FOURTH !1 EDITION 1 AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIAnON American Sociological Association Fourth Edition Copyright © 2010 by the American Sociological Association All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information stor age or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. Cite as: American Sociological Association. 2010. American Sociologi cal Association Style Guide. 4th ed. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. For information: American Sociological Association 1430 K Street NW; Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 383-9005 x389 E-mail: ISBN 978-0-912764-31-3 Library of Congress Control Number: 2010907781 he American Sociological Association (ASA), found ed in 1905, is a nonprofit membership association dedicated to serving sociologists in their work, advancing sociology as a scientific discipline and profession, and promoting the contributions and use of sociology to society. As the national organization for more than 14,000 sociologists, the ASA is well positioned to provide a unique set of benefits to its members and to promote the vitality, viability, and diversity of the discipline. Working at the national and international levels, the Association aims to articulate policy and implement programs likely to have the broadest possible impact for sociology now and in the future. Publications ASA publications are key to the Association's commitment to scholarly exchange and wide dissemination of socio logical knowledge. ASA publications include 12 journals (described below); substantive, academic, teaching, and career publications; and directories, including the Directory of Members and the annual Guide to Graduate Departments of Sociology. The ASA has in place policies and procedures to guide the publications program of the Association. The Guidelines for the ASA Publications Portfolio, approved by the ASA Coun cil in 1999, articulates a vision for the publications program and sets forth criteria for the periodic review of ASA jour nals and the establishment of new journals. A Committee on Publications provides advice and guidance to the ASA Council on the publications program of the Association. The official journal of the ASA is the American Sociological Review (ASR), published bimonthly. ASR publishes original works of exceptional quality from all areas of sociology. iii Contemporary Sociology ( CS), also bimonthly, publishes reviews and critical discussions of recent works of sociology and in related disciplines that merit the attention of sociolo gists. The Association also publishes six quarterly journals. Social Psychology Quarterly (SPQ formerly Sociometry) publishes theoretical and empirical papers on the link between the indi vidual and society. The journal of Health and Social Behavior (JHSB) publishes sociological analyses of problems of human health and welfare. Sociology of Education (SO E) is devoted to studies of education as a social institution. Teaching Sociol ogy ( TS) publishes research on the teaching of sociology and presents innovative teaching ideas and strategies. Sociological 7heory (ST) reports on recent developments in all areas of sociological theory. Contexts, a journal in magazine format, aims to share sociological research with a broad public. Sociological Methodology (SM), published annually in hard cover format, contains articles of interest to a wide variety of researchers. Currently, two ASA sections (the Community and Urban Sociology Section and the Political Economy of the World System Section) also publish journals, City & Community and the online journal ofWorld Systems Research, respectively. Coming in 2011 is Society and Mental Health, from the Sociology of Mental Health Section. The Rose Series in Sociology, published by the Russell Sage Foundation for the ASA, publishes high-visibility, accessible books that integrate ideas and raise controversies across a broad set of sociological fields. Joining these publications is Footnotes, AS!t.s monthly online newsletter, which reports on important issues relating to the discipline, departmental news, activities of the ASA and its Executive Office, and other national and international news relevant to sociology and sociologists. iv Preface ix A Word about the Fourth Edition of the ASA Style Guide ......... xi The Chicago Manual ofStyle ...................................................... xi Other ASA Resources .............................................................. xii New to the Fourth Edition ..................................................... xiii 1 ASA Editorial Style 1.1 Style Matters ....................................................................... 1 1.2 ASA Style ............................................................................ 2 1.2.1 Some Basics ................................................................ 2 1.2.2 Plagiarism ................................................................... 3 1.2.3 Clarity ........................................................................ 3 1.2.4 Bias ............................................................................ 4 1.2.5 Verbs .......................................................................... 6 1.2.6 Wordy Phrases ............................................................ 8 1.2.7 Common Misusages ................................................. 13 Some Mechanics of Style 17 2.1 Punctuation ....................................................................... 17 2.1.1 Commas ................................................................... 18 2.1.2 Semicolons and Colons ............................................ 19 2.1.3 Hyphens and Dashes ................................................ 21 2.1.4 Em Dashes ............................................................... 22 2.1.5 En Dashes ................................................................ 22 2.1.6 Apostrophes ............................................................. 23 2.1. 7 Quotation Marks ...................................................... 24 2.1.8 Quoted Material ....................................................... 25 2.1.9 Parentheses and Brackets ....................... ................... 26 2.1.10 Ellipses ................................................................... 26 2.2 Spelling ............................................................................. 28 2.3 Capitalization .................................................................... 29 v 2.4 Italics ................................................................................. 30 2.5 Numbers . .................................................... ...................... 31 2.6 Dates ................................................................................. 33 2.7 Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................. 33 2.8 Academic Degrees ............................................................. 34 2.9 Foreign Words and Language Usage .................................. 35 3 ASA-Specific Usages and Conventions 37 3.1 Hyphenation ..................................................................... 