2213-20220 INSTRUCTIONS to candidates • Do not open this examination paper unti

2213-20220 INSTRUCTIONS to candidates • Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so. • Section A: choose one task. Each task is worth [25 marks]. • Section B: write a personal response to the stimulus provided. The task is worth [20 marks]. • The maximum mark for this examination paper is [45 marks]. INSTRUCTIONS DESTINÉES AUX CANDIDATS • N’ouvrez pas cette épreuve avant d’y être autorisé(e). • Section A : choisissez une tâche. Chaque tâche vaut [25 points]. • Section B : rédigez une opinion personnelle à la réflexion présentée. La tâche vaut [20 points]. • Le nombre maximum de points pour cette épreuve d’examen est [45 points]. INSTRUCCIONES PARA LOS ALUMNOS • No abra esta prueba hasta que se lo autoricen. • Sección A: elija una tarea. Cada tarea vale [25 puntos]. • Sección B: escriba una opinión personal al estímulo provisto. La tarea vale [20 puntos]. • La puntuación máxima para esta prueba de examen es [45 puntos]. 2 pages/páginas © International Baccalaureate Organization 2022 ENGLISH B – HIGHER LEVEL – PAPER 1 ANGLAIS B – NIVEAU SUPÉRIEUR – ÉPREUVE 1 INGLÉS B – NIVEL SUPERIOR – PRUEBA 1 Practice Test (Examiner Copy) Friday 6 May 2022 (afternoon) Vendredi 6 mai 2022 (après-midi) Viernes 6 de mayo de 2022 (tarde) 1 h 30 m SECTION A Complete ONE of the following tasks. Write 600 to 750 words. 1. You are taking part in a class debate on the motion: “When people move to another country and wish to adapt well, they should adopt its culture and forget about their own”. Write the text of the debate’s opening speech, either agreeing or disagreeing with this motion. 2. You think it may be better for all members of your local sports club to adhere to a strict dress code when using the club’s facilities. As a member of the club, write a text to the sports club manager suggesting what the dress code could be and what the benefits of applying the dress code are. 3. Stress is one of the reasons why many students do not do well in their exams. Write a text to be distributed to students at your school in which you explain the possible symptoms as well as causes of stress and suggest ways in which they can be avoided. 4. Your school organized an art exhibition for the works of the IB visual arts students. You visited the exhibition and were impressed by the variety and quality of the works presented. Write a text of this exhibition to be published in your school magazine. 5. You have recently interviewed the inventor of a domestic robot that will have a great impact on our lives. Write a text based on this interview to be published in a youth magazine. Do not simply write the exact words (transcript) of the interview. • News Report • Feature Article • Pamphlet • Informal / Formal Letter • Diary / Blog Entry • Advertisement • Advice Column • Guidelines • Speech / Debate Speech • Interview Transcript © International Baccalaureate Organization 2022 uploads/S4/ ib-dp-english-b-practice-test 1 .pdf

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  • Publié le Aoû 05, 2022
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.1501MB