VANISH OPENING NIGHT THURS OCT 12, THE LOCAL MAIN EVENT SAT OCT 14, ALL OVER HALIFAX & DARTMOUTH 100+ PROJECTS, 6PM - MIDNIGHT, FREE, NOCTURNEHALIFAX.CA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 GUIDE inside #NOCHFX NOCTURNE’S 10TH ANNIVERSARY THIS YEAR’S THEME: VANISH A NOTE FROM OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR W hat a difference 10 years makes, amiright!? On behalf of the Nocturne: art at night Board of Di- rectors, and all the organizing committees, we are excited to welcome you to the 10th edition of Nocturne! I would like to begin by thanking our 2017 curators, Anna Sprague and Emily Lawrence, who offered up the provocative theme of VANISH for Nocturne’s 10th year and who masterminded the Halifax Public Gardens anchor site. I hope you will spend some time there, but also experience all the other amazing proj- ects that are hosted on both sides of our harbour! An overwhelming ‘thank you’ to all the artists, com- munity groups, and galleries who have put long hours of planning and dedication into their projects. You should all feel very proud! I would also like to thank our hard working night-of volunteers who will be on the streets to help guide your way. A wholehearted ‘thank you’ also goes to our board members who work year-round to make this event a success. Thank you to our partners, sponsors, and funders, whose support is of undeniable value to the festival. Nocturne 2017 has existed in our imaginations for the past 364 days and now it is yours to experience and take in. This year’s theme aims at nudging you a bit forward into the realm of disbelief, was it there? Or was it a dream? A s a curatorial premise, the term VANISH alludes to both the ephemeral nature of the Nocturne experience and the shifting focus that occurs as new or forgotten memo- ries are transposed over prevalent narratives and pasts. VANISH is not erasure or removal, but an act of distancing or blurring. VANISH is slow magic — a camera lens slowly adjust- ing its focus. In 2017, as we usher in a year punctuated with celebrations of significant moments in Canadian history, it is important to take time to reflect on the complex nature of cultural remembrance. As a means to creatively dis- rupt the dominant narratives that have come to define the city’s complex history, VANISH seeks to re-envision familiar public spaces throughout Halifax and Dartmouth as phan- tasmagoric alternative realities. Our poster, designed again by Pierre Tab- biner, is indicative of that foggy feeling one gets as a lens turns, and the subject comes to focus. As the night vanishes, Nocturne does too. Anna Sprague Curator Anna sprague is a performance artist, creative facilitator, and faculty member at NSCAD University. In tandem with a provocative use of sculptural materials, bizarre props, and outlandish costumes, her art practice explores collaborative performance, public intervention, and site-specific installation as a means of critically engaging with site and history. anna holds degrees in English Literature (Mount Allison Uni- versity, Sackville, NB) and Fine Arts (Concordia University, Montreal, QC) and has a love for lowercase letters and underwhelming coinci- dences. Emily Lawrence Curator Emily is an artist, facilitator, and community organizer. She has cu- rated and coordinated several projects on behalf of arts organizations, including Eyelevel Gallery and the PEI Crafts Council. She is currently a member of Eyelevel Gallery’s Engagement Committee, and was a se- lected artist for the 2017/2018 NSCAD Community Studio Residency at the MacPhee Centre for Creative Learning in Dartmouth, NS. Her experiential approach to creating immersive environments, sculpture, and production design hinges on humour, food, and the senses as conduits to the underlying feminist and cultural curiosities that fuels her work. LINDSAY ANN CORY Executive Director @lindsayanncory 2 • NOCTURNE GUIDE 2017 MESSAGES #NOCHFX HONOURABLE STEPHEN MCNEIL, M.L.A Premier @StephenMcNeil A message from the Premier On behalf of the Province of Nova Scotia, I am pleased to welcome you to the 2017 Nocturne: Art at Night, one of Nova Scotia’s pre- mier events. Arts and culture are integral to life in Nova Scotia: For centuries they have inspired us, moved us, entertained us, and linked us as com- munities. Nocturne: Art at Night has become a highlight of the art calendar in this province, introducing thousands of residents and visitors to the beautiful, the innovative and the awe-inspiring. Our Province is proud to once again support Nocturne. The festival brings