3 7 3.2 Capitalization .................................................................... 37 3.3 Italics ................................................................................. 39 3.4 Preferred Word Usages ...................................................... 39 3.5 Some ASA Style Guidelines ............................................... 39 4 Guidelines for Organizing and Presenting Content 41 4.1 Order and Form ofRequired Pages .................................. .41 4.1.1 Tide Page ................................................................. 41 4.1.2 Abstract .................................................................... 41 4.1.3 Key Words ................................................................ 42 4.1.4 Text .......................................................................... 42 4.2 Subheadings ...................................................................... 42 4.3 Text Citations, References, and Bibliographies .................. .43 4.3.1 Text Citations ........................................................... 43 4.3.2 Reference Lists ......................................................... 45 4.4 Legal Citations and Government Documents .................... 54 4.4.1 Legal Citations ........................................................ ,55 4.4.2 Public Documents in General .................................. 57 4.5 Footnotes and Endnotes .................................................... 59 4.6 Appendices ........................................................................ 59 4.7 Mathematical Symbols and Equations ............................... 60 4.8 Tables, Figures, and Graphic Materials .............................. 60 4.8.1 Tables ....................................................................... 60 4.8.2 Figures, Illustrations, and Photographs ..................... 62 vi 4.9 General Manuscript Formats and Style (Non-ASA Journals) .......................................................... 63 Guidelines for Using Electronic Resources (E-Resources) 65 5.1 Some Key Terms and Definitions for Electronic Resources .. 66 5.2 The Internet ...................................................................... 75 5.3 Forms of Electronic References .......................................... 77 5.3.1 E-Books ................................................................... 77 5.3.2 Online Periodicals Available in Print and Online Form 78 5.3.3 Online Periodicals Available in Online Form Only ... 78 5.3.4 Web Sites ................................................................. 79 5.3.5 Web Log Entries or Comments ................................ 80 5.3.6 E-Mail Messages ....................................................... 80 5.3.7 Items in Online Database ......................................... 80 5.3.8 Data and Supporting Materials: Machine Readable .... . Data Files (MRDF) .................................................. 81 5. 4 Audiovisual Materials ........................................................ 81 5.4.1 CD-ROM or DVD-ROM ....................................... 81 5.4.2 Podcast .................................................................... 81 5.4.3 PowerPoint Presentation .......................................... 82 5.4.4 Other Audiovisual Materials .................................... 82 6 Preparing and Submitting a Manuscript to an ASA Journal 83 6.1 Keyboarding Specifications ................................................ 83 6.1.1 Page Format ............................................................. 83 6.1.2 T itle Page ................................................................. 83 6.2 Submitting a Manuscript ................................................... 84 6.3 Ethical Guidelines ............................................................. 85 6.4 Copyright .......................................................................... 85 6.5 Formatting a Manuscript for Publication .......................... 85 vii 6.6 Checklist for Preparing and Submitting a Manuscript to an ASAJournal ...................................................................... 88 6.6.1 Keyboarding the Manuscript.. .................................. 88 6.6.2 Checking the Manuscript Content ........................... 89 6.6.3 Submitting the Manuscript ...................................... 91 7 Interpreting Copyeditors' Notations 93 8 References and Other Sources 95 8.1 References ......................................................................... 95 8.2 Other Sources .................................................................... 97 Appendix: Examples of Reference List Formats 99 1. Books .................................................................................. 99 2. Chapters from Books, Articles from Collected Works ........ 101 3. Articles from Journals ..................... ........... ........................ 1 01 4. Articles from Newspapers and Magazines .......................... 103 5. Archival Sources ................................................................ 103 6. Government Documents ................................................... 1 04 7. Dissertations and Theses .................................................... 105 8. Unpublished Papers ........................................................... 1 05 9. Working and Discussion Papers ......................................... 105 10. Presented Papers .............................................................. 1 06 11. Machine-Readable Data Files .......................................... 1 06 12. E-Resources ..................................................................... 106 Index 111 viii ver the years, ASA authors and editors have sought consensus on style and format for ASA journals. Editors and managing editors have been concerned that too many authors submitting to ASA journals are uninformed about guidelines for format and style. Authors have been uncertain about what ASA style really is. Is it the same for all ASA journals? Is it the same as Chicago Manual style or American Psychological Association style? Does it contain elements of both? Copy editors have also noted these problems and have added that many authors fail to communicate clearly in their writing. At the October 1991 meeting of ASA Managing Editors, participants agreed that they should address these problems by providing concrete guidance to authors and editors, specifying the writing style and manuscript organization ASA journals expect. The original draft of this American So ciological Association Style Guide was completed in October 1992. It was approved by the ASA Committee on Publica tions in August 1995 and was first published in 1996. The second edition of the Style Guide, published in 1997, incor porated recent style revisions and new information on elec tronic citations. The third edition of the ASA Style Guide built on these earlier versions by organizing existing content into a structured system for easier use, expanding guidelines for uploads/Geographie/ asa-style-guide-4ta-edicion.pdf
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