nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide 1 Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Techn
nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide 1 Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved. Table of Content Copyright Notice..................................................................................................................................... 2 1 Pre-installation Description........................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Hardware Requirements .............................................................................................. 3 1.2 Software Requirements: (**: recommended)................................................................ 3 2 Installation of JRE 1.2.2............................................................................................................. 5 3 Installation of SonicMQ 2000.1 Enterprise Edition.................................................................... 6 4 Installation of SQL Server.......................................................................................................... 7 5 Installation of Sun JSDK 2.0...................................................................................................... 8 6 Installation of Apache ................................................................................................................ 9 7 Installation of Apache Tomcat.................................................................................................. 10 8 Installation of nTegrate .............................................................................................................11 9 Customization for SonicMQ 2000.1......................................................................................... 12 9.1 Configuration .............................................................................................................. 12 9.2 SonicMQ Database Installation .................................................................................. 13 9.3 Initiation ................................................................................................................... 13 9.4 Shutdown ................................................................................................................... 15 10 Customization for SQL Server................................................................................................. 16 11 Customization for Apache........................................................................................................ 19 12 Customization for Apache Tomcat........................................................................................... 20 13 Configuration File (ntegrate.conf) Settings.............................................................................. 22 14 Configuration of nTegrate Analyzer ......................................................................................... 25 15 Configuration of nTegrate Plug-ins.......................................................................................... 26 16 Other Environment Settings .................................................................................................... 28 17 nTegrate Server Invocation ..................................................................................................... 30 18 Upgrade nTegrate.................................................................................................................... 33 Appendix A: Configuration of nTegrate Cluster .................................................................................... 35 Appendix B: Shutdown nTegrate Server Gracefully............................................................................. 36 2 nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved. Copyright Notice Copyright © 2000 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc.™, all rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. nSolution™, nTegrate™, nProcure™ and nSchedule™ are trademarks of NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc.™. Third-Party Trademarks: All other trademarks, trade names, product names or company names referenced herein are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners. No part of this publication, with the exception of the software product user documentation contained on a CD-ROM, may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable from without prior written consent of NetEmpower. Licenses may duplicate the software product user documentation contained on a CD-ROM, but only to the extent necessary to support the reproduction of the documentation, regardless of whether the documentation is reproduced in whole or in part, must be accompanied by this copyright statement in its entirety, without modification. No warranty The software, documents, information, and materials in this publication are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The contents of this publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. NetEmpower Software Technologies may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. It is acknowledged that the Software and the Documentation were developed at private expense, that no part is in the public domain, and that the Software and Documentation are Commercial Computer Software provided with RESTRICED RIGHTS under Federal Acquisition Regulations and agency supplements to them. Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFAR 252.227-7013 et. seq. or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software restricted Rights at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. Contractor is NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., 562 Weddell Drive Suite 8, Sunnyvale, California 94089. Rights are reserved under copyright laws of the United States with respect to unpublished portions of the Software. NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc. ™ 562 Weddell Drive Suite 8 Sunnyvale, California 94089 nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide 3 Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved. 1 Pre-installation Description This installation guide can be used in server or client installation. In server CD package, it contains both server and client. Before you install nTegrate, you must read the hardware and software requirements carefully to reduce installation problems. In addition, it is very important for you to read the license agreement enclosed with CD package. Besides, with nTegrate v1.2, it’s possible for you to construct cluster machines to work as secondary servers. For cluster machine installation, please refer to Appendix A in this Installation Guide. 