Jean-Marie Atangana Mebara Le Secrétaire général de la présidence de la Républi

Jean-Marie Atangana Mebara Le Secrétaire général de la présidence de la République au Cameroun Entre mythes, textes et réalités Le Secrétaire général de la présidence de la République au Cameroun Entre mythes, textes et réalités Jean-Marie ATANGANA MEBARA LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL DE LA PRESIDENCE DE LA REPUBLIQUE AU CAMEROUN Entre mythes, textes et réalités Préface d’Eric Chinje L’Harmattan © L’Harmattan, 2016 5-7, rue de l’École-Polytechnique ; 75005 Paris ISBN : 978-2-343-08416-9 EAN : 9782343084169 À tous mes enfants et petits-enfants : qu’aucune frustration, aucune privation, aucune souffrance endurées ne vous empêche de toujours aimer le Cameroun et de le servir toujours, au mieux de vos capacités ! Be always the best you can and give always the best you have to this Nation and to the humankind. JEAN-MARIE ATANGANA MEBARA SOMMAIRE PREFACE ............................................................................................................... 9 AVANT-PROPOS ................................................................................................. 17 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 21 PREMIERE PARTIE : BREVE HISTOIRE DU SECRETARIAT GENERAL ET DES SECRETAIRES GÉNÉRAUX DE LA PRÉSIDENCE DE 1960 À 2012 ....... 27 CHAPITRE I : LE SECRETARIAT GENERAL DE LA PRESIDENCE ET LES SECRETAIRES GENERAUX SOUS LE PRESIDENT AHIDJO ................................. 29 CHAPITRE II : LE SECRETARIAT GENERAL DE LA PRESIDENCE ET LES SECRETAIRES GENERAUX SOUS LE PRESIDENT BIYA (1982-2012) .................. 49 CHAPITRE III : LES TEMOIGNAGES DE QUELQUES ANCIENS SECRETAIRES GENERAUX DE LA PRESIDENCE ......................................................................... 101 DEUXIEME PARTIE : MON VECU DE SG/PR. DIALOGUES AVEC DES CONCITOYENS, MOI ET MOI-MÊME ........................................................... 111 CHAPITRE I. LE DEBUT : HISTOIRE D’UNE ARRIVEE AU SECRETARIAT GENERAL DE LA PRESIDENCE ............................................................................ 115 CHAPITRE II : LA PRISE EFFECTIVE DE FONCTION ....................................... 127 CHAPITRE III : L’EXERCICE DES ATTRIBUTIONS ET RESPONSABILITES OFFICIELLES DE SECRETAIRE GENERAL AU QUOTIDIEN ............................. 135 CHAPITRE IV : LA GESTION DES NOMINATIONS ............................................. 163 CHAPITRE V : L’EXERCICE DES MISSIONS ET RESPONSABILITES PONCTUELLES. ..................................................................................................... 191 CHAPITRE VI : LES RELATIONS AVEC LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE, L’ENTOURAGE DU PRESIDENT, ET LES COLLEGUES DU GOUVERNEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 221 CHAPITRE VII : L’HOMME BIYA QUE VOUS AVEZ COTOYE ........................... 237 CHAPITRE VIII : QUELQUES QUESTIONS SUBSIDIAIRES ET FINALES ......... 271 EN GUISE DE CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 287 BIBLIOGRAPHIE .............................................................................................. 295 ANNEXE ............................................................................................................. 297 9 PREFACE If my experience in reading this book is anything to go by, I will advice you have pen and paper at hand, to take notes and reference dates. Mr. Jean-Marie Atangana Mebara has written a book for every citizen of Cameroon and most especially for historians, legal analysts, academicians, social commentators, politicians and media professionals. When he asked me to preface this book, I naturally wondered: why me? I have had very limited interactions with the President of the Republic and kept my own memories of such moments; but I never occupied high office as he had or got any sustained exposure to how things work in the higher spheres of government. I am not a scientist either, nor a university lecturer. I was a journalist in Cameroon but have been out of the country for well over two decades. However, when finally we met and he explained to me that he wanted “somebody of reputable credibility, an objective observer and a journalist known for his engagement to truth and liberty,” I felt truly honoured and accepted to take on the task, with a lot of humility. I personally learnt a lot while reading the book. It is a combination of documentary and historical research relating to the function and the persons who have occupied the job of Secretary General, Presidency of the Republic (SG/PR) in Cameroon, coated with the personal experience of the author. It reveals the dark and sunny side of a job, sheds light on the myths and stereotypes of the function and, above all, debunks misconceptions that SGPRs swim in an ocean of tranquility, favour, honour, privilege, wealth and influence. It goes without any doubt that the function of the Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon is highly prestigious. It is one of the rare jobs in the country that