Ma let tre de pr ése nta tio n NOM : ..........................................

Ma let tre de pr ése nta tio n NOM : ................................................... PRÉNOM : ............................................. Quels sont mes hobbies, mes passe-temps et sports favoris ? List your favorite hobbies, pastimes and sports / Welches sind Ihre Hobbies undlhre Lieblingssportarten ? / Cuàles son tus pasatiempos y deportes preferidos ? Quelle est ma personnalité? How would you rate your personality ?/ Wie beschreiben Sie Ihre Persönlichkeit ?/ Como calificarias tu personalidad ? ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ Anxieux / Anxious/Ängstlich/ Nervioso Timide Shy/Schüchtern/Timido OUI / Yes/Ja/Si OUI / Yes/Ja/Si NON / No/Nein/No NON / No/Nein/No Indépendant Independent/Selbtänding/ Indipendiente Sociable Sociable/Gesellig/Sociable Flexible Adapts easily/Anpassungsfähig/ Adaptable Ai-je déjà voyagé à l’étranger ? Have you ever been abroad before ? / Waren Sie schon im Ausland ? Has estado alguna vez en el extranjero ? Si oui, dans quels pays ? / List the countries you have visited/ In welchen Ländern?/Indica los paises que has visitado Si oui, lesquels ? / If yes, which ones?/Wenn ja, welche?/Si es así, ¿cuáles? Quelle est ma matière préférée ? What is your favorite subject in school ? / Was ist Ihr Lieblingsfach in der Schule ? / Cual es tu asignatura preferida en la escuela ? Est-ce que j’ai des animaux ? Do you have any pets? / Haben Sie Haustiere? / Tienes animales domésticos? Dans la langue du pays, je rédige ici une lettre de présentation à ma famille d’accueil (environ 300 mots)*. Je donne autant de détails que possible sur moi-même, mes études, mes ami(e)s, ma famille, mes loisirs car cette lettre lui permet de mieux me connaître et d’évaluer mon niveau de langue. *en anglais pour les séjours en familles britanniques en France Joindre des photos de moi et de mon entourage. photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 5 photo 4 photo 6 Les photos en pièces jointes sont signalées par une épingle. TEL. : 05 45 97 41 19 I don't have great self-confidence, which makes me doubt each decision VERNHET Erik I play the drums, I read books and i learn Lithuanian    Germany, France, United Arab Emirates, Lithuania I like english and Maths  We have Chickens ; 1 Rooster and some hens My name is Erik, i am 13 years old, i was born on the 27 February 2008, i live in France, at Ludres, With my 2 brothers, my 2 sisters, and my parents, i am Schooled at "La Malgrange" A french school installed in a castle, i have a few friends who also talk english. I play the Drums For 4 years, and i am learning Lithuanian to try talking with my Mother's Family. They don't speak french, so, we have to talk english toogether, making me better. I also love Building games like jenga, or Kapla even if it requires precision i don't have. My entire Family likes Metal Music, we often go toogether to festivals. I Have traveled a lot in my life, since my dad is in The Air Force of France, and my mother is a house wife, I lived 2 years in France, Then, 4 years in The United Arab Emirates, Then 3 other years in France, 3 years in Germany, and now i am back in my country. I have never travelled in a land where the main language is english, and i think living there for a moment will really help me in english.I never had a Private lesson for this language, but i used some programms when i was starting, who taugth me the basics, but, when i talk for too long, i am starting to struggle, making it hard for me to have long conversations just in english , and, when i must do something that requires precision, i start to shake a lot., I don't have great self-confidence, making le like other people to direct me, it also make me doubt on each decision i have to make. uploads/Geographie/ ma-lettre-de-preesentation-pour-la-famille.pdf

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