enables its users to live on a slope in a flat terrain. Panorama, 2007, XXe arrondissement, Paris Panorama is the rooftop extension of a house designed as a residence and workshop for Mathieu Mercier. Conceived as the dynamic centre of various information, relational and technical networks, Panorama is a social performance space perched on the surrounding walls of an enclosed sky garden. Models, 2008, Galerie 22, Toulouse / Revue Poli, France The Models serie is a survey of the typical characters who live in architectural models. Out of their context, the politics of representation which shape these standard objects appear. Scene of Two, 2010, 72, Forest Road, London E8, Private client Located on a narrow 45 m2 plot of land, Scene of Two is a house for two inhabitants. The parallelogram-shaped plan and the height allow its integration in the victorian typology of the street. A spiral staircase whose axis is moved in a corner organizes the whole house. The domestic functions are set on a succession of trays, alternately stairs, furniture, floors, or roof-terrace. Scene of Two is a house without wall, an interior volume in a row where settlements are edicted following the topography of its floor. Group Form, 2010. Design culinaire : Julie Rothhahn, Centre Pompidou-Metz This summer restaurant for the Centre Pompidou-Metz is envisioned as a weak and diffuse micro-urbanism caught in the crowds mouvements. It aims at offering a continuous experience from the objects scale to the space and city scales. The traditional restaurant is deconstructed through a homothetic relationship between groups, tables and spaces. This apparatus wants to reveal the contradictions of the meal ceremony, both public and private, intimate and sociable. Dissolutions croisées, 2011, scenography of the Erre, Variations labyrinthiques exhibition Curators : Hélène Guenin, Guillaume Désanges. Lighting design : Lumières Studio Odile Soudant. Great Nave & Gallery 1, Centre Pompidou-Metz Grandi Bianchi, 2011, in collaboration with Bernard Dubois, Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris This ensemble of interior devices with an inherent genetic link is the central piece of the refurbishment of the gallery. An elementary storage unit, four voids in a block, is affected to comply with types and formats of furniture, from one scale to an other, until the limits of a room. Logics of formal manipulation specific to digital modelling are applied to the primitive logic of hard marble assembly, that undergoes stretchings and constrictions. The variation in marble thicknesses re-veals the amalgam behind the design of the object. © 354 photographers Le Moulin, 2010, BET : Turnbull Associés, Galleria Continua, Boissy-le-Châtel This former paper mill is going to be converted into an exceptional 27 000m2 art centre in the heart of the Parisian countryside. Its architectural qualities arise from the original mix of buildings representing different times and typologies. It is this mix that gives the site its unique identity, and the architectural project aims to maintain this dynamic nature. Small scale, elementary architectural objects, such as windows, stairs, railings, flirt with existing features to give them a new lease of life, while several new buildings are added to complete this centre of excellence. Bubbles, 2012, steel, glass, concrete, 600 x 600 cm. Unique. 35000 Euros Bubbles, 2012, steel, glass, concrete, 600 x 600 cm. Unique. 35000 Euros Rolls, 2012, steel, acrylic paint, oil paint, 200 x 80 x 50cm. Unique pieces. 11000 Euros. Bâtiment 3 & pavillons, 2012, Le Moulin, Galleria Continua, Boissy-le-Châtel L’ouverture au public de cet espace d’exposition de 1500 m2 amorce la réhabilitation du site du Moulin. Le protocole de rénovation engagé est une collection parfois dense, parfois clairsemée d’éléments nouveaux. Ces objets répondent à des problématiques locales, mais dans leur accumulation, leur couleur blanche, leur apparence familière participent à une unité disséminée. L’architecture est ici envisagée comme une vaste rumeur neutre qui crée un domaine propice à la cohabitation entre les vestiges industriels, les oeuvres d’art et les spectateurs. Oeuvres : Daniel Buren, Sislej Xhafa. Photographes : Yann Stofer, Oak Taylor-Smith. LA VILLE RAYÉE © 2013 SUPER WINDOW PROJECT / ALL RIGHTS RESERVED / WWW.SUPERWINDOWPROJECT.COM uploads/s3/ lavilleraye-e.pdf

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