guarantees direct access to the Head of State on virtually a daily basis. In the circle of power, the position is therefore strategic. It is generally considered by many as the mould from which the movers and shakers of the Republic are fabricated. Little wonder, SGPRs are looked upon as “vice-gods”, the “god” being the Head of State himself. To most Cameroonians, therefore, the function remains as mysterious as that of the Head of State. In a country like Cameroon in which the culture of secrecy is largely widespread in the management of State affairs, information that can help to demystify any top job is good literature. Such is the case with the book you have in hand. The author, Mr. Mebara, held the position of SGPR for four years, from August 2002 to September 2006. He has been in jail since 2008, for alleged embezzlement of public funds. A high Court in Yaounde acquitted him and 10 decided to release him in May 2012. But, he was maintained in jail. He does not delve into this as would be expected, except in passing comments that touch on the fine line between politics and justice in Mr. Biya’s Cameroon. His main objective here is to throw some light into this enigmatic world of the SGPR; the function that led to his present judicial tribulations. Through Mr. Mebara’s eyes, we get a glimpse of the delicate side of being the SGPR, a snapshot of a moment in a time of rapid social change in the country. The author explains that the job of SGPR is a function that invites several fair- weather friends, increases lip servants, raises the number of one’s detractors and makes the ambitious envious and spiteful. There is a lot of that in this publication, especially for those who read between the lines. Mr. Mebara tells us the working hours are long, family is generally sacrificed for State obligations and the risk of being misunderstood omnipresent, especially when it comes to implementing verbal decisions from the Head of State. The book also carries some interesting “revelations”. The “dialogue” section of the publication can be considered the picture of those exalting moments before and during the author’s tenure as SGPR. Readers are taken on a ballade through a meandering path that covers the appointment, the function, the relationship with the Head of State, relations with State institutions and to crown it all, the role of the SGPR in the appointment of important State authorities such as members of government and general managers. Unfortunately, there are no State secrets here to comfort schemers; no “proves beyond any reasonable doubts” for inquisitive minds. You have lots of facts, and an attempt to interpret them in ways that would facilitate comprehension and provide lessons to readers. The same level-headedness and non-aggressive expression guided his choice of words when it came to talking about the Head of State. Emphasis is laid on the cordial working relation he had with his boss and President. Some readers might find these soft words for the Head of State a paradox judging from the author’s current judicial predicament that carries the stench of political manipulation. Once again, Mr. Mebara is demonstrating, as he did in an earlier publication, that prison walls can block the body but not the mind. Apparently, the years spent in seclusion have not hardened the heart of the Statesman, who strongly believes he is unjustly being held behind bars. Rather, it brings out the humane nature of a man aspiring to break the spiral chain of hatred. This is definitely why the names of some of the protagonists, cited for negative acts are carefully left out from the book. 11 Not all questions have been raised; not all answers have been provided! Some readers might be disappointed not to find responses to certain issues or concerns they craved to know more about. Others would surely wonder why the somewhat reconciliatory and very factual tone of the writing. Like me, other readers would probably remain thirsty for information while reading the answers of the author to certain questions that Cameroonians regularly ask themselves, for example: - Does the Head of State really work that hard, and on what does he focus, given the enormous difficulty Cameroon has realizing its immense potential? - Can the many "short trips" abroad by the President be justified or even explained? - Is the administrative inertia in Cameroon not a direct consequence of the system? - Does knowledge of people and the law really matter that much in this high office of SG/PR? In spite of these questions, one must admit that Mr. Atangana Mebara, through this opus, has given Cameroonians and others a lot to chew on with regard to the workings of the office of the Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic. The book is eminently readable! The choice of the dialogue genre is original and makes reading and understanding rather easy. It can also be highly useful for media persons who, generally, have limited uploads/Geographie/ le-secretaire-general-de-la-presidence-d.pdf

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