HOBBES: Historia Ecciesiastica Translation by PATRICIA SPRINGBORG, PATRICIA STA
HOBBES: Historia Ecciesiastica Translation by PATRICIA SPRINGBORG, PATRICIA STABLEIN AND PAUL WILSON Dans Ia même collection Thomas HOBBES 1. BERNARD MANDEVILLE, Pensées libres. Sur Ia Religion, Sur 1 ‘Eglise, et Sur le Bonheur national. Edition critique par Paulette Carrive et Lucien Car rive. 2000. 2. BAVEREL-CROISSANT, Marie-Françoise. La Vie et les xuvres completes de Jacques Vallée des Barreaux (1599-1673). 2001. 3. BONAVENTURE DES PERIERS. Cvmbalum Mundi. Edition critique par Max Gauna. 2000. 4. Examen critique des apologistes de la religion chrétienne. Attribuable a Jean Lévesque de Burigny. Edition critique par Alain Niderst. 2001. 5. VEIRAS, Denis. L’Histoire des Sévararnbes. Edition critique par Aubrey Rosenberg. 2001. 6. Dissertation sur Ia formation du Monde (1738). Dissertation sur Ia résurrec tion de Ia chair (1743). Manuscrits du recueil 1168 de la Bibliothèque Maza rifle de Paris. Textes établis, présentés et commentës par Claudia Stancati. 2001. 7. TYSSOT DE PATOT, Simon. Lettres choisies et Discours sur Ia chronologie. Edition critique par Aubrey Rosenberg. 2002. 8. WOOLSTON, Thomas. Six discours sur les miracles de Notre Sauveur. Deux traductions manuscrites du xviir siècle dont une de Mme Du Chdtelet. Edition par William Trapnell. 2001. 9. Scepticisme, Clandestinité er Libre Pensée / Scepticism, Clandestinity and Free-Thinking. Sous Ia direction de Gianni Paganini, Miguel BenItez et James Dybikowski. Actes des Tables rondes organisées a Dublin dans le cadre du Congrès des Lumières (Tenth International Congress on the Enlightenment), 26-27juillet 1999. 2002. 10. SORBIERE, Samuel. Discours sceptiques. Edition critique établie et présente par Sophie Gouverneur. 2002. 11. BOYER d’ARGENS, Jean-Baptiste. La philosophie du bon sens. Edition eta blie et présentée par Guillaume Pigeard de Gurbert. 2002. 12. ARTIGAS-MENANT, Genevieve. Lumières clandestines. Lespapiers de Tho ,nas Pichon. 2002. 13. ARTIGAS-MENANT, Genevieve. Du Secret des clandestins a la propagande voltairienne. 2002. 14. TOLAND, John. La Constitution primitive de l’Eglise chrétienne. The Primi tive Constitution of the Christian Church. Texte anglais et traduction manus crite prëcédés de L’ecclésiologie de John Toland par Laurent Jaffro. 2003. 15. L’Ame marerielle (ouvrage anonyme). Deuxième edition, revue et completee avec une introduction et des notes par Alain Niderst. 2003. HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA Critical edition, including text, translation, introduction, commentary and notes, by Patricia SPR1NGBORG, Patricia STABLEIN and Paul WILsoN PARIS HONORE CHAMPION EDITEUR 2008 (Suite enfin de volume) www.honorechampion.com 726 INDEX Waldensians, 2’ century Church reformers, 169, 563 *Waldo, Peter = Peter Waldus (1140-1217), Reformer, 562-3, 567, 657* Walker, P. David, 191n2 *Waller, Edmund (1606-1687), Poet and politician, 51,78,242, 244n1, 258, 586-7, 589n708, 6578* Panegyrick to my Lord Protector, 88n1, 244n1, 658 To the King, Upon His Majesty’s Happy Return, 658 Wallis, John, Oxford divine (1616- 1703), 53, 60, 87-8, 114-5 Explanation of the Shorter Catechism, presented by the Assembly ofDivines, 52-3 Due CorrectionforMr. Hobbes Elenchus Geometriae Hobbianae Hobbiani Puncti Dispunctio Mens Sobria, 63 Walton, Brian (1600-1661), Bishop, English divine Walton, Izaak (1593-1683), English writer, l28n3, l35n6, 243, 407n244, 459nn389-91, 461nn394-8, 463n399-40l