Documents sauvegardés Mercredi 22 mars 2023 à 13 h 38 1 document Ce document es

Documents sauvegardés Mercredi 22 mars 2023 à 13 h 38 1 document Ce document est réservé à l'usage exclusif de l’utilisateur désigné par UNIVERSITE-DE- LILLE et ne peut faire l'objet d'aucune autre utilisation ou diffusion auprès de tiers. • Tous droits réservés • Service fourni par CEDROM-SNi Inc. Sommaire Documents sauvegardés • 1 document Cuadernos de Administración 1 mai 2018 The role of social media in the creation of brand experiences/El rol de los social media en la creacion de experiencias de marca/Le role des medias sociaux dans la creation d'experiences de marque. 10.25100/10.25100/cdea.2018v34n61.6332 The relationship between social media and brand experience remains unclear in spite of the strategic importance of social platforms in marketing. To narrow this gap ... 3 Mercredi 22 mars 2023 à 13 h 38 Documents sauvegardés par 2 Ce document est réservé à l'usage exclusif de l’utilisateur désigné par UNIVERSITE-DE-LILLE et ne peut faire l'objet d'aucune autre utilisation ou diffusion auprès de tiers. • Tous droits réservés • Service fourni par CEDROM-SNi Inc. The role of social media in the creation of brand experiences/El rol de los social media en la creacion de experiencias de marca/Le role des medias sociaux dans la creation d'experiences de marque. 1 0.25100/10.25100/ cdea.2018v34n61.6332 The re- lationship between social media and brand experience remains unclear in spite of the strategic importance of so- cial platforms in marketing. To narrow this gap of knowledge, this paper ad- dresses three research objectives: first, defining what is brand experience on so- cial media. Second, explaining how does brand experience come to life on social media? And, third, understanding how do social media create a brand ex- perience. A set of propositions that comes from sense-making, marketing, and cognitive literature suggests that (a) brand experience on social media is the bundle of brand associations to attribut- es, emotions, or sensations that result from a sense-making process by which a consumer gives meaning to brand-relat- ed content consumption or creation on social media; (b) consumer encodes, stores, and retrieves brand experiences for declarative memory as brand associ- ations to attributes, emotions, or sensa- tions; (c) social media may trigger brand experience creation; however, these me- dia may have challenging effects for brand experiences management (e.g., make difficult the creation of long-term brand experiences). Such a conceptual understanding of the role of social me- dia at customer experience creation, paired with a set proposition for empir- ical work, provide a guide to future re- search into this field. Keywords: Social media, Brand experiences, Sense-mak- ing, Brand-related content, Brand sto- ries. La relacion entre las redes sociales y la experiencia de marca no se entiende bien todavia a pesar de la importancia estrategica de las plataformas sociales para el marketing. Para resolver este problema, este articulo explora tres ob- jetivos de investigacion: primero, de- scribir que es la experiencia de marca en las redes sociales; segundo, explicar como emerge la experiencia de marca en los medios sociales, y tercero, com- prender como las redes sociales crean experiencia de marca. Un conjunto de proposiciones extraidas de la literatura de sense making, marketing, y la ciencia cognitiva sugiere que (a) la experiencia de marca en los medios sociales s el conjunto de asociaciones de la marca a atributos, emociones, o sensaciones que resultan de un proceso de dar significa- do (sense-making) al consumo o crea- cion de contenido en los medios so- ciales; (b) el consumidor codifica, alma- cena y recupera las experiencia de mar- ca de su memoria declarativa en la for- ma de asociaciones de marca; (c) los medios sociales pueden facilitar la crea- cion de experiencia de marca; sin em- bargo, esos medios tambien pueden hac- er dificil la creacion de experiencias de marca a largo plazo. El conjunto de proposiciones de este articulo traza una ruta de investigacion para futuros traba- jos empiricos dentro de este campo de investigacion. Palabras clave: Medios sociales, Experiencia de marca, Sense- making, Contenido relacionado con la marca, Historias de marca. La relation entre les reseaux sociaux et l'experience de la marque n'est pas bien comprise malgre l'importance strategique des plateformes sociales pour le marketing. Pour resoudre ce probleme, cet article explore trois objectifs de recherche : © 2018 Universidad del Valle. All rights reserved. Le présent document est protégé par les lois et conventions internationales sur le droit d'auteur et son utilisation est régie par ces lois et conventions. Certificat émis le 22 mars 2023 à UNIVERSITE-DE-LILLE à des fins de visualisation personnelle et temporaire. news·20180501·GCAFP·581623369 Cuadernos de