1 Oracle® Application Testing Suite Installation Guide Release E55188-

1 Oracle® Application Testing Suite Installation Guide Release E55188-03 April 2015 This document explains the installation procedures for the Oracle Application Testing Suite. If you have any questions or problems, please contact our support group at http://www.oracle.com/support/index.html. Contents This document has the following sections: ■ Contents ■ Installing the Applications on Windows Machines ■ Installing the Applications on Linux Machines ■ Installing the Oracle Load Testing Remote Agent ■ Preparing for a "Clean" Installation ■ Installing over beta versions or earlier releases of Oracle Application Testing Suite ■ Installing OLT/OTM after OpenScript Only Install ■ Documentation Accessibility Installing the Applications on W indows M achines You can install Oracle Application Testing Suite from the product download zip file. Caution: The machines where the OpenScript product is installed should be strictly used for testing. The security features of the browsers have been disabled on this machine to enable recording and playback operations. The browsers cannot be used for secure browsing. Note: The user should have privileges to create, remove, and change files in all subdirectories of JREs with JRE 1.6.45+ and from 7u21 to 7u45 (excluding). For example, C:\program files (x86)\java\jre7 and its subdirectory or subdirectories. 2 From the Oracle Web site: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/oem/app-test/index.html 1. Select and download the Oracle Application Testing Suite zip file(s) from the web site and save it to a temporary directory on your hard disk. ■ oats-win32-full-version.zip: Full installation plus all prerequisites (Oracle Application Testing Suite, Product documentation PDF files, WebLogic Server 11gR2 developer edition, Oracle Database Express Edition 11g (32-bit version), .NET Framework 2.0, Eclipse 3.4.1, Sun JRE 1.6.0_07, Oracle JRockit ■ oats-win64-full-version.zip: Full installation plus all prerequisites (Oracle Application Testing Suite, Product documentation PDF files, WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.5) developer edition, Oracle Database Express Edition 11g (64-bit version), .NET Framework 2.0, Eclipse 3.4.1, Sun JRE 1.6.0_07, Oracle JRockit ■ oats-win32-micro-version.zip: Oracle Application Testing Suite and product documentation PDF files without prerequisites. For new installations or upgrading a previous release. If upgrading from a version older than 9.1, use the Complete Install. ■ oats-win32-openscript-quick-install-version.zip: Oracle OpenScript only installation. ■ oats-docs-version.zip: Oracle Application Testing Suite documentation PDF files. 2. Unzip the downloaded file and run the setup.bat file for Oracle Application Testing Suite. Run install-openscript.bat to run the OpenScript only installation. The OpenScript only installer does not support "upgrade" installation (i.e. installing "over" a previous install). In order to reinstall OpenScript only, you must first uninstall any existing OpenScript installation. See Section , "Uninstalling the Applications from Windows Machines" and Section , "Step 4: Remove Environment Variable and Browser Properties File" for additional information. Note: As of version, Oracle Application Testing Suite no longer supports Oracle Database XE 10g. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Oracle Application Testing Suite and are using Oracle Database XE 10g, you must migrate your data to Oracle Database XE 11g before starting the Oracle Application Testing Suite upgrade procedure. If you start the upgrade procedure with Oracle Database XE 10g installed, you will receive a warning message allowing you to cancel the installation. See the following location for information about migrating the data: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17781_01/index.htm Note: The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 must be installed prior to installing Oracle Application Testing Suite for Windows 8 or Windows 2012 Server. If you are using Windows 8 or Windows 2012 Server, you must download and install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 before installing Oracle Application Testing Suite. 3 3. Follow the setup instructions to install the Oracle Application Testing Suite or Oracle OpenScript only application. During the installation for Oracle Application Testing Suite you will be asked to provide a master password. Remember this password. The master password specified during installation is used to set all of the following user passwords: ■ Oracle Test Manager users "default" and "administrator". ■ Oracle Load Testing users "default" and "administrator". ■ User "JMSAdmin" used for Oracle Load Testing agent to controller authentication. ■ User "oats" for Weblogic Server - this is a Weblogic superuser. ■ User "oats-agent" in Weblogic Server for JMS communication between agent and controller - this is not a Weblogic superuser. ■ Database users "oats", "olt", "otm". ■ Database users (XE's defaults) "system" or "sys". When upgrading Oracle Application Testing Suite from a previous version, the installation process may display a Confirm message indicating the Oracle Test Manager schema is an older version and must be upgraded to