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In Karetsou, Alexandra, Theocharis Detorakis, and Alexis Kalokairinos (eds)Pepragmena H' Diethnous Kritologikou Synedriou [Proceedings of the 8th Cretological Conference], 421‐436. Philippa‐Touchais, Anna and Gilles Touchais. Argos. 2002. BCH 126.2, 494‐500 Philippa‐Touchais, Anna, and Gilles Touchais. Argos: Aspis. 1996. BCH 120, 843‐845 Philippa‐Touchais, Anna, and Gilles Touchais. Les fouilles de l'Aspis d'Argos: La Grèce avant les palais mycéniens. 1997. Dossiers d'Archéologie 222, 76‐81 Philippa‐Touchais, Anna, Gilles Touchais, Marcel Piérart, and Anne Pariente. Argos. 2001. BCH 125.2, 563‐580 Picard, O., P. Aupert, B. Dorovines, and G. Touchais. Argos, a Contemporary City Endangered for 3000 Years (in Greek). 1982. Arheoloyia 2, 74‐90 Piérart, Marcel, and Gilles Touchais. ARGOS: Une ville grecque de 6000 ans. 1996 Touchais, G. Rapports sur les travaux de l'École française d'Athènes en 1989. Argos. 4. l'Aspis. 1990. BCH 114 (+ 115, 99, 100, 102, 104, 108) Touchais, Gilles. Le Bronze Moyen et le début du Bronze Récent dans le Péloponnèse, à la lumière des fouilles de l’Aspis d’Argos. 1999. Le Péloponnèse. Archéologie et Histoire, 83‐84. (abstract) 4 Larisa Protonotariou‐Deilaki, E. 1970. Dio mikinaïki tafi is Larisan Argus (Deux tombeaux mycéniens à Larissa d'Argos. AAA 3:3. p. 301‐303 Vasilatos, Nikos, Larisa, hē akropolēs tou Argous: Larissa, the acropolis of Argos, 1994 Tomlinson, R. A. Argos and the Argolid: from the end of the Bronze Age to the Roman occupation. 1972 The Larisa: Mycenaean walls found 11y Volgraff, Mnemosyne 56 (1928) 313 ff., and Mededeelingen der K. Akad. van Wetenschappen Letterkunde vol. 66 (1928) Series B, No. 4; i3Cli 54 (1930) 480; JNS.4rch for 1954 p. 9 There is evidence of Mycenaean fortification of both the Larisa and the Aspis. The Mycenaean settlement extended from the Larisa at least as far to south and east as the area of the present Museum. The ‘floruit’ of the Deiras cemetery was LH I I1 A : 2 ‐B, and the range LH I I to LH I I I C :2 andlor sub‐Mycenaean. In the sub‐Mycenaean period the settlement and the main burial site were moved (slightly); but there is some doubt as to whether or not occupation was continuous in the general vicinity from LH I11 C : 1 to Sub‐Mycenaean. The evidence is highly complex and detailed (cf. Desborough Zoc. cit.). Cl. M. Gr. cl‐g DF221.A8 V37 1994 uploads/Geographie/ bibliography-argos-aspida-larisa.pdf
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