• an accountant : un comptable • an auditor : un commissaire aux comptes • a bo
• an accountant : un comptable • an auditor : un commissaire aux comptes • a book-keeper : un comptable • a consultant : un conseiller • a consumer : un consommateur • a creditor : un créancier • a customer : un client • an employee : un(e) employé(e) • a commercial traveller : un représentant • a chartered accountant (CA) : un expert-comptable • a salesperson : un commercial • the after-sales service : le service après-vente • to afford : avoir les moyens d'acheter • to sell : vendre • a seller : un vendeur • solvent : solvable • insolvent : insolvable • value for money : rapport qualité prix • the sales : les ventes • the selling : la vente dans sa globalité • a sale : un contrat d’achat • to audit the accounts : vérifier les comptes, auditer les comptes • to be in the red (accounting) : être déficitaire • to be in the black (accounting): être positif • to borrow : emprunter • to break a contract : violer un contrat, rompre un contrat • to buy : acheter • to buy in bulk : acheter en gros • to cancel an order : annuler une commande • to compete with : concourir, être en concurrence avec • to complain : se plaindre • to confirm : confirmer, corroborer • to consider : considérer, examiner, songer • to consign : expédier, envoyer • to stock up : renouveler le stock • to subsidize : subventionner • to succeed : réussir • to establish : fonder, créer, établir • to establish a business : créer une entreprise • to estimate : estimer • to exchange : échanger • Hello / Hi : bonjour / salut • Good morning : bonjour (matin) • Good afternoon : bon après midi • Good evening : bonne soirée • Nice to meet you : ravi de vous rencontrer • Nice to meet you too : ravi de vous rencontrer également • Pleased to meet you : ravi de vous rencontrer • How do you do : enchanté • How are you : comment allez vous ? • Good bye : au revoir • See you later : à plus tard • See you soon : à très vite • See you : à bientôt • Thank you : merci • You’re welcome : de rien • Negotiate (to) Definition : to hold talks for the purpose of reaching a commercial agreement. Translation : Négocier • Back down (to) Definition : to withdraw from a position, to not follow up on a threat. Translation : Reculer, se rétracter • Go back to the drawing board (to) Definition : to go back and start something from the beginning. Translation : Repartir de zéro • Close a deal (to) Definition : to successfully end a negotiation. Translation : Conclure un accord • Drive a hard bargain (to) Definition : to negotiate to one’s advantage. Translation : Etre dur en affaires • Iron something out (to) Definition : to solve a problem, to resolve an issue. Translation : Résoudre un problème • Beat around the bush (to) Definition : to talk about things without giving a direct answer. Translation : Tourner autour du pot • Bring up (to) Definition : to begin a discussion about something. Translation : Lancer une discussion, un sujet • Drag on (to) Definition : to prolonge, to make longer. Translation : Faire durer, faire traîner • At stake Definition : something that can be lost or gained. Translation : Enjeu • Cut to the chase (to) Definition : to get straight to the point, to go directly to the important points. Translation : Aller droit au but • Compromise (to) Definition : to resolve by making concessions. Translation : Transiger • Grant a special discount (to) Definition : to make a better offer, to give an additional discount. Translation : Faire un geste commercial • It’s a bargain Definition : it is financially advantageous. Translation : C’est une bonne affaire • It’s a steal Definition : the price is much lower than market value. Translation : C’est bradé • Haggle (to) Definition : to argue in order to reach a better arrangement or deal (negative connotation). Translation : Marchander • Final offer Definition : the last proposal that will be put forward. Translation : Dernière proposition • Take it or leave it Definition : to either accept the proposition or to refuse it ; no further discussion is possible. Translation : A prendre ou à laisser • Wrap up (to) Definition : to finish, to end. Translation : Terminer, conclure • Make a deal (to) Definition : to make a business arrangement. Translation : Conclure une affaire • Estimate Definition : a statement giving the likely cost of something, document appraising the value of something. Translation : Devis • A bid Definition : the amount offered or proposed, a statement of what one will give for something, an offer of a price. Translation : Une offre • Follow up (to) Definition : to pursue or maintain contact so as to monitor or take further action. Translation : Garder le contact (avec quelqu’un), suivre une affaire • Read the fine print (to) Definition : to read the details of a contract (often the text in small font gives important details, disclaimers and legal terms). Translation : Regarder de près, dans le détail • Lay the cards on the table (to) Definition : to tell each other exactly what is going on, to show your hand, to be frank. Translation : Jouer cartes sur table • Work out a deal (to) Definition : to reach an agreement. Translation : Négocier un arrangement • Sales pitch Definition : a speech in which a salesperson promotes his product. Translation : Discours commercial • Selling point Definition : a particular aspect that is emphasized in order to sell something. Translation : Argument de vente • Stalemate Definition : when two or more parties cannot agree and the negotiation is stopped, impasse, deadlock. Translation : Blocage • Give and take Definition : a situation where both sides must compromise, but are equally satisfied with the result. Translation : Donnant-donnant • Chase a customer (to) Definition : to contact a future customer again. Translation : Relancer • Market price Definition : the price that a product brings when sold on the market, prevailing price. Translation : Prix de marché • Terms of payment Definition : conditions as to when and how goods or services supplied will be paid. Translation : Conditions de paiement A job interview = entretien d’embauche To apply for a job = postuler pour un job An applicant = un postulant To eavesdrop = écouter discrètement Human Ressources Manager = Directeur des ressources humaines. A Park = un avantage uploads/Geographie/ anglais-vocabulaire.pdf
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- Publié le Jul 11, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
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