1.1 Hardware Requirements For nTegrate: (**: recommended) Component Server Client CPU Pentium III-600 or above (**) Pentium III-600 or above (**) Memory Minimum 256MB or 512MB (**) Minimum 128MB or 256MB (**) Hard Disk Minimum 700MB Minimum 50MB Communication Internet connection Internet connection VGA 256 color mode or higher 256 color mode or higher For SonicMQ: (**: recommended) Component Server CPU Pentium III-600 or above (**) Memory Minimum 256MB Hard Disk Minimum 500MB Communication Internet connection VGA 256 color mode or higher 1.2 Software Requirements: (**: recommended) Component Server Client Operating System (OS) NT Server 4.0, Service Pack 5 or above (e.g. SP6a, **) One of the followings: NT Workstation 4.0, Service Pack 5 or above (e.g. SP6a, **) Windows 98 Runtime Environment Sun Java Runtime Environment 1.2.2 (JRE 1.3 is not applicable) Sun Java Runtime Environment 1.2.2 (JRE 1.3 is not applicable) Data Base MS SQL 7.0 Standard Edition N/A Web Server Apache Server 1.3.12 Jserv 1.1.2 N/A 4 nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved. Browser MS Internet Explorer 5.0 or above MS Internet Explorer 5.0 or above Messaging Ware Sonic MQ 2000.1 Enterprise Edition (Patch Build 1815) N/A Note: Copies of Apache Web Server, Java Virtual Machine, and JDK 1.2.2 may be downloaded from Apache's and Sun's websites. Besides the standard plug-ins provided by nTegrate, to enable business processes, the required new application development is performed under Java Development Kit (currently JDK 1.2.2) and Java Servlet Development Kit (currently JSDK 2.0) Environment. The clients with the H/W and S/W requirements mentioned above can conduct system administration, process building, and process management. Process performers who conduct just approval processes need only a web-enabled environment (connecting to Internet) to perform the approval processes. The hardware requirement for SonicMQ is mandatory for B2B scenario (i.e., multiple partners involved), but is optional for the case of single company. For the former scenario, SonicMQ must be on the DMZ (De-Militarized Zone), i.e., between firewall and Intranet, so that SonicMQ can be accessed from Internet. Therefore, it is strongly recommended (or mandatory for customer security sake) to have SonicMQ and nTegrate separated, i.e., SonicMQ at DMZ and nTegrate at intranet. For the later scenario, it is fine to have nTegrate and SonicMQ on the same machine. However, because SonicMQ requires at least 256MB memory, it is recommended to have 512 MB memory on that machine. nTegrate server is Web-enabled to use URL for file access. Therefore, a Web server (i.e., Apache Server 1.3.12) should be installed on the same machine as nTegrate server, especially for this release V1.0. It is not required to have the nTegrate repository database (i.e., MS SQL 7.0 Standard Edition) installed on the same machine. To enable business processes, the required application programs provided by System Integration team or in-house IT team are developed under Java Development Kit (currently JDK 1.2.2) and Java Servlet Development Kit (currently JSDK 2.0) Environment. These application programs include Java servlets to kick off process models and/or to perform approval activities from Web servers. These Web servers can be located at intranet or DMZ. The clients with the above-mentioned hardware and software requirements can conduct system administration, process building, and process management. Those process performers, who just conduct approval activities, only need a web-enabled environment (connecting nTegrate server via Internet) to perform the tasks. nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide 5 Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved. 2 Installation of JRE 1.2.2 JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 1.2.2 for Windows is freeware. 2.1 Run jre1_2_2_-006-win-i.exe to install JRE 1.2.2. If installed with default value, it will be installed under c:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.2. It’s subject to change according to your change while installation. <JREInstalledLocation> will be used later in this Installation Guide to represent where you install your JRE. You may also install JDK 1.2.2 instead of JRE1.2. Next, you need to relax security checking within its Java2 VM for RMI calls in nTegrate: 2.2 Add two more permission lines into c:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.2\lib\security\java.policy (or <JREInstalledLocation>\lib\security\java.policy ) for JRE1.2; or <jdkInstalledLocation>\jre\lib\security\java.policy for JDK 1.2.2.: (A) Find the following statement: grant { permission java.security.AllPermission; }; (B) Add two lines and make it become: grant { permission java.security.AllPermission; permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread"; permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup"; }; 6 nTegrate (v1.2) Installation Guide Copyright © 2001 NetEmpower Software Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved. 3 Installation of SonicMQ 2000.1 Enterprise Edition 3.1 Run \SonicMQ\setup.bat If installed with default value, it will be installed under c:\Program Files\Progress_SonicMQ. It’s subject to change according to your change while installation. <SonicMQInstalledLocation> will be used later to represent the really location where you install your SonicMQ. 3.2 Run \SonicMQ\Patch\setup.bat (A) Click Next in the “Welcome” window. (B) Click “Accept all terms of the license” and click Next in the “Agreement for Software License” window. (C) Enter the License Key and click Next in the “Control Number” window. (D) Click Next in the “Product Information” window. (E) Click Next in the “README Information” window. (F) Click Next in the “Broker uploads/s3/ installation-guide 44 .pdf
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