Biographies of Donne Wotton and Gorge Herbert, 243 The Compleat Angler (co-au thor), 135n6, 243, 407n244, 459n388, 461n395 Watson, Foster, 1 96n 1 Webb, Nathaniel, 52 Wheldon, James, Hobbes’s amanu ensis, 26, 83-4, 87, 94, 97, 99- 100,271,274,276,279 Whichcote, Benjamin(1609-1683), Cambridge Platonist, 185, 194 Whiston, William (1667-1752), di vine, 104, 128 White, Thomas alias Blacklo (1592/3-1676), Catholic priest and philosopher, 50-1, 106 TheMicjdleState ofSouls. From the hour ofDeath to the day of Judgment (1659) Obedience and Government De Mundo, 50, 106, 204 Wilcox Joel F., 192-3 Wilkins, David Concilia Magna Britanniae (1737), 104n2, liOnS Wilkins, John (1614-1672) William I, the Conqueror (c. 1028- 1087), 137 William III, 96 Williamson, Joseph (1633-1701), Englishpolitician, 108,110,125 Wolsey, Cardinal (1473 ?-1530), 195 Wood, Anthony (1632-1695) English antiquary, 63, 84n2, 87- 9, 98n3, 106-7, 614 Athenae Oxonienses, 63n3, 106n2, 131n2, 614 Worthington, John (1618-1671), Cambridge Platonist, 185 Wotton, Sir Henry (1568-1639), English scholar and diplomat, 243, 461n395 Wycliffe, John (c. 1325-1384) English theologian, 567, 571, 607n786 Zeno of Citium (333 BC-264 BC), Hellenistic Stoic, 102, 185, 348-9, 351n120, 658 Zoroaster (1200 BC), Persian reli gious leader, 179 Zwingli, Ulrich (1484-1531), Swiss Protestant HOBBES AND HERESY 3.1 Heresy and the Historia Ecciesiastica 99 3.2 Hobbes and Scargill 116 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dedication A Note on Texts and Sources Abbreviations: copy text and translation Abbreviations: General HOBBES’S HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA: INTRODUCTION HOBBES, HISTORY, HERESY AND THE UNIVERSITIES (by Pathcia Spingborg) CHAPTER 1 TEXT AND CONTEXT, TEXT AND RECEPTION 1.1 Hobbes’s ecciesiology and the sequence of texts 1.2 Hobbes, Deist, Atheist, or Epicurean 9 1.3 Hobbes and the Presbyterians 1.4 Hobbes and the Universities 1.5 Hobbes’s Continental Reception CHAPTER 2 TEXT AND TIMEFRAME: MATERIAL EVIDENCE 2.1 Material evidence, preliminary 2.2 Text and Time Frame: Manuscripts and Reports CHAPTER 3 7 9 10 12 13 17 29 46 55 66 75 80 728 Ti OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 729 CHAPTER 4 HOBBES AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 4.1 The Papacy, Institutionalization and State Power 125 4.2 Hobbes, the Antiquarians and Universal History 136 4.3 Hobbes and the Ecclesiastical Historians 146 THE HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA CHAPTER 5 HOBBES, PATRISTICS AND PLATONISM Facing Page Latin Texte 300 5.1 Hobbes and Pathstics 165 . 301 5 2 The Philo-Semitic Hobbes 170 English Translation and Notes 5.3 Hobbes and Platonism 181 604 1668 Glossary CHAPTER 6 TRE HIsT0IUA EccIisIAsTIcA AND HOBBES’S PHILOSOPHICAL PROJECT GLOSSARY 611 6.1 Scepticism and Hobbes’s Philosophy 199 6.2 The Historia Ecciesiastica and Species Theory 214 BIBLIOGRAPHY 659 6.3 Hobbes and Theological Lying 224 INDEX 701 CHAPTER 7 HOBBES AND TIlE POETS TABLE OF CONTENTS 727 7.1 Hobbes, the Image and Aesthetics 235 7.2 Literary Sources and Stylistics 252 APPENDIX A (with Noel Malcolm) A survey of the MSS and printed texts 267 APPENDIX B (by Patricia Springborg) Ecclesiastical Sources in the Hardwick Hall Library 279 Libri Theologici 280 APPENDIX C (by Noel Malcolm) Georg Grund, a Biographical Note 291 Postscript 299 Published with the support of the Free University of Bozen-Boizano Diffusion hors France: Editions Slatkine, Genève www.slatkjne.com © 