EUROPEAN COMMISSION ERASMUS MUNDUS 2009-2013 Programme Guide for the attention
EUROPEAN COMMISSION ERASMUS MUNDUS 2009-2013 Programme Guide for the attention and information of future applicants and beneficiaries The Programme Guide must be read in conjunction with the relevant annual Calls for Proposals and Guidelines to the Calls for proposals for Action 2 which will provide detailed information on the specific grant application procedures. Please note that only the English version of the Erasmus Mundus Programme Guide 2009- 2013 is legally binding. All other linguistic versions are provided for information only. 3 December 2009 2 1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAMME GUIDE......................................4 1.2 PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES.....................................................................................................5 1.3 PROGRAMME STRUCTURE AND BUDGET..........................................................................5 1.4 HOW TO PARTICIPATE IF YOU ARE….................................................................................8 1.4.1 A EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION (HEI):.......................................................... 8 1.4.2 A THIRD-COUNTRY HEI.............................................................................................................. 8 1.4.3 AN INDIVIDUAL ........................................................................................................................... 9 1.4.4 A RESEARCH ORGANISATION..................................................................................................... 9 1.4.5 AN ORGANISATION ACTIVE IN THE FIELD OF HIGHER EDUCATION........................................ 10 2 DEFINITIONS AND GLOSSARY............................................................................................. 11 3 COMMON ELEMENTS APPLICABLE TO ALL ACTIONS............................................... 16 3.1 APPLICATION AND SELECTION PROCEDURES ..............................................................16 3.2 EXCLUSION CRITERIA............................................................................................................17 3.3 SELECTION CRITERIA ............................................................................................................18 3.4 FINANCIAL CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................19 3.5 CONTRACTUAL CONDITIONS...............................................................................................20 4 ACTION 1 A - ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTERS COURSES (EMMC)............................... 23 4.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................23 4.2 EMMC - ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA..........................................................................................24 4.2.1 ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS AND CONSORTIUM COMPOSITION................................................... 24 4.2.2 ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................... 26 4.3 EMMC - AWARD CRITERIA....................................................................................................29 4.4 EMMC - FINANCIAL CONDITIONS.......................................................................................31 4.5 EMMC - CONTRACTUAL CONDITIONS ..............................................................................33 4.6 EMMC - SELECTION PROCEDURE AND INDICATIVE TIMETABLE ..........................35 4.7 CONDITIONS FOR USING THE ERASMUS MUNDUS BRAND NAME (EMBN) ...........36 5 ACTION 1 B: ERASMUS MUNDUS JOINT DOCTORATE PROGRAMMES (EMJD)... 37 5.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................37 5.2 EMJD - ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ...........................................................................................38 5.2.1 ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS AND CONSORTIUM COMPOSITION................................................... 38 5.2.2 ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................. 40 5.3 EMJD - AWARD CRITERIA ....................................................................................................42 5.4 EMJD - FINANCIAL CONDITIONS........................................................................................43 3 5.5 EMJD - CONTRACTUAL CONDITIONS................................................................................45 5.6 EMJD - SELECTION PROCEDURE AND INDICATIVE TIMETABLE ............................47 6 ACTION 2 : ERASMUS MUNDUS PARTNERSHIPS ........................................................... 49 6.1 EMA2-STRAND 1: PARTNERSHIPS WITH COUNTRIES COVERED BY ENPI, DCI, EDF AND IPA INSTRUMENTS.................................................................................................49 6.1.1 THEMATIC FIELDS OF STUDY AND REGION/COUNTRY NEEDS .................................................. 50 6.1.2 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ............................................................................................................. 50 6.1.2.a ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS AND PARTNERSHIP COMPOSITION................................................... 51 6.1.2 b ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................... 54 6.1.3 AWARD CRITERIA ..................................................................................................................... 59 6.2 EMA2-STRAND2: PARTNERSHIPS WITH COUNTRIES AND TERRITORIES COVERED BY THE INDUSTRIALISED COUNTRIES INSTRUMENT (ICI).................. 63 6.2.1 THEMATIC FIELDS OF STUDY AND REGION/COUNTRY NEEDS .................................................. 64 6.2.2 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ................................................................................................................. 64 6.2.2 a ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS AND CONSORTIUM COMPOSITION.................................................... 64 6.2.2 b ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................... 67 6.2.3 AWARD CRITERIA ..................................................................................................................... 70 6.3 FINANCIAL CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................73 6.4 CONTRACTUAL CONDITIONS...............................................................................................76 6.5 SELECTION PROCEDURE AND INDICATIVE TIMETABLE...........................................77 7 ACTION 3 : ERASMUS MUNDUS PROMOTION PROJECTS........................................... 78 7.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................78 7.2 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA..........................................................................................................79 7.2.1 ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS........................................................................................................... 79 7.2.2 ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................. 80 7.3 SELECTION CRITERIA ............................................................................................................81 7.4 AWARD CRITERIA....................................................................................................................82 7.5 FINANCIAL CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................83 7.6 CONTRACTUAL CONDITIONS...............................................................................................85 7.7 SELECTION PROCEDURE AND INDICATIVE TIMETABLE...........................................87 8.1 LIST OF THE ERASMUS MUNDUS NATIONAL STRUCTURES ......................................88 8.2 LIST OF EU DELEGATIONS....................................................................................................88 8.3 USEFUL INTERNET ADDRESSES AND DOCUMENTS......................................................88 4 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAMME GUIDE Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education for: 9 the enhancement of quality in European higher education; 9 the promotion of the European Union as a centre of excellence in learning around the world; 9 the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries as well as for the development of third countries in the field of higher education. Erasmus Mundus provides a response to the challenges of globalisation faced by European higher education today, in particular the need to adapt education systems to the demands of the knowledge society, to enhance the attractiveness and visibility of European higher education worldwide and to stimulate the process of convergence of degree structures across Europe. These themes are central to current national reform processes in higher education taking place in Member States. In addition it provides an important vehicle for the promotion or intercultural dialogue between the European Union and the rest of the world. The programme continues and extends the scope of the activities already launched during its first phase (2004-2008) and includes the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window scheme, which was launched in 2006 as a complement to the original programme. The decision establishing the second phase of the Erasmus Mundus Programme was adopted by the European Parliament and Council on 16.12.2008 (Decision No 1298/2008/EC).1 The programme covers the period 2009-2013 and has an overall budget of € 470 million for Actions 1 and 3 and an indicative budget of € 460 million for Action 2. The Commission has entrusted the implementation of the Erasmus Mundus Programme 2009-2013 to the Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency (hereinafter “the Agency or "EACEA"”). As a result, the Agency is responsible for the management of this programme - including drawing up Calls for Proposals, selecting projects and signing project agreements, financial management, monitoring of projects (assessment of intermediate and final reports), communication with beneficiaries and on-the-spot controls - under the supervision of the Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) as regards Actions 1 and 3, under supervision of the EuropeAid Co-operation Office (DG Aidco) as regards EMA2-STRAND1, and under supervision of DG RELEX as regards EMA2-STRAND2. The Agency is further responsible for the implementation of more than 15 Community funded programmes and actions in the fields of education and training, active citizenship, youth, audiovisual and culture. This Programme Guide applies to the entire duration of the programme and aims to assist all those interested in implementing joint cooperation activities or receiving individual scholarships within the Erasmus Mundus Programme (2009-2013). It should help them understand the objectives and the different programme actions, the types of activities that can (or cannot) be supported, as well as the conditions under which this support can be granted and the grant awarded used. Although, as stated above, the Guide is valid for the entire duration of the programme, future applicants should read it in conjunction with the specific Call for Proposals to which they intend to apply. These Calls for Proposals will be published in accordance with activities planned by the Commission in its annual Work 1 OJ 340, 19.12.2008, p. 83. 5 Programme and will provide additional information on the budgetary allocation foreseen as well as any other relevant information and/or document specific to the Call. All forms or documents needed to apply for funding are available on the programme's web pages. 1.2 PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES The programme's aim is to promote European higher education, to help improve and enhance the career prospects of students and to promote intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries, in accordance with EU external policy objectives in order to contribute to the sustainable development of third countries in the field of higher education. The programme's specific objectives are: • to promote structured cooperation between higher education institutions and an offer of enhanced quality in higher education with a distinct European added value, attractive both within the European Union and beyond its borders, with a view to creating centres of excellence; • to contribute to the mutual enrichment of societies by developing the qualifications of women/men so that they possess appropriate skills, particularly as regards the labour market, and are open-minded and internationally experienced through promoting mobility for the most talented students and academics from third countries to obtain qualifications and/or experience in the European Union and for the most talented European students and academics towards third countries; • to contribute towards the development of human resources and the international cooperation capacity of higher education institutions in third countries through increased mobility streams between the European Union and third countries; • to improve accessibility and enhance the profile and visibility of European higher education in the world as well as its attractiveness for third-country nationals and citizens of the Union. The Commission shall ensure that no group of EU citizens or third-country nationals is excluded or disadvantaged. 1.3 PROGRAMME STRUCTURE AND BUDGET The Erasmus Mundus programme comprises three actions: • Action 1: Implementation of Joint Programmes at Masters (Action 1A) and Doctorate (Action 1B) levels and award of individual scholarships/fellowships to participate in these programmes; • Action 2: Erasmus Mundus Partnerships; • Action 3: Promotion of European Higher Education. Action 1 Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes (including scholarships) Action 1 provides: 9 Support for high-quality joint masters courses (Action 1 A) and doctoral programmes (Action 1 B) offered by a consortium of European and possibly third-country HEIs. Other types of organisations 6 concerned by the content and outcomes of the joint programme can participate in the consortium. 9 Scholarships/fellowships for the third-country and European students/doctoral candidates respectively to follow these Erasmus Mundus joint masters courses and doctoral programmes. 9 Short-term scholarships for third-country and European academics to carry out research or teaching assignments as part of the joint masters programmes. This Action will foster cooperation between higher education institutions and academic staff in Europe and third countries with a view to creating poles of excellence and providing highly trained human resources. Joint programmes must involve mobility between the institutions of the consortium and uploads/Finance/ erasmus-mundus-2009-2013-programme-guide.pdf
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