art to public spaces and to a new and wider audience, helping to develop interest, awareness and understanding. Congratulations to the organizers on your hard work to make 2017 another successful year. To Nocturne visitors, I wish you great enjoyment of this unique celebration of art. MIKE SAVAGE Mayor @MikeSavageHFX A message from the Mayor I’m delighted to welcome art en- thusiasts of all ages, interests, and experiences to Nocturne: Art at Night 10th anniversary VANISH. An evening of art and wonder, the festival brings art and energy to our streets offering an incredible opportunity to experience Halifax and Dartmouth in a whole new light. We have a rich and vibrant arts and culture community here in our region and I encourage you to share in this celebration of our extraordinary art scene by taking the time to visit the many diverse galleries, artists, and organizations that make this event truly memorable. I want to acknowledge, with gratitude, the artists for shar- ing their incredible works and commend event organizers, volunteers, and sponsors for making this highly antici- pated evening the great success it is! Board of Directors Chairperson & Corporate Secretary Dary Jessome Director (Treasurer) Diana Walsh Director (Human Resources) Stephen Pamenter Director (Programming) Kelly Markovich Director (Communications) Lucie Taussig Director (Communications) Brianne Bezanson Director (Marketing) Wynne Van Thielen Director (Volunteers) Yeha Ahn Director (At Large) Gabriel Soligo STAFF Executive Director Lindsay Ann Cory Graphic Designer Pierre Tabbiner 2017 Official Photographers Topher and Rae Studios Stoo Metz Kylee Nunn Programming Committee Chris Shapones Morgan Salter Katherine Nakaska Adrian Fish Andrew Coll Grace Laemmler Ozana Gherman FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA @NocturneHalifax NOCTURNE 2016 NOCTURNE GUIDE 2017 • 3 IMPORTANT INFORMATION #NOCHFX Once again we bring you The Hub: a place to start your Nocturne experience or to drop in on along your journey through Nocturne. Located in the Natural History Museum parking lot (1747 Summer St), stop by to grab a bite to eat, see more art, buy an of- ficial Nocturne tee, grab a guide, or get more information. The Hub is a perfect stop to include on your path: there will be a ton (and we mean it) of Nocturne projects at the Natural History Museum this year! GET YOUR OFFICIAL NOCTURNE TEE Back and better than ever, we have part- nered with Fresh Prints to bring our 2017 Nocturne branding to life in the form of a tee shirt. Just $10! Support Nocturne and look cool at the same time. Sales are cash-only at The Hub or cash, credit, and debit are accepted at Fresh Prints (2411 Agricola St). INFO Got a question about Nocturne? The Hub is not only a place to pass through, but it is also a place to get in the know! We will have dedicated volunteers on site to answer your questions about the festival and guide you in the direction of nearby projects. We will have Nocturne programs on site for you to pick up and volunteers to help you guide your way! A BOLD NEW BREW Make sure you get your hands on the brand new Nocturne Black IPA brewed by Propel- ler Brewing Co. This new interpretation of the beloved Nocturne beer is sure to please! 100% of the profits from this beer go to- wards Nocturne so, if you are of age, make sure you try one at your local bar or brewery! it all starts at the hub Located at the Natural History Museum All aboard! Your favourite Ferry-oke hits the seas this October 14th. Live out your dreams of rock’n’roll stardom! Join CBC’s Weekend Mornings host Bill Roach on board as you belt out you favourite tune, shake a tambourine, and sway to the music – or the waves –while journeying across the Halifax harbour to ex- perience all that Nocturne has to offer. Just $2.50 for the tunes and the tides! Follow us @HFXFerryoke on Twitter and Instagram! Nocturne will have two free, chartered Halifax Transit buses available to the public that will follow a route mapped out spe- cially to stop close to Nocturne projects in Halifax. Grab a group of friends and plot a spe- cial Nocturne route; no need to worry about parking! Buses are wheelchair accessible and run approximately every 20 minutes with the first bus leaving from Pier 21 at 6:00pm. There will be Nocturne volunteers on the bus ready to answer any of your questions. You can even check out Alex Pearson’s Nocturne Project: D/A A/D while on board! Turn to the back page in this guide to see the entire uploads/s3/ nocturne-guide-2017.pdf

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