Adeverinta privind stagiul de imbarcare pe nave sub pavilion strain

ADEVERINTA PRIVIND STAGIUL DE IMBARCARE PE NAVE SUB PAVILION STRAIN SEA SERVICE CERTIFICATE Numele si tipul navei Name and type of ship Tonaj brut nava Gross tonnage Puterea motorului M E power Nume si prenume Name and surname Functia Rank Nr Carnet marinar Seaman ? s book no Nr brevet certi ?cat capacitate Licence no Data imbarcarii Date of engagement Data debarcarii Date of discharge Locul imbarcarii Place of engagement Locul debarcarii Place of discharge Numele si semnatura comandantului navei Name and signature of Master Stampila navei Stamp of vessel We the undersigned crewing company hereby con ?rm that Mr ? ? ? has been embarked on board serving as ? ? starting with Signature of the company o ?cial Stamp C

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  • Publié le Fev 05, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 19.7kB