1 PROGRESSIONS HARMONISEES EN CLASSE DE TROISIEME FRANÇAIS PERIODE GRAMMAIRE CONJUGAISON ORTHOGRAPHE VOCABULAIRE ETUDE DE TEXTES/ŒUVRES EXPRESSION ECRITE Octobre- novembre Révisions : Classe grammaticale des mots Les accents La ponctuation La pronominalisatio n La mise en relief Le groupe fonctionnel Révision Valeur et emplois des temps Indicatif Subjonctif Impératif Conditionnel Accord simple du participe passé Accord du participe passé suivi de l’infinitif Accord du participe passé des verbes pronominaux Dérivation Homonymes synonymes Paronymes antonymes Typologie des textes Narratif Descriptif Une si longue lettre de Mariama BA 1 fiche de lecture 2production de textes Narratif descriptif EVALUATION INTEGREE A LA DICTEE OU LA TSQ REPUBLIQUE DU SENEGAL Un Peuple – Un But – Une Foi ********** Ministère de l’Education Nationale ********** Inspection d’Académie de Kaffrine ********** CRFPE DE KAFFRINE ********** E-mail : prf.kaff@yahoo.fr Téléphone : 776541971/705601599 2 Novembre- décembre Rappel : verbes transitifs et intransitifs Les voix et tournures Le passif La forme pronominale La tournure impersonnelle Tous les modes personnels (morphologie) Pluriel des noms Noms composés Accord des adjectifs de couleur Accord du verbe avec son sujet Le champ lexical Le champ sémantique Connotation dénotation Typologie des textes (suite) Argumentatif Une si longue lettre de Mariama Ba Exercice de production (entrainement à la dissertation en insistant sur les étapes ; production par palier) EVALUATION INTEGREE A LA DICTEE OU LA TSQ Fin janvier- fin mars Rappel : Phrase simple, phrase complexe Juxtaposition coordination, subordination Infinitifs et participiales Relative Complétive par QUE Proposition Interrogative indirecte Les types de discours La subordonnée infinitive, la subordonnée participiale Autres modes Séances hebdomadaires de dictées Etude de quelque figures de style Comparaison Métaphore personnification A de Saint Exupéry Texte argumentatif Les écrits sociaux Le rapport Le CV La demande d’emplois La lettre de motivation EVALUATION INTEGREE A LA DICTEE OU LA TSQ 3 Récitation : cette activité est à évaluer systématiquement si l’on veut la valoriser. Cependant, les moments d’évaluations peuvent être laissés à l’appréciation du professeur. Supports : extraits de tirades, chanson, musique Méthodologie : Travailler à la maitrise de la dramatisation des textes. Choisir des textes motivants pour les élèves (environnement + âge). Initier les élèves à l’écriture poétique (en rapport avec les travaux d’expression écrite). Initier à la diversité des styles, des tons, des genres de textes. Travailler la dicton, faire de la phonétique corrective Avril-fin mai L’expression du temps L’expression de la cause et de conséquence L’expression du but L’expression de l’opposition L’expression de le condition L’expression de la comparaison La versification Concordance des temps Séances hebdomadaires de dictées Etude de quelque figures de style (suite) Ironie Chiasme Anaphore emphase Vol de nuit A Saint Exupéry Production de textes Argumentatif La dissertation EVALUATION 4 ANGLAIS 4ème Les points ci-dessous doivent obligatoirement être couverts avant la fin du PREMIER SEMESTRE en classe de 4eme PREMIER QUART TEMPS :( OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER) TOPICS SKILLS Pupils will be able to FUNCTIONS/NOTIONS GRAMMAR Pupils will learn these grammar points PHONOLOGY Pupils will be introduced to these aspects of pronunciation 1/ PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION - Name, first name, surname, terms of address, address, nationality, country of origin, telephone number, date and place of birth, age, sex, religion, ethnic group, likes, dislikes, character, temperament, disposition -Family: relationships, profession, occupation, members of the family - relations, visits to families /friends/strangers 1/ Listening and Speaking  listen and understand comparatively more complex everyday English  speak fairly effectively to native speakers using formal or informal English 2/ Reading - read and understand comparatively simple authentic texts 3/ Writing - Write fairly longer pieces of composition (narrative, descriptive, argumentative) in various formats (letters, stories, articles, essays, ads .) 1 1)Pupils will learn to Socialize - Make introductions exple : This is, May I introduce you to, I’d like you to meet, how do you do? ) - - Greet people formally/informally - Use expressions of welcome and leave taking - Attract someone's attention - Interrupt another speaker politely, ask someone to repeat something 1) All verb tenses 2) Either /or ..neither / nor 3) I wish You ….. 4) The imperative 1)Discriminating sounds in connected speech : -Vowels, consonants, diphthongs - Strong and weak forms -Neutralization of weak forms 5 TOPICS SKILLS Pupils will be able to FUNCTIONS/NOTIONS GRAMMAR Pupils will learn these grammar points PHONOLOGY Pupils will be introduced to these aspects of pronunciation 2/ CITY LIFE - Public notices - Places: Government buildings, Squares, Entertainment and places of entertainment: cinemas, stadiums, theaters, etc. - Public Services: Post- Office, Police Station, petrol station, museums, galleries, exhibitions, harbor, book shops, bus station, railway station, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, markets, shops, banks, supermarkets, 1/ Listening and Speaking  listen and understand comparatively more complex everyday English  speak fairly effectively to native speakers using formal or informal English 2/ Reading - read and understand comparatively simple authentic texts 3/ Writing - Write fairly longer pieces of composition (narrative, descriptive, argumentative) in various formats (letters, stories, articles, essays, ads .) 2)Pupils will learn to Impart and Seek Factual Information - Describe places, people, size, daily routines, physical characteristics of things, impressions - Ask, talk about the past, and make arrangements - Explain, define, illustrate, classify. 1) Question tags 2) Comparatives. 3) Double comparatives: Expl. He grows fatter and fatter 2/ Articulating sounds in isolate words forms: -Long and short vowels -Consonants -Consonant clusters - Diphthongs TOPICS SKILLS Pupils will be able to FUNCTIONS/NOTIONS GRAMMAR Pupils will learn these grammar points PHONOLOGY Pupils will be introduced to these aspects of pronunciation 3/ VILLAGE LIFE - Crafts, occupations - Cattle breeding and Crops 1/ Listening and Speaking  listen and understand comparatively more complex everyday English 3)Pupils will learn to Express and Find out Moral Attitudes - Apologizing - Expressing approval 1) Nouns – countables and uncountables 2) Reported commands: 3)Discriminating sounds in connected speech : - Strong and weak forms -Neutralization of weak 6 - Fishing  speak fairly effectively to native speakers using formal or informal English 2/ Reading - read and understand comparatively simple authentic texts 3/ Writing - Write fairly longer pieces of composition (narrative, descriptive, argumentative) in various formats (letters, stories, articles, essays, ads .) - Expressing appreciation, indifference, regret, preference exples: he asks me not to…. The teacher told me to…. 3) negative sentences with not, never, no, nothing forms -Reduction of unstressed vowels PREMIER DEVOIR DU PREMIER SEMESTRE (DECEMBRE) DEUXIEME QUART TEMPS : (JANVIER- FEVRIER) 7 TOPICS SKILLS Pupils will be able to FUNCTIONS/NOTIONS GRAMMAR Pupils will learn these grammar points PHONOLOGY Pupils will be introduced to these aspects of pronunciation 4 / TRAVEL AND EXPLORATION - Communications - Stories of Imagination - Tourism: Holiday camps, national sites, transportation 1/ Listening and Speaking  listen and understand comparatively more complex everyday English  speak fairly effectively to native speakers using formal or informal English 2/ Reading - read and understand comparatively simple authentic texts 3/ Writing - Write fairly longer pieces of composition (narrative, descriptive, argumentative) in various formats (letters, stories, articles, essays, ads .) -Granting/asking for forgiveness -Expressing disapproval 1)Interrogative sentences ( Yes , No questions and WH questions) 2)Pronoun reference 3) Adverbs 4) If clauses: first conditional (If I have I will…) 4)Articulation sounds in connected speech: -Strong and weak forms -Reduction of unstressed vowels -Rising tone with Yes/No interrogative clauses -Falling tone with WH- questions DEUXIEME DEVOIR DU PREMIER SEMESTRE: ( JANVIER) COMPOSITION DU PREMIER SEMESTRE : (DU1 ER FEVRIER AU 15 FEVRIER) 8 Les points ci-dessous doivent obligatoirement être couverts avant la fin du SECOND SEMESTRE en classe de 4ème TROISIEME QUART TEMPS : ( MARS – AVRIL) TOPICS SKILLS Pupils will be able to FUNCTIONS/NOTIONS GRAMMAR Pupils will learn these grammar points PHONOLOGY Pupils will be introduced to these aspects of pronunciation 5/ CAREERS AND EMPLOYMENT - Crafts, jobs, trades, professions, occupations, means of finding employment, behavior pattern in various situations 1/ Listening and Speaking  listen and understand comparatively more complex everyday English  speak fairly effectively to native speakers using formal or informal English 2/ Reading - read and understand comparatively simple authentic texts 3/ Writing - Write fairly longer pieces of composition (narrative, descriptive, argumentative) in various formats (letters, stories, articles, essays, ads .) 4)Get things done (Suasion) - Requesting others to do something- - Warning others to take care/refrain from doing something 1)Modals 2)Make +NP + base( inf) 5/ Discriminating Stress Patterns within words TOPICS SKILLS Pupils will be able to FUNCTIONS/NOTIONS GRAMMAR Pupils will learn these grammar points PHONOLOGY Pupils will be introduced to these aspects of 9 pronunciation 6/ CULTURAL HERITAGE - Cult, religion (Church, mosque), traditional religions - Beliefs, customs, ceremonies - Arts, holidays, festivals 1/ Listening and Speaking  listen and understand comparatively more complex everyday English  speak fairly effectively to native speakers using formal or informal English 2/ Reading - read and understand comparatively simple authentic texts 3/ Writing - Write fairly longer pieces of composition (narrative, descriptive, argumentative) in various formats (letters, stories, articles, essays, ads .) -Suggesting a course of action including the speaker EX:-Should we…..? -What about doing…? -Why not do….? uploads/s3/ sp-ts2.pdf

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