(ver.1-2021) European Papers Carnets européens – Quaderni europei – Cuadernos E

(ver.1-2021) European Papers Carnets européens – Quaderni europei – Cuadernos Europeos www.europeanpapers.eu Style Guide I. General style rules Format – Please use the relevant template available on the European Papers’ website, at the following links: • e-Journal: www.europeanpapers.eu/en/content/submitting-manuscripts-e-journal • Forum: www.europeanpapers.eu/en/content/submitting-highlights-and-insights-european-forum Spelling: use British English spelling Front page – Please make sure that the front page includes: • title (and its translation in English in case of contributions in French, Italian or Spanish); • qualification, main affiliation and e-mail address; • table of contents; • abstract, always in English, max 250 words; • six keywords in English. Italic must be used for all words from a different language than that of the manuscript, including Latin expressions (e.g. ibidem, passim, infra) and to emphasize. Bold characters and underlining are not allowed. Capitalization – Keep the use of capitalized letters to a minimum. Use them for proper nouns, including those of institutions, bodies and organs of international organizations or States. Quotations: • use only upper double quotation marks (“example”); • punctuation should be placed outside quotation marks; • use single quotation marks for internal quotations; • quotations of more than 70 words should be included in a new paragraph (see templates). Omissis, integrations and text modifications – Use square brackets for omissis or to integrate/modify words within a quotation. Footnotes – Position footnotes after punctuation, without any space in-between. Numbers – Use words for numbers from 1 to 9 and Arabic numerals from 10 onwards. Symbols – Do not use symbols (e.g. per cent instead of %). II. Abbreviations Do not use acronyms in the first occurrence. Provide the name in extenso of the relevant institution, organization or body. In subsequent citations, use the acronym without any full points. Example: United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). – 2 – article/articles: English, French and Spanish: art./arts – Italian: art. paragraph/paragraphs: English, French and Spanish: para./paras – in Italian: par. (singular and plural) number/numbers: n. (singular and plural) chapter/chapters: English and French: ch./chs – Italian and Spanish: cap. (singular and plural) Use v for versus (in English), c for contra or contro (in French, Italian and Spanish) Indicate paragraphs, letters or alinea after the article’s number, within round brackets. Use “and” or a comma in case of more paragraphs or letters. Examples: • art. 21(2)(a) TEU • art. 21(3)(1) TEU • art. 21(2) and (3) TEU III. Case-law Court of Justice of the European Union Subsequent references: case name cit. Examples of first references: • Case C-617/10 Åkerberg Fransson ECLI:EU:C:2013:105 para. 22 • Opinion 2/13 Accession of the European Union to the ECHR ECLI:EU:C:2014:2454 paras 20 ff. • Case T-54/11 Spain v Commission ECLI:EU:T:2013:10 paras 20-25 • Case C-333/14 The Scotch Whisky Association ECLI:EU:C:2015:527, opinion of AG Bot, paras 1-10 • Case C-91/20 Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Maintien de l’unité familiale) pending Examples of subsequent references: • Åkerberg Fransson cit. para. 22 • Opinion 2/13 cit. paras 20 ff. • Spain v Commission cit. paras 20-25 • The Scotch Whisky Association, opinion of AG Bot, cit. paras 1-10 • Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Maintien de l’unité familiale) cit. European Court of Human Rights Subsequent references: case name cit. In case of Insights or Highlights in French, Italian or Spanish published on the European Forum use CourEDH (French), CtEDU (Italian), and TEDH (Spanish) instead of ECtHR (English). Examples of first references: • ECtHR Issa and Others v Turkey App n. 31821/96 [16 November 2004] paras 20 ff. General rule: ECtHR case name App n. [day month year] para. General rule: case number case name ECLI/pending para. – 3 – • ECtHR El-Masri v Macedonia App n. 39630/09 [13 December 2012], joint concurring opinion of judges Casadevall and López Guerra, para. 1 • ECtHR advisory opinion concerning the use of the “blanket reference” or “legislation by reference” technique in the definition of an offence and the standards of comparison between the criminal law in force at the time of the commission of the offence and the amended criminal law, request n. P16- 2019-001 [29 May 2020] paras 25-30 • ECtHR Bosphorus Hava Yollari Turizm ve Ticaret AS v Ireland App n. 45036/98 [13 September 2001], admissibility decision, para. 15 Examples of subsequent references: • Issa and Others v Turkey cit. para. 13 • El-Masri v Macedonia, joint concurring opinion of judges Casadevall and López