11 hbg digital edition
NOVEMBER HAWAII BEVERAGE GUIDE VOLUME NO NOVEMBER PUBLISHED MONTHLY BEVERAGE GUIDE HAWAIIBEVGUIDE COM PHONE - NUMBER MEETS THE SELLING BEST BRANDY BRANDY IN THEWORLD IN THEWORLD A GUIDE TO BRANDY HOLIDAY GREAT IDEAS FOR THE BUYING SEASON Publisher Editor Business Consultant Consultant Christopher Teves Brent Nakano Crystal Arnold Campbell Mans ?eld Published monthly by Service Publications Inc USPS - Kapiolani Blvd Honolulu HI PHONE - FAX - TOOL OF THE TRADE FOR HAWAII ? S BEVERAGE INDUSTRY SERVING ALL ISLANDS IN THE TH STATE SINCE www hawaiibevguide com POSTMASTER Please send address changes to HAWAII BEVERAGE GUIDE P O Box Honolulu HI Hawaii Beverage Guide is an independent monthly trade publication devoted to the beer wine and liquor industry in the entire state of Hawaii The views expressed in this publication other than our own editorial comment do not necessarily express the opinion of the publisher Because of the con ?dential nature of the matter contained herein Hawaii Beverage Guide is restricted to members of the industry Subscriptions are accepted on this basis only Nothing may be reprinted or reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher Published monthly by Service Publications Inc dba Hawaii Beverage Guide Prices are tax per year tax per single issue airmail extra Periodicals postage paid at Honolulu Hawaii Contents copyrighted by Service Publications Inc Volume I Issue No NOVEMBER FEATURES A GUIDE TO BRANDY Page HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE Our annual round-up of wines and spirits specially packaged for gift-giving EMPERADOR MEETS FUNDADOR Page ALL JAPANESE WHISKIES ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL Faced with an in ux of new brands many from dubious sources distillers push for transparency within their elusive category National Coverage Local Advantage The Beverage Network Publications are serviced by Beverage Media Group Inc Madison Avenue Suite New York NY tel ? fax www bevnetwork com HAWAIIBEVGUIDE COM PRODUCT LISTINGS A- Product Listings Section A- Brand Index A- Industry Directory SUBSCRIBE ONLINE at our web site hawaiibevguide com CAN WE HELP YOU YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS To subscribe or receive help with an existing subscription or change your address please call us Phone - Fax Number - e-mail Aloha hawaiibevguide com NOVEMBER HAWAII BEVERAGE GUIDE BRANDY Grapes are the most cultivated type of fruit for wine Naturally it is the most distilled style of wine It originated from the desire to extend the shelf life of wine for extended trips The result Brandy Courtsey of boourdeaux com By ? nacho-dominguez-argenta- By Brent Nakano Brandy Brandy is according to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau ??Spirits distilled from the fermented juice mash or wine of fruit or from its residue at less than alcohol by volume proof having the taste aroma and characteristics generally attributed to brandy and bottled at not less than alcohol by volume proof Brandy distilled solely from the fermented juice or mash of whole sound ripe fruit or from standard fruit wine with or without the addition of not more than percent by weight of the
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