the latest version. The Note: Important: Windows Vista, 2008 or Windows 7 users, select Run as Administrator from the right-click shortcut menu. This is required process for the Operating Systems that have User Account Control (UAC) enabled. Notes: When installing Oracle Application Testing Suite server components on a machine that: 1. has no previous version of Oracle Application Testing Suite installed, AND 2. has Oracle Enterprise Edition database installed, make sure to choose the "Custom Installation" option and specify the connection credentials for your Oracle Enterprise Edition database. If you choose "Complete Installation", Oracle Application Testing Suite will install Oracle XE database, which may not run properly alongside Oracle Enterprise Edition database on the same machine. If you install Oracle Database 12c before installing Oracle Application Testing Suite, you must clear the "Create a Container Database" option (which is selected by default) in the Oracle Universal Installer. If you install Oracle Database 12c with the "Create a Container Database" option setting enabled, the Oracle Application Testing Suite installation fails with the error "invalid common user or role name Exception in thread Main Thread". However, if you install Oracle Database 12c with the "Create a Container Database" option disabled, Oracle Application Testing Suite can be installed successfully. Oracle Application Testing Suite does not support the new "multitenant container database" feature which was introduced in Oracle Database 12c. 4 message recommends making a backup of the schema and requires you to select the I have a backup of the schema I am about to upgrade checkbox before proceeding. If you do not have a backup of the schema click No to exit the installation and make a backup of the schema before proceeding. See the "Exporting and Importing Databases" section of the Configuring Databases chapter of the Oracle Test Manager User’s Guide or online help for information about backing up the database. If you do have a backup of the schema, select the I have a backup of the schema I am about to upgrade checkbox and click Yes to proceed with the installation. If the upgrade procedure detects any problems with the database (such as duplicate records or incorrect sequence values) it will automatically correct the problems. Manually Configuring the Installation The above installation procedure for Oracle Application Testing Suite setup.bat in oats-full-version.zip installs the applications, database, and Web server. If during the installation procedure you select the Do nothing, I will configure Oracle Application Testing Suite later (advanced) option you will need to manually create the database schema. If there is no database installed and you will not be using a remote database, you will need to install Oracle XE or EE on the local machine. Install an Oracle Database or acquire the hostname, port, instance, and credentials for an existing one. If WebLogic Server is not installed on the local machine, you must download Weblogic 11gR1P2 (10.3.5) from download.oracle.com and install it. Install Weblogic 11gR1P2 (10.3.5) on your local machine or acquire the location on your local machine of a Weblogic instance of the same version. To manually configure Weblogic and create the database schema: 1. Create the following environment variables: WL_HOME=The location of your Weblogic home (typically C:\Oracle\Middleware\wls if it was installed with default options). MW_HOME=The location of your Weblogic root folder (typically C:\Oracle\Middleware if it was installed with default options). WLS_PW=Your master password. This will be used to set your admin password for Weblogic, as well as to create your Default and Administrator accounts in Oracle Load Testing and Oracle Test Manager. DB_HOST=The location of your database. DB_NAME=The name of the database that Oracle Application Testing Suite will use. For XE installations, the name is typically XE. For EE installation this will depend on your installation settings. DB_PORT=The port of your database (typically 1521). DB_USER=The admin user of your database (typically "system"), DB_PASS=The password of the database user. DB_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<hostname>:<port>/<servicename> 2. Run <installdir>\bin\install.bat. This will delete your previous OATS domain, if any, and recreate it. (If the install is fresh you do not need to run this .bat file.) 5 3. Change to directory %OATS_HOME%\bin and issue the following commands (in order): initConfig dbsetup config_ds unpack storeUser installSvc restartSvc "OracleATSServer" deploy %OATS_HOME%\install\oats.ear config_sec 4. Validate your installation by going to http://localhost:8088/olt and verify that you can successfully login (i.e. with credentials Default/master password) and use the product. Uninstalling the Applications from W indows Machines To uninstall the Oracle Application Testing Suite applications: 1. Select Uninstall Oracle Application Testing Suite from the Oracle Application Testing Suite Start menu. 2. Select OATS in the tree. 3. Click Remove. To uninstall the Oracle OpenScript only application: 1. Select Uninstall OpenScript from the uploads/s3/ oats-installation-guide.pdf

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