Administración Nom de la source Cuadernos de Administración Type de source Presse • Magazines et revues Périodicité Semestriel Couverture géographique Nationale Provenance Bogotá, Colombie Tuesday, May 1, 2018 Cuadernos de Administración • no. Vol. 34, no 61 • p. 86(11) • 7634 mots Mercredi 22 mars 2023 à 13 h 38 Documents sauvegardés par Documents sauvegardés 3 Ce document est réservé à l'usage exclusif de l’utilisateur désigné par UNIVERSITE-DE-LILLE et ne peut faire l'objet d'aucune autre utilisation ou diffusion auprès de tiers. • Tous droits réservés • Service fourni par CEDROM-SNi Inc. Premierement, decrire quelle est l'expe- rience de marque dans les reseaux so- ciaux; Deuxiemement, expliquer com- ment l'experience de marque emerge dans les medias sociaux et, troisieme- ment, comprendre comment les reseaux sociaux creent une experience de mar- que. Un ensemble de propositions tirees de la litterature de la creation de sens, du marketing, et de la science cognitive propose que : (a) l'experience de marque dans les medias sociaux est l'ensemble des associations des attributs, emotions ou sensations processus consistant a donner une creation de sens (sense-mak- ing) a la consommation ou a la creation de contenu dans les medias sociaux; (b) le consommateur encode, stocke et recu- pere l'experience de marque de sa mem- oire declarative sous la forme d'associa- tions de marques; (c) les medias sociaux peuvent faciliter la creation d'une expe- rience de marque; Cependant, ces me- dias peuvent egalement rendre difficile la creation d'experiences de marque a long terme. L'ensemble de propositions de cet article trace une voie de recherche pour de futurs travaux empiriques dans ce domaine de recherche. Mots - cles : Medias sociaux, Experience de marque, Creation de sens, Contenu lie a la mar- que, Histoires de marque. 1. Introduction Interactions between consumers and firms on social media (e.g., Internet- based technological applications that fa- cilitate the interaction and collaboration among participants (Kaplan and Haen- lein, 2010) raise new theoretical and practical challenges for understanding and managing brand experience (Humphrey, Rinaldo and Laverie, 2017). Furthermore, the gap between theory and practice in the use of social media in marketing is widening because of the use of social media by marketing managers growths faster than the theo- retical development (Ashley and Tuten, 2015). Some authors highlight the lack of con- ceptual and empirical evidence of the ef- fect of social media on the formation of the brand experience. For instance, some authors (Marz, Schubach and Schumann, 2017) claim that firms en- courage consumers to review products or to share their experiences with brands through social media without evidence of the effects of these activities on con- sumers. In a similar vein, other re- searchers (Alves, Fernandes and Ra- poso, 2016; Ratchford, 2015) contend that it is necessary more research for un- derstanding consumers' responses to in- teraction with brands on social media. This lack of knowledge makes it dif- ficult for marketing people to manage brand experience on social media or to improve the impact of their investments in social media on their business (Lam- berton and Stephen, 2016; Wedel and Kannan, 2016). For narrowing this gap of knowledge, this paper addresses three research ob- jectives. The first objective of this paper is to clarify what is brand experience in the context of social media. By drawing on psychological and cognitive view, this paper defines brand experience on social media as the bundle of brand as- sociations to attributes, emotions, or sensations that result from a process of sense-making by which a consumer gives meaning to brand-related content consumption or creation on social me- dia. The focus on creation and consump- tion of content in online environments emphasizes the interactive nature of so- cial media and makes a distinction be- tween brand experience on social media and general definitions of brand experi- ence from marketing literature (Brakus, Schmitt, and Zarantonello, 2009). The second objective of this paper is to identify the process by which brand experience come to life on social media. In particular, from a sense-mak- ing allows to understand three key stages that occur in brand experience creation on social media: (a) filtering of content; (b) content processing; and (c) emergence of individual meanings for each consumer. On filtering of content, sense-making approach suggests that online brand-re- lated content that fits goals of individ- uals are more likely to be the source of brand experience. About content pro- cessing, sense-making suggests that rel- evant content becomes experience by a cognitive process by which consumer fits information to its mental frame- uploads/Geographie/ biblioeuropresse-20230322083811.pdf

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