Theme Installation Guide All the steps to install the theme are covered in this
Theme Installation Guide All the steps to install the theme are covered in this guide. Please read through it before you submit any support question. All support questions shall be addressed in the support forums. Please note that we offer support for common issues but not necessarily customization issues. Our support forum is located at: Access to support forum is limited to registered members who have purchased a Gabfire Premium Theme. Registration approval is subject to moderation. When registering for our Forum please use the same email address you used to purchase the theme to help us recognize and validate your registration Section 1: Installation of Theme Step1: Theme upload Go to WordPress admin dashboard > Click on Appeareance > Add New Themes > Click on Upload under Install Themes title > Browse > select theme file > Install Now. Folder Permissions (Requires an FTP connection to your site) After completing the theme upload, using FTP software, open to wp-content/ themes/THEME_NAME/ directory and set the security atrributes (also known as chmod level) of the cache folder to read+write (777). Setting the security can be performed in most FTP software applications from the properties (or attributes) dialog for the folder. To reach this “properties” setting, you may have to right-click on the folder. Regardless of the FTP client used, the most essential point here is that the cache MUST be set to chmod = 777. Do NOT continue forward until you have performed this folder permission change. If you do not understand how to do this change, please see the Video Tutorial on the support forum that explains visually how to install the theme and change folder permissions. Step2: Re-generate Thumbnails If you are going to use this theme with a brand new site, skip this step and proceed to STEP 3. If the theme is going to be installed for a site with existing content, we’ll need to re-generate thumbnails for the various posts. Install & activate these plugins Now on admin dashboard > Tools > Regen. Thumbnails > Regenerate Thumbnails Once the all thumbnails are re-generated, click on Tools > Generate Thumbnails > Generate Thumbnails Step3: Theme Settings / Configuration In the admin dashboard of your site, click on Appereance > Theme Settings and adjust theme specific options. After that, make sure you save your settings and refresh your browser to see the result. You are all set to continue forward with your site. Section 2: How Thumbnailing works There are multiple checks before a thumbnail is displayed on front page. Theme will first look for custom field to see if there is an image defined with the name “thumbnail” and resize it as front page thumbnail. Custom field must be inserted as in screenshot below into post. Pay attention that the value is written with relative path, NOT with full image url. If no custom field is defined, the theme will try to find a post thumbnail set in WordPress. To define an image as post thumbnail you just need to click on Set Thumbnail button below the category under Post Thumbnails title on edit/add new post window. If theme can’t find a custom field defined or a wordpress post thumbnail set, it will display a default category image. The default images are stored in Wp-content/themes/THEME_NAME/images/thumbs directory. To recap, here is the order of hierarchy for thumbnails: 1) Custom field “thumbnail” with a valid value (URL) is used for image. 2) Wordpress ‘Set Thumbnail’ function is used for image. 3) If none of the above, then default image used for thumbnail. Section 3: Posting Videos When you want to post a video, get the url for the embed code. The video page looks like The embed code for the above video is the same as: <object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object> Notice the urls written bold in embed code. These urls are the same and are used as embed code for videos. Using either one of them is up to you. To implement it, go to Write > Post in your Admin Area, scroll down the page until until you see the Custom fields. Type video as the name (case sensitive – all lowercase)and paste the url (from embed code that we copied 1 of 2 above) as the value. Click on Add Custom Field / select video category, and publish your video. Section 4: Conclusion As the proud owner of a Gabfire theme, we are sure you will be well on your way to developing a great web site. And remember, you will receive all updates to the theme in the future simply by re-visiting the download link already sent to you. Notifications of new releases and udpates are provided on the forum as well as the web site. Hundreds of customers just like you are loyal users of the Gabfire themes. It is for this very reason that we have developed a unique and responsive forum community. Interesting Fact: Our statistics show that 90% of all user’s questions have already been answered in the Support Forum, so please ‘search’ before posting and take the time to view our many tutorials provided for your convenience. Please read and broswer through these resources before you submit any support questions. We have made every attempt to cover all scenarios; however, if you do find something that might be incomplete, please let us know and we will respond immediately. P.S. If you customize the theme, please email your site URL to help us to build a showcase. Additionally, you can post a thread in the Showcase folder on the Forums with your site info for the rest of the community to admire. Enjoy and thank you. uploads/S4/ installation-guide 48 .pdf
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- Publié le Jui 12, 2022
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
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