ANGLAIS LYCÉE TEST MAI 2011 GRAMMAIRE COMPRÉHENSION EXPRESSION ÉCRITE GRAMMAIRE 1°) LES PRONOMS INTERROGATIFS A) Mets le pronom interrogatif qui convient en Wh- ou How : what what time where when whose who why which how how much how many how far how long how often how deep how tall 1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is an Olympic swimming-pool? 2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is it please? clock. 3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are you reading? The last novel by Aimé Césaire. 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ girls are there in your class? There are eight girls. 5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is this blond girl over there? That is my cousin Linda. 6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is Miami city? 7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ socks are these? 8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the post-office from your house? 9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the concert? About two hours. 10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ does Michael go to the supermarket? Three times a week. 11) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ did the president do that? Because the nation is at war. 12) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the Eiffel Tower? 318 meters. 13) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _was that mobile phone? - £ 270. 14) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _is your wife today? She feels better thank you. 15) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _did General de Gaulle die? In 1970. 16) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _dvd do you prefer? This one or that one? { B) Traduisez les phrases suivantes: 1) Où était le livre de John ? Il était sur le lit. ____________________________________________________________ 2) Combien de jouets as-tu ? ____________________________________________________________ 3) Pourquoi es-tu allé au cinéma avec Karin ? ____________________________________________________________ 4) A qui sont ces vêtements ? Ce sont ceux de Laurent. ____________________________________________________________ 5) Quelle heure est- ? Il est neuf heures et demie. ____________________________________________________________ 6) Combien de temps restes-tu en Martinique ? Deux semaines. ____________________________________________________________ 2°) LE PRÉTÉRIT A) Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit simple : 2) Wilson (not 5) A policeman (to 10) Mrs Baker (to k B) Complétez le tableau suivant des verbes irréguliers : INFINITIF PRETERIT PARTICIPE PASSE TRADUCTION TO EAT HAD LOST TO BUY CAUGHT TAKEN TO BEND LEARNT WRITTEN TO GO SEEN PUT SPOKE C) Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses au « prétérit simple » ou au « prétérit be+v-ing » selon le cas : . on my computer. COMPRÉHENSION DE TEXTE Sir Edmund Hillary Sir Edmund Hillary who died at the age of 88, made it to the summit of Everest in 1953, and became the first man on the planet to reach its highest point. As a boy in New Zealand, Edmund Hillary's fragile appearance belied his promising potential. At school, he was in a gym group for those lacking co-ordination and admitted to feeling "a deep sense of inferiority". But the 40-mile journey to school in Auckland each day gave young Edmund many hours to pore over (1) adventure stories and travel even further in his mind. At the age of 16, while on a school trip to Mount Ruapehu, he found his vocation. He saw snow for the first time and also learnt to climb (2). Then, a few years later, he joined a local Alpine club to take on (3) all the national peaks (4). This was all with the idea of taking on (3) the ultimate challenge, becoming the first man to climb Everest. In March 1953, Edmund Hillary joined an expedition to Everest. After a gruelling (5) climb up the southern face, battling the effects of high altitude and bad weather, Edmund and Tenzing Norgay, his Sherpa (6) companion managed to reach the peak at 11:30 local time on 29 May. As a New Zealander and therefore a citizen of the Commonwealth, British subjects celebrated his achievement as their own and young Queen Elizabeth knighted (7) him. During the next two decades, he led expeditions to the South Pole, searched for the fabled Yeti, and completed six Himalayan ascents. He became increasingly concerned by the plight (8) of the Sherpa (6) people he had met on his expeditions. And in 1964, he founded the Himalayan Trust, which helped establish clinics, hospitals and nearly 30 schools. Although he will always be remembered for reaching Everest, his greatest satisfaction came with the Nepalese people he befriended. He said: "My most worthwhile things have been the building of schools and clinics. That has given me more satisfaction than a footprint on a mountain." (adapted) 11 January 2008 Vocabulary help: 1) to pore over: se plonger dans... 2) to climb: escalader 3) to take on: s'attaquer à 4) the peak: le pic, le sommet 5) gruelling: épuisant 6) Sherpa: sherpa (peuple montagnard du Népal) 7) to knight: anoblir 8) the plight: la détresse I) Lisez le document puis complétez. The text is an ......................... taken from.................................... It was published in ................................ It is about ........................................ II) Cochez la (ou les) bonne(s) réponse(s). a) Sir Edmund Hillary was British Nepalese a New Zealander b) He was the first man to climb Everest Auckland Mount Ruapehu c) He went up the peak alone with school friends with a Nepalese companion d) He was the founder of the Commonwealth the Himalayan Trust the Alpine Club e) His foundation developed climbing expeditions schools hospitals III) Les affirmations suivantes sont-elles vraies (RIGHT) ou fausses (WRONG)? Cochez la bonne case. Justifiez votre réponse en recopiant le passage du texte qui a guidé votre choix. 1) When he was a child Edmund Hillary was very good at sports. 2) He went to a school near his home. The expedition to Everest was difficult. After the expedition to Everest, Edmund Hillary stopped climbing. The conquest of Everest was Hillary's greatest satisfaction. EXPRESSION ÉCRITE Sujet: (120 mots) Is there a film that has particularly impressed you? Relate and say why. uploads/Finance/ test-anglais-lycee.pdf
Administrationedmund ____________________________________________________________ hillary prétérit everestDocuments similaires

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- Publié le Apv 20, 2021
- Catégorie Business / Finance
- Langue French
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