Publication date: 2015-08-18 Broilers Incubation Guide 1 About this manual 5 1.

Publication date: 2015-08-18 Broilers Incubation Guide 1 About this manual 5 1.1 Copyright and disclaimer notice 6 1.2 Audience and scope 7 1.3 If you need help 8 1.4 Version history 9 2 Introduction 11 2.1 Outline of the Incubation Guide 12 2.2 Golden rules for a hatchery 14 2.3 Quality Management System 15 3 Egg handling 17 3.1 Introduction 18 3.2 Egg handling at the breeder farm 20 3.3 Egg transport to the hatchery 24 3.4 Egg receipt 26 3.5 Setting eggs in setter trays and trolleys 27 3.6 Pre-storage incubation 28 3.7 Storage of hatching eggs 30 3.8 Disinfecting hatching eggs 32 4 Incubation in setter: day 1-18 35 4.1 Introduction 36 4.2 Single-stage incubation 37 4.3 Multi-stage incubation 41 5 Candling and transfer 47 5.1 Introduction 48 5.2 10-day candling 49 5.3 Candling and transfer 52 5.4 In-ovo vaccination 56 6 Incubation in hatcher: day 19-21 59 6.1 Introduction 60 6.2 Incubation in hatcher: day 19 – 21 61 6.3 Application of disinfectant during hatching period 64 7 Chick handling 67 7.1 Introduction 68 7.2 Chick take-off 69 7.3 Vaccination of day-old-chicks 71 7.4 Sexing of day-old-chicks 75 7.5 Chick dispatch and transport 78 7.6 Unloading and brooding chicks at the farm 80 8 Tools for fine-tuning 83 8.1 Introduction 84 8.2 Analysis of hatching egg quality upon arrival 85 8.3 Analysis of eggshell temperature 89 8.4 Analysis of egg weight loss 93 8.5 Analysis of clear eggs 95 8.6 Analysis of unhatched eggs 97 8.7 Assessing chick quality: Pasgar©Score 99 9 Data analysis for continuous improvements 101 9.1 Introduction 102 9.2 Basics of hatchery specific database 103 9.3 Construction of a hatchery specific database 104 9.4 Evaluation of hatchery results 105 9.5 Troubleshooting 106 10 Hatchery hygiene 111 10.1 Introduction 112 10.2 Prevention of pathogens entering the hatchery 113 10.3 Prevention of cross contamination 115 Contents Broilers - Incubation Guide - V 6.0 Contents 3 10.4 Cleaning and disinfection 117 10.5 Hatchery hygiene monitoring 119 11 Hatchery maintenance 121 11.1 Introduction 122 11.2 Preventive maintenance 123 11.3 Spare parts 125 11.4 Setter and hatcher 126 11.5 Hatchery climate 127 11.6 Hatchery automation and auxiliary equipment 131 12 Annexes 133 12.1 Sweating of eggs 134 12.2 Hatching at high altitudes 140 12.3 Adaptive Metabolic Feedback (AMF™) 144 12.4 Energy Saving Module (ESM™) 147 12.5 Circadian Incubation™ 149 13 Glossary 151 14 Recording Forms 155 Recording Form 3A: Egg transport card 156 Recording Form 3B: Egg receipt form 157 Recording Form 3C: Hatching egg stock list 158 Recording Form 3D: Setter trolley card 159 Recording Form 3E: Setter schedule 160 Recording Form 3F: Egg storage room: climate conditions 161 Recording form 3G: Egg disinfection room 162 Recording Form 4A: Incubator recording form 163 Recording Form 7B: Chick passport 164 Recording Form 8A: External hatching egg quality upon receipt 165 Recording Form 8B: Internal hatching egg quality upon receipt 166 Recording Form 8C: Fertility and embryo quality upon receipt 167 Recording Form 8D: Eggshell temperature 168 Recording Form 8E: Egg weight loss 169 Recording Form 8F: Analysis of clear eggs 170 Recording Form 8G: Analysis of unhatched eggs 171 Recording Form 8H: Pasgar©Score 172 Recording Form 9A: Hatching results 173 Recording Form 9B: Results egg analysis and Pasgar©Score 174 Recording Form 10A: Registration of visitors 175 Recording Form 10B: Cleaning schedule 176 Recording Form 10C: Hatchery microbiological monitoring 177 Recording Form 11A: Setter maintenance card 178 Recording Form 11B: Hatcher maintenance card 179 Recording Form 11C: Hatchery equipment maintenance card 180 Recording Form 11D: Checklist climate conditions in hatchery 181 Contents 4 Broilers - Incubation Guide - V 6.0 Contents 1 About this manual In this chapter Copyright and disclaimer notice 6 Audience and scope 7 If you need help 8 Version history 9 Broilers - Incubation Guide - V 6.0 1 About this manual 5 1.1 Copyright and disclaimer notice Copyright © 2015 Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies, Zeddam, The Netherlands All the information and drawings in this manual are the property of Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a database, or published in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilm or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies. Please note that all figures in this manual are provided as guidelines only. Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies cannot be held liable for incorrect interpretation of the contents of this manual. We have made every effort to make this manual as accurate and complete as possible. Should you find errors or omissions, please bring them to our attention so that we may correct them. In this way we hope to improve our product documentation. Please send your corrections and comments to our documentation manager: This manual is the original English version. All trademarks stated in this manual are registered trademarks of their suppliers. 6 Broilers - Incubation Guide - V 6.0 1 About this manual 1.2 Audience and scope The Incubation Guide is a manual for use in daily hatchery practice. It should be used in conjunction with manuals pertaining SmartSet(Pro)™, SmartHatch(Pro)™, SmartCenter(Pro)™ and other technical manuals like AMF™ and ESM™. The chapters 3 to 8 in the Incubation Guide contain practical procedures for the successful incubation of broiler eggs, from egg handling at the breeder farm up to placement of the day-old chicks. In addition to these procedures, a number of general recommendations for hatchery management are provided. Also included are Recording Forms which support the use of the procedures. The procedures contain references to the recording forms, which are numbered to correspond with the chapters in the instructions. Broilers - Incubation Guide - V 6.0 1 About this manual 7 1.3 If you need help If you need any assistance, please contact Pas Reform Academy. If you still have questions after reading this guide, we would encourage you to contact us. We appreciate all advice, feedback and suggestions from our customers. Please contact Pas Reform at: Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies Address: P.O. Box 2 NL-7038 ZG Zeddam The Netherlands Phone: +31 314 659 111 Fax: +31 314 652 575 E-mail: Internet: 8 Broilers - Incubation Guide - V 6.0 1 About this manual 1.4 Version history Every effort has been made to make this manual as accurate and complete as possible. However, should the user(s) find any errors or omissions, it would be appreciated if these were brought to the attention of Pas Reform. Please report any errors or omissions to Pas Reform. The following table describes the main changes for each document version of this manual. Version history Version Date Changes V6.0 18-8-2015 New layout, minor modifications and new chapter Hatchery maintenance Broilers - Incubation Guide - V 6.0 1 About this manual 9 10 Broilers - Incubation Guide - V 6.0 1 About this manual 2 Introduction In this chapter Outline of the Incubation Guide 12 Golden rules for a hatchery 14 Quality Management System 15 Broilers - Incubation Guide - V 6.0 2 Introduction 11 2.1 Outline of the Incubation Guide The routing 'from egg to chick' is essential in hatchery management. Hatchery routing can be divided into five steps: Five basic steps in hatchery routing Egg handling - at the breeder farm - transport to the hatchery - receipt and quality control - setting in setter trays and trolleys - pre-storage incubation - storage - disinfection Incubation in setter: day 1-18 - single-stage/multi-stage Egg transfer - Candling - Transfer - In-ovo vaccination Incubation in hatcher: day 19-21 - Incubation program hatcher - Application of disinfectants during hatching period Chick handling - take-off - grading - sexing - vaccination - transport - unloading and brooding at the farm These five steps constitute the framework of chapters 3 - 7 of this Incubation Guide: each of these chapters describes all procedures belonging to one of the steps in hatchery routing. The procedures are all structured as follows: - Objective: the aim of the procedure. - Persons responsible: personnel that usually carry out the procedure. - Documents: recording forms related to the procedure; these can be found in Recording Forms (page 155). - Definitions: descriptions for a number of specific terms used in the procedure; for definitions of underlined terms, see Glossary (page 151). - Recommended procedure: a step-by-step guideline on how to carry out the tasks. - Additional notes: supplementary advice, precautions etc. For ease of reading, key words within the additional notes are marked in bold. In this manual the following signs are used to draw the reader’s attention to especially important points. The note sign draws the reader’s attention to additional relevant information. The caution sign is used for procedures which, if they are not followed, might cause a decline in hatch results. 12 Broilers - Incubation Guide - V 6.0 2 Introduction The warning sign is used for certain procedures or actions which, if they are not performed correctly, could cause physical injury, material damage and/or a decline in hatch results. Tools for fine-tuning (page uploads/Geographie/ pasreform-hatchery-guide.pdf

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