Dada student guide 1 STUDENT GUIDE National Gallery of Art Washington February ?? May C CA British Mark IV tank photographed from German trenches during the Battle of Cambrai October Photograph Archive Imperial War Museum London READER ALERT THE NAMES OF

STUDENT GUIDE National Gallery of Art Washington February ?? May C CA British Mark IV tank photographed from German trenches during the Battle of Cambrai October Photograph Archive Imperial War Museum London READER ALERT THE NAMES OF C I T I ES NOTED ON THE S I DE OF I LLUSTRAT I ONS WI LL HELP YOU FIND OBJECTS IN THE DADA EXHI B I T I ON AS YOU WALK THROUGH I T WI TH THI S GUI DE Theo van Doesburg and Kurt Schwitters detail poster and program for Kleine Dada Soirée Small Dada Evening lithograph The Museum of Modern Art New York Gift of Philip Johnson The beginnings of dada were not the beginnings of an art but of a disgust TRISTAN TZARA HAD Like the edgiest rock and hip-hop Dada was young smart crude angry and outrageous Dadaists an international hodgepodge of mostly twenty- something artists and writers were dismayed by the stupidity and horror of World War I The con ict was unprecedented in human history because of its scale and its terrifying new weaponry On average almost Frenchmen and Germans died every day between the outbreak of war in August and the armistice that ended it in November All told nearly ten million people were killed For the dadaists World War I discredited the notion of a civilized European society As dadaist Hugo Ball noted the war proved that ??this world of systems has gone to pieces ? For Ball and his contemporaries the pillars of society ?? law culture faith language economy education and the roles assigned to men and women ?? had ATT I TUDEfailed to prevent the war and its unparalleled destruction HANNOVER CGerman troops running through war zone in France April ?g ?g Cover of the French photographic weekly Le Miroir January Stretcher bearers transporting a wounded soldier under enemy ?re Dada counterattacked with an insurrection against everything in society that was pompous and conventional ?? everything that was part of the ??rational ? mindset that had led to the war ?g Dada ? s chosen weapon was art but it was art the likes of which the world had never seen Dadaists were repulsed by self-styled ??enlightened ? societies that fawned over pretty paintings while dispatching youths by the millions to their deaths They wanted art to be the equivalent of a slap in the face that compelled people to confront life ? s ugly realities and goaded them to think about the forces structures and clichés in society that gave rise to them Dada reimagined what art could and should be in an age reeling from the world ? s ?rst industrial-sized slaughter and the onslaught of modern mass media that it triggered which included war propaganda posters ?lms and the photo-illustrated press ?g Dada was not a particular style of making pictures like impressionism Rather dadaists called into question the idea of art as a picture of the world They invented a set of new approaches to

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  • Publié le Sep 22, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
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