Simple and practical tips, tricks, and strategies for saving money while eating

Simple and practical tips, tricks, and strategies for saving money while eating Paleo meals. Plan. Shop. Eat. Healthy Paleo meals on a budget. New York Times best-selling author of The Paleo Solution Table of Contents Chapter 1 – All the excuses Paleo is too expensive....................................... 5 Take a look at your money................................. 8 Finding free money. ............................................ 9 I don’t have fancy stores like Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s...................................................... 10 I can’t afford grass-fed or organic. ................... 10 I don’t have time to cook. ................................. 11 I don’t have time to shop. ................................. 11 I don’t know how to cook. ................................ 12 Chapter 2 – Learn to cook Learn to use a pressure cooker. ....................... 14 Learn to use a slow cooker.............................. 15 Learn to make soup......................................... 15 Learn to cook vegetables - four ways. ............. 16 Learn basic knife skills..................................... 17 10 easy recipes to know by heart.................... 18 Chapter 3 – Meal Planning 101 A couple caveats. ............................................. 20 A few helpful pre-game tips............................. 21 How to plan a menu......................................... 23 Time to make the menu. ................................... 26 Want something a bit more techno-glitzy?...... 28 A menu to get you started. ............................... 30 Stocking your paleo pantry.............................. 31 What do I do with that? . .................................. 32 Meal maker checklist. ....................................... 39 This week’s menu. ............................................ 40 Shopping list.................................................... 41 Chapter 4 – Money Saving Tricks Keep a price journal......................................... 43 Don’t pay for preparation................................. 43 Buy in bulk. ....................................................... 44 Buy direct from a farm. ..................................... 44 Organize a group buy. ...................................... 45 Freeze it!. .......................................................... 45 How to save for buying in bulk. ........................ 47 Buy local. .......................................................... 48 What about coupons?. ..................................... 48 Chapter 5 – Budget Shopping Priorities Navigating the “green lingo”............................ 51 Do I have to buy organic?................................ 53 Do I have to buy grass-fed?. ............................ 53 Fats and oils..................................................... 54 Chapter 6 – In the kitchen How to cook meals in advance........................ 56 Other ideas from the Paleo blogosphere......... 57 Prep now, save time later................................. 58 Meat cookies. ................................................... 58 Cook it slow. ..................................................... 59 On defrosting frozen stuff. ................................ 59 What about snacks?. ........................................ 60 How not to waste food. .................................... 61 Resources...................................63 About the author Robb Wolf, a former research biochemist is the New York Times Best Selling author of The Paleo Solution – The Original Human Diet. Robb has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world via his top ranked iTunes podcast, book, eBook programs, seminars, and popular blog. Robb has functioned as a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, is co-founder of the nutrition and athletic training journal, The Performance Menu, and co-owner of NorCal Strength & Conditioning, one of the Men’s Health “top 30 gyms in America”. Robb is a former California State Powerlifting Champion (565 lb. Squat, 345 lb. Bench, 565 lb. Dead Lift) and a 6-0 amateur kick- boxer. He coaches athletes at the highest levels of competition and consults with Olympians and world champions in MMA, motocross, rowing and triathlon. Wolf has provided seminars in nutrition and strength & conditioning to various entities including NASA, Naval Special Warfare, the Canadian Light Infantry and the United States Marine Corps. Robb lives in Reno, Nevada, with his wife Nicki and their daughter Zoe. You can follow Robb on Twitter and connect with him on his blog, Watch videos and learn more about Robb here. About this guide It’s a multimedia guide, not just another e-book. You’ll see links to bonus reading throughout the guide, as well as video and audio files to watch and listen to. So be sure to read & click whenever