Mind Control Slavery and the New World Order By Uri Dowbenko © 1998 - Reformatt

Mind Control Slavery and the New World Order By Uri Dowbenko © 1998 - Reformatted by Kidd 11/2000 According to this extremely disturbing report, Monarch Program mind-control survivors claim to have been used as high-tech slaves by certain intelligence agencies and top-ranking politicians. Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 6, Number 2 (February-March 1999). PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. editor@nexusmagazine.com Telephone: ; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381 From our web page at: www.nexusmagazine.com by Uri Dowbenko © 1998 New Improved Entertainment Corp. PO Box 43 Pray, Montana 59065, USA E-mail: u.dowbenko@mailcity.com High-tech slavery is alive and well on planet Earth. Ever since World War II when the United States Government's Project Paperclip sponsored the resettlement of about 2,000 high-level Nazis in the United States, the technology of mind-control programming has advanced rapidly. "The Germans under the Nazi government began to do serious scientific research into trauma-based mind control," write Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler in their book, The Illuminati Formula used to create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave. "Under the auspices of the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin, Josef Mengele conducted mind-control research on thousands of twins and thousands of other hapless victims." Mengele, known as "the Angel of Death", was one of the approximately 900 military scientists and medical researchers secretly exfiltrated into the United States, where he continued his 'research' and trained others in the black arts of mind control. This work in behaviour manipulation was later incorporated into the CIA's projects Bluebird and Artichoke which, in 1953, became the notorious MKULTRA. The CIA claims that these programs were discontinued, but there is no credible evidence that "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate" (the title of the definitive book by John Marks) ever ceased. In fact, Captain John McCarthy, US Army Special Forces (Ret.), who ran CIA assassination teams out of Saigon during the Vietnam War, told his friend, LAPD whistleblower Mike Ruppert, that "MKULTRA is a CIA acronym that officially stands for 'Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassinations'". Thus the CIA's official obsession with producing programmed killers through the MKULTRA contained more than 149 sub-programs in fields ranging from biology, pharmacology, psychology to laser physics and ESP. More recently, new evidence points to the continuous use of so-called trauma-based programming techniques to accomplish the same goal. This includes the deliberate induction of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) in involuntary human subjects - in essence, human guinea pigs. MPD has been reclassified by the American Psychiatric Association as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The psychiatrists' bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV, p. 487), characterises it by: A. The presence of two or more distinct personality states; B. At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behaviour; Search: This Site Tripod Web by n m l k j n m l k j i n m l k j Go! Start Your Own Blog Today Build an online Photo Album +61 (0)7 5442 9280 Page 1 sur 7 Mind Control Slavery and the New World Order 3/12/2011 mhtml:file://D:\ondes\BIBLIOGRAPHIE\PDF\The%20Mind%20Control%20And%20Ma... C. Inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness; D. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition. No matter what name is assigned to the problem, however, to create this condition by conscious intent is an atrocity so depraved that trauma-based mind-control programming remains the de facto Secret Holocaust of the 20th century. Known as the Monarch Project, it has been verified and corroborated by numerous survivors like Cathy O'Brien, author of TranceFormation of America, Brice Taylor, author of Starshine, and K. Sullivan, author of MK. No paper trail has been found which leads from the CIA's MKULTRA program to the Monarch Project - a catchword for mind control which involves US military, CIA, NASA and other government agencies. The Franklin Cover-up, attorney John W. DeCamp's groundbreaking book about high-level pedophilia, also describes the sordid details of Monarch. "Drugs are not the deepest level of government-sponsored evil," he writes. "I think the lowest level of Hell is reserved for those who conjured up and carried out the 'Monarch Project'. 