GalacticWhorls.eth LOOK LABS 420 GAME Look Labs 420 Game
GalacticWhorls.eth LOOK LABS 420 GAME Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 CONTENTS Logging In ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Setting Up Breeding – Staking A Game Key ................................................................................................................... 3 Setting Up Breeding – Unstaking Your Buds .................................................................................................................. 5 Setting Up Breeding – Obtaining Breeding Points ......................................................................................................... 7 Playing the Game – Upgrading Land (Optional) ............................................................................................................ 8 Playing the Game – Initial Breeding Cycle ................................................................................................................... 12 Playing the Game – Subsequent Breeding Cycles ........................................................................................................ 16 Cheat Sheets ................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 LOGGING IN 1) Connect your wallet 2) Click “Next” Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 SETTING UP BREEDING – STAKING A GAME KEY 1) Before you can play the 420 Game, you need to have at least one Game Key staked. 2) Please note that you can always return to this page by selecting the Key icon at the top of the page. 3) Each Game Key can hold up to five breeding pairs, so you might need more than one if you want to breed all of your pairs simultaneously. Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 4) Select which Game Key you want to stake (there is no option to bulk stake). 5) Click “Stake” 6) Staking (or unstaking) will require gas, so approve the subsequent transaction that appears in Metamask and your hardware wallet if using one. Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 SETTING UP BREEDING – UNSTAKING YOUR BUDS 1) Most people have had their buds staked and accruing $HIGH for some time. Before you can begin breeding your buds, you will need to unstake them. Please note that they cannot accrue $HIGH while unstaked, so you might want to leave some staked while you breed with others. 2) Click “Unstake” Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 3) On the subsequent page, you will see all buds that you have currently staked. 4) Select the buds that you want to unstake. 5) Click “Unstake” 6) Just like with the Game Keys, staking (or unstaking) buds will require gas, so approve the subsequent transaction that appears in Metamask and your hardware wallet if using one. Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 SETTING UP BREEDING – OBTAINING BREEDING POINTS 1) The last step before you can breed your buds is to convert some of your $HIGH into breeding points. This is currently a single-direction transaction, so you will not be able to convert breeding points back into $HIGH yet. This will be changed later. 2) Select the source of your $HIGH. 3) Enter the amount of $HIGH that you want to convert. 4) Click “Convert” 5) This transaction also requires gas, so approve the subsequent transaction that appears in Metamask and your hardware wallet if using one. Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 PLAYING THE GAME – UPGRADING LAND (OPTIONAL) 1) Navigate back to the Game Key selection screen. 2) Select the Game Key that you want to upgrade land upon. 3) Click “Play” 4) You will then be asked to sign a message so that you can continue playing. If you are playing from a hardware wallet, as shown here, you will have to approve the transaction in both Metamask and your hardware wallet. This is a gas-less transaction. Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 5) Select “Breeding” on the next screen. 6) Each Game Key starts with one standard “Outdoor” plot of land available. With this Game Key, you can see that there are two additional slots already purchased and all three lands were upgraded to “Indoors” and breeding was started in each. 7) To get a new slot, select one of the available areas and then click “Buy” 8) This is a gas-less transaction within the game, so you will not need to approve anything, and the 42 Breeding Points will automatically be deducted from your balance. Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 9) You now have unlocked the fourth plot of land on this Game Key, and each unlocked plot defaults to “Outdoors” until it is upgraded. Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 10) You can now choose to either breed “Outdoors” or upgrade to “Indoors.” Please note that upgrading is completely optional as Gen 1 buds can be grown outdoors, but this will slightly boost your chances. 11) Click “Upgrade to Indoors” 12) A pop-up will appear and click “Upgrade” 13) This is another gas-less transaction. Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 PLAYING THE GAME – INITIAL BREEDING CYCLE 1) Now that we have upgraded, click “Grow Indoors.” 2) Select the appropriate male bud that you want to grow with the appropriate female bud. Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 3) Here, I will first select my male bud. Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 4) Then I follow this by selecting my female bud. Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 5) In game items will be added later, so do not worry about these for now. Thus, now I can proceed with breeding. 6) This is another gas-less transaction. Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 PLAYING THE GAME – SUBSEQUENT BREEDING CYCLES 1) After the 24 hours have passed, navigate back to the Breeding screen. 2) Select the plot of land that you want to breed upon 3) Click “Continue Growing” Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 4) Select the new Male and Female pair that you want to breed in this cycle. 5) Click “Breed” Look Labs 420 Game 07-Jun-2022 Created by: GalacticWhorls.eth v3.0 CHEAT SHEETS 1) Transactions Transaction Requires Wallet Signature Gas Gas-less Converting $HIGH to Breeding Points X X Staking Buds X X Unstaking Buds X X Staking a Game Key X X Unstaking a Game Key X X Selecting a Game Key X X Purchasing Land X Upgrading Land X Adding Buds to Land X Breeding X 2) Breeding Point Costs Action Breeding Point Cost Land Purchase 42 Land Upgrade to Indoor 69 Each Breeding Cycle 15 3) $HIGH Conversions and Costs Action $HIGH Conversion Ratio $HIGH Cost Convert to Breeding Points 1:1 n/a uploads/Finance/ look-labs-420-game-galacticwhorls-eth.pdf
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jul 07, 2022
- Catégorie Business / Finance
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 1.1745MB