2008. Editions Champion, Paris. Reproduction et traduction, même partielles, interdites. Tous droits réservés pour tous les pays. ISBN: 978-2-7453-1577-9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This edition represents 15 years of labour on my part and the sub stantial contribution of many generous scholars. First and foremost I wish to acknowledge the work of Dr. Patricia Stablein, who worked on the project from 1995-2000 as co-translator, especially for her important contribution to the apparatus, which is also acknowledged in her inclusion on the title page. This project was funded under the title ‘Hobbes and the Poets’, by the Australian Research Council Large Grant Scheme, grant no: A79602887, awarded to me for the calendar years of 1996 to 1998, which also paid Dr. Stablein’s salary for this period, during which she was a scholar-in-residence first at the Folger Shakespeare Library and then at La Trobe University. I wish to acknowledge my great debt to the ARC, for without their generous support such a complex project would not have been pos sible. I wish also to acknowledge the work of Paul Wilson, Aus tralian Latin scholar and now diplomat, whom I commissioned to undertake an independent translation of Hobbes’s Latin text against which to cross-check our own. We incorporated many of Paul Wilson’s succinct formulations, for which I truly thank him. Expert scholars also contributed substantially. First among them is Donald Russell, Emeritus Professor of Latin Literature in the Uni versity of Oxford, who so generously worked on improving the translation and apparatus during my time as a Senior Visiting Research Fellowship at St. John’s College, Oxford, from July 2001 to February 2002. Professor Russell, with customary modesty, refused to allow me to acknowledge his specific contributions, which are to be found on every page. This translation will join a shelf-full of books by scholars who have been similarly assisted over the years by an outstanding scholar who is also known for his kindness. 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 9 Dr. Noel Malcolm, Fellow of All Souls’ College Oxford, offered generous assistance of another kind, putting at our disposal his immense skill at palaeographic analysis. Dr. Malcolm spent several days in the British Library examining the Harley MS and his analysis of the state of the MSS is summarized in Appendix A of the Intro duction, ‘A Survey of the MSS and Printed Texts’. To the many scholars who offered assistance on points of detail and for reading drafts of the material, I would like to single out for special thanks Quentin Skinner, Regius Professor of History in the University of Cambridge, Mark Goldie, Vice-Master at Churchill College, Cam bridge, John Pocock, Professor Emeritus of the John’s Hopkins Uni versity, Professor Gianni Paganini, Professore Ordinario di Storia della Filosofia, Università del Piemonte Orientale, and the late Pro fessor Karl Schuhmann, renowned Hobbes scholar at Utrecht Uni versity. I would like especially to express my gratitude to the Karl Schuhmann for useful discussions and for going through his Chronique with me for relevant items before it was published; and I would also like to thank Professor Franck Lessay, who is preparing the French translation of the Historia Ecciesiastica for Vrin, for dis cussions on several occasions, and uploads/Geographie/ hobbes-historiaecclesiastica-springborg-et-al.pdf
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