'Monarch' refers to young people in America who were victims of mind-control experiments run either by US government agencies such as CIA or military intelligence agencies." DeCamp's client, Monarch abuse survivor Paul Bonacci, has a story which parallels the victimology of O'Brien, Taylor and Sullivan - an extensive cross-corroboration of perpetrators and their methodology. It's simply "the production of a horde of children in whom the soul is crushed, who would spy, whore, kill and commit suicide", in the words of investigative reporter Anton Chaitkin, quoted by DeCamp in his book. Recovering Monarch victims speak of ongoing trauma through "ritual abuse", also known as "satanic ritual abuse" because of the identifiable iconography of a belief structure associated with Satanism or Luciferianism. By using drugs, hypnosis, torture and electroshock, the Monarch criminal perpetrators have produced new and succeeding generations of victims. This is not science fiction, but science fact. MPD involves the creation of personality "alters": alternative personalities or personality fragments which can be used for specific tasks - usually for illegal activities like delivering drugs or other black-market activities (mules), messages (couriers) or killings (assassins). These alters, or soul fragments, are segregated and compartmentalised within the victim's mind by the repeated use of stun guns, drugs and hypnosis, which isolates the memories of their experiences. An alter can be accessed by anyone who knows the "codes" or "triggers". These triggers, which induce an altered or trance state in a programmed victim, can be anything including telephone tones, nursery rhymes, dialogue from certain movies or hand signals. According to Springmeier and Wheeler, whose 468-page book has become a reference in the field, "...the basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts called 'alters' can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times. The amnesia walls that are built by traumas form a protective shield of secrecy that prevents the abusers from being found out and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time to know how their system of alters is being used." The mind-control programming, however, has not worked according to plan. In fact, the perpetrators, in their arrogance and hubris, never dreamed that their methods could fail. The retrieval of survivors' photographic-like memories of actual abuse incidents, including images, sounds and smells, constitutes a major exposure of human rights abuses. These victims bear witness to the secret atrocities of the so-called New World Order. MORE ON ILLUMINATI MIND CONTROL According to John Coleman, author of Conspirators Hierarchy: The Committee of 300: "...the Illuminati is very much alive and well in America... Since the Illuminati is also known as Satanism, it must follow that the CIA was controlled by a Satanist while Dulles had charge of it. The same holds true for George Bush [a member of the Order of Skull and Bones]. "Given the ghastly mind-control experiments constantly being conducted by the CIA, and its past connections to fiendish monsters like Dr Campbell and Dr Sidney Gottlieb, it does not take much to conclude that the CIA follows satanic roads," Coleman concludes in his monograph, "Illuminati in America". With regards to "the brainwashing capabilities of the Tavistock Institute as well as US Department of Defense projects like the Advanced Research Project Agency", Coleman writes that "...the bottom line of the projects is mind control as predicted by the book, The Technotronic Era, by Zbigniew Brzezinski. The project goes by the name 'Monarch Program' and it is a vast project involving not only the CIA but the Army, Air Force and Navy with all of their skills and vast resources." SULLIVAN'S TRAVELS The horrific torture and sexual abuse of children, also called "satanic ritual abuse", has been a key component in the creation of mind- controlled slaves. Mind-control survivor K. Sullivan has written an astounding book called MK, a fictionalised account of her life, which describes the world of multiple personalities. To her credit, Sullivan has been able to reconstruct from her memories the actual mechanics and methodology of going from one alter state to another. A programmed assassin and sex slave, Sullivan says she was abused and raped by Robert Maxwell, Henry Kissinger, George Bush and Billy Graham, among others. One of her controllers was deceased CIA operative James Jesus Angleton, who has been widely regarded as a KGB and Mossad asset. In a recent interview, Sullivan spoke about her background as a "family-generational slave" to the elite and about her stepfather, now deceased, who was initially her primary programmer. His cover was a church-going, upstanding citizen, a professional mechanical and systems engineer with a curious interest in robotics. "There were a number of people who trained, conditioned, then broke my will, broke my psyche and programmed me in different altered uploads/Geographie/ mind-control-mind-control-slavery-and-the-new-world-order.pdf

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