you see sidebars like this one. That means there’s bonus content and more than meets the eye! Links throughout the book are in orange: like this! So be sure to click where you see orange. We’ve also given you big ol’ wide margins, so if you decide to print this book you can do so, and have plenty of room to take notes. It also makes it easier to read on screen, if that’s your thing. Chapter 1 All the excuses Paleo Diet Budget Shopping Guide All the excuses — Paleo Diet Budget Shopping Guide 5 All the excuses For over a decade, I’ve been a gym owner and strength and conditioning coach. I have taken literally thousands of people just like you through the process of gaining better health and performance, losing weight, and mitigating or completely elimi- nating symptoms of diseases and disorders by smart exercise and a paleo approach to nutrition. In all these years, with so many clients, you better believe I’ve heard all the excuses. I can’t eat a paleo diet because… It’s too expensive. I don’t have fancy stores like Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s. I can’t afford grass-fed meat or organic veggies. I don’t have time to cook. I don’t have time to shop. I don’t know how to cook. Yep, we’ve heard it all. Well, in this Paleo Diet Budget Shopping Guide, we’re going to bust up each and every one of these excuses, and give you real solutions so that you, even you, special and unique snowflake, can enjoy better health, performance, and longevity through paleo nutrition. Let’s start on these excuses, one by one. Paleo food is too expensive. Why I went into health & fitness and did not sell vices is be- yond me. If this whole Paleo thing goes fanny-up it’s going to be hookers+cocaine+baked goods, finished with a smoke. No one will argue with that buffet but in this health shtick you deal with the mass illusion of “cave men lived short lives, meat causes cancer, this is not sustainable.” Then there is that pesky Evolution thing! Well, I guess I can be assured of job security. It’s not likely the ADA is going to change course nor will folks like Dr. Melina get a clue any- time soon, so onward and upwards. All the excuses — Paleo Diet Budget Shopping Guide 6 6 Back to the affordability of Paleo: This way of eating, like virtually any way of eating, can be made much more, or much less expensive. Now, similar to cooking or meal options, I thought this was a pretty straight-forward concept (if you are broke, buy cheap, if you have some cash, kick your heels up a bit) but alas, it is not. So, I’m going to walk through some basic shopping and put an arrow in the head of the “Paleo is expensive” idea, then we will look at some basic finance ideas as I think some folks may benefit from that. Whole Foods or WholePayCheck? We ran a blog article recently on shopping at Whole Foods which was pretty well received but I wanted to share a recent shopping trip I did and the chow I procured on that excursion. Check out the receipt to the right, and then I’ll talk about what I bought and why. I bought Two organic chickens, and a mix of ground beef and chuck- roast. Why these items? Because when I walked into the store they had these nifty yellow “sale” cards on them. Even the color-blind cannot find an excuse for fracking this up…I also bought a “bunch” of chicken, ground beef and chuck roast. things broke down like this: • 9.15 lbs of chicken at $1.39 per lb • 16.7 lbs of beef at $3.99 per lb • Total cost: $81.10 • Total carnage: ~25lbs Here is what that all looked like: Now, the meat was not grass-fed, but when I hit up a farmers mar- ket, I generally buy similar cuts of Grass-fed meat for $4/lb. Can you All the excuses — Paleo Diet Budget Shopping Guide 7 spend $30/lb on New York steaks? Uh, yea, but Keystone the cat needs to eat too, so I go for the inexpensive cuts and just kick my heels up occasionally. When we were living in Chico we routinely bought a half a cow and the average price was $4-5/lb. We have not set that system up here in Reno yet, so I make do with the situation I’m in. So Whole Foods (or the farmers market) can be navigated in a reasonable way. I’ll pause a minute and wait for the inevitable complaint that arises when you are trying to help people….Ok, I think it’s just about here: “But Robb! That is still too expensive for me!” Ok, shop someplace else. I’m going to look at some produce shop- ping I did at one of the big food outlets (FoodMax) but you could buy your meat there and save a ton of money. Sale items will likely range in the $1.50/lb to $2.50/lb and given that the meat I just bought at Whole Foods is not Grass-fed, the quality is likely similar at a Costco or Food-4-Less kind of location. Anyway, take a gander at the pro- duce I bought: I cannot for the life of me find uploads/Finance/ paleo-budget-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Apv 09, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 1.2775MB