Guerra, cit. para. 22 ff. • Bosphorus Hava Yollari Turizm ve Ticaret AS v Ireland, admissibility decision, cit. paras 15-20 International Court of Justice Subsequent references: case name cit. In case of Insights or Highlights in French, Italian or Spanish published on the European Forum use CIJ (French), CIG (Italian), and TIJ (Spanish) instead of ICJ (English). Examples of first references: • ICJ Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v Japan: New Zealand intervening) (Merits) [31 March 2014] • ICJ Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict (Advisory Opinion) [8 July 1996] para. 20 • ICJ Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited (Belgium v Spain) (Merits) [5 February 1970], dissenting opinion of judge Riphagen, para. 3 Examples of subsequent references: • Whaling in the Antarctic cit. para. 21 • Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict cit. para. 20 • Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited, dissenting opinion of judge Riphagen, cit. para. 3 Other national and international courts, tribunals and (quasi-)judicial bodies Subsequent references: name of the court/tribunal, name of the parties, cit. (or, in the absence, the reference number and the related year). Add the case number after the name of the parties in case of references to other judgments between the same parties, to avoid confusion. Examples of first references: • International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea judgment of 1 July 1999 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v Guinea • International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia decision on the defence motion for interlocutory appeal on jurisdiction of 2 October 1995 IT-94-1-AR72 Prosecutor v Tadic General rule: court/tribunal - date - reference number (if present) – name of the parties (if present) General rule: ICJ case name (parties) (stage of the proceeding) [day month year] para. – 4 – • European Committee of Social Rights decision of 12 October 2015 complaint n. 91/2013 Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL) v Italy • Italian Constitutional Court judgment of 22 December 1980 n. 188 • UK House of Lords judgment of 14 June 2006 Jones v Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mitchell and others v Al-Dali and others and Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2006 [UKHL] 26 Examples of subsequent references: • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v Guinea cit. • Prosecutor v Tadic cit. • CGIL v Italy cit. • Italian Constitutional Court judgment n. 188/1980 cit. • UK House of Lords Jones v Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cit. IV. EU acts and provisions Primary sources and EU law Subsequent references: title cit. Example of first reference: • Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union [2012] • Protocol n. 8 relating to art. 6(2) of the Treaty on European Union on the Accession of the Union to the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [2007] • art. 52(3) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union [2012] Example of subsequent reference: • Charter • Protocol n. 8 • art. 52(3) of the Charter Acts of the EU institutions Subsequent references: abbreviated legislation title cit. Examples of first references: • Regulation (EU) 211/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 on the citizens’ initiative, art. 4(2) • Directive 2010/64/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings, arts 1 and 2 • Decision 1313/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism, art. 1 ff. • Communication COM(2000) 1 final from the Commission of 2 February 2000 on the precautionary principle General rule: legislation title – number – institution/body – date - title General rule: title [year of publication] – 5 – • European Council Conclusions of 18-19 February 2016, A new settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union • Association Agreement of 30 August 2014 between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, on the one part, and Georgia, on the other part • EU-Turkey Statement of 18 March 2016, in European Council Press Release 144/16 of 18 March 2016 Examples of subsequent references: • art. 4(2) Regulation 211/2011 cit. • arts 1 and 2 Directive 2010/64 cit. • art. 1 ff. Decision 1313/2013 cit. • Communication COM(2000) 1 final cit. • European Council Conclusions of 18-19 February 2016 cit. • Association Agreement between the EU and Georgia cit. • EU-Turkey Statement (2016) cit. Acts and documents of other international organizations Subsequent references: type of act, sequential number if present (year) uploads/S4/ guide - 2023-05-29T173111.505.pdf

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  • Publié le Sep 07, 2022
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.2394MB