Guide to Phonics Pathways & Reading Pathways 1 © Dolores G. Hiskes 2008 Guide T

Guide to Phonics Pathways & Reading Pathways 1 © Dolores G. Hiskes 2008 Guide To Phonics Pathways And Reading Pathways Dolores G. Hiskes 2 Guide to Phonics Pathways & Reading Pathways © Dolores G. Hiskes 2008 Although many customers have said, “Phonics Pathways almost seems to teach itself,” from time to time parents and teachers have requested more detailed information on exactly how to most effectively use these materials. This is especially true now that its companion book of reading exercises, Reading Pathways, is here. How do these books fit together? Do you have to finish one before beginning the other? This manual is intended to be a guide to show you how to navigate, incorporate, and blend these two books together for maximum reading fluency. We do hope you will enjoy these special field-tested tips, tools, and techniques and find them useful. We also hope that you will continue sending us your creative comments and suggestions. Your feedback is most valuable and welcome—as always! (A registered trademark of Dorbooks, Inc.) P.O. Box 2588~Livermore CA 94551 © Dolores G. Hiskes 2008 ISBN 1-884580-77-7 Dorb ks® ~Dolores Guide to Phonics Pathways & Reading Pathways 3 © Dolores G. Hiskes 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction............................................................ 4 Phonics Pathways Overview................................. 5 Reading Pathways Overview. ................................ 6 GUIDE TO PHONICS PATHWAYS Preparation. ................................................... 7 Short Sheet of Vowels. ................................... 8 Short Vowel Sounds. ...................................... 9 Blending Sounds Into Syllables....................10 Building Syllables Into Words...................... 11 Building Words Into Sentences...................... 12 GUIDE TO READING PATHWAYS Introduction and Correlation Chart. ............... 13 Simple Pyramids.......................................... 14 Multisyllable-Word Pyramids. ........................ 14 Mini-Pyramids...................................... 14 Pyramids.............................................. 14 Games. ......................................................... 14 ELL , Remedial. ..................................................... 15 Comprehension .................................................... 16 Spelling ................................................................ 17 Surprise!. .............................................................. 18 A Delicious, Easy-To-Digest Phonics Cake!........... 19 4 Guide to Phonics Pathways & Reading Pathways © Dolores G. Hiskes 2008 P honics Pathways teaches the mechanics of reading using unpredictable reading practice to ensure knowledge and retention of all the basics. It uses explicit phonics to teach reading to beginning and remedial readers of all ages with an easy- to-use, foolproof method. It is organized by sounds and spelling patterns which are introduced one at a time and slowly built into syllables, words, phrases, and sentences. Each lesson is filled with extensive examples, word lists, and practice readings that are100 percent decodable. Phonics Pathways contains comprehensive spelling rules gathered from English-speaking countries worldwide, including New Zealand, Australia, The United Kingdom, and Canada, which are embedded in the instructional method throughout the book. R eading Pathways teaches reading fluency using predictable scaffolded reading practice of slowly increasing length and complexity. It parallels the same lesson format as that in Phonics Pathways, and is designed to enhance and reinforce those lessons. Reading Pathways employs a unique pyramid format to nurture and develop accurate and fluent reading skills in an especially effective and enjoyable manner. While either book can be used alone very successfully, these books complement and enhance each other and are especially effective when used as a pair. They each follow the same sequence of instruction. Used just a short time every day, they are an ideal supplement to enhance any current classroom reading method and make it more effective, and by homeschoolers as a complete reading and spelling program. They achieve maximum results in the minimum time with the least amount of effort. INTRODUCTION Guide to Phonics Pathways & Reading Pathways 5 © Dolores G. Hiskes 2008 Phonics Pathways Overview: Short-Vowel Sounds The initial lessons in Phonics Pathways are devoted to teaching the short-vowel sounds. They are the basic foundation of our language, and are needed to build good reading and spelling skills. Short-vowel sounds can be difficult to learn, and are best taught in isolation, one at a time. Every letter introduced is illustrated with pictures that begin with that sound, since at first many children experience difficulty trying to hear a sound within a word. Multiple pictures demonstrate the subtle range of sounds that each short vowel sound makes, similar in effect to that of a 3-D hologram. Two-Letter Blends (CV) Consonants are introduced next, blending with short-vowel sounds as they are learned. Blending skills are an important but frequently- overlooked factor in learning how to read! Special blending exercises establish smooth, strong left-to-right eye tracking skills, and help prevent or correct reversals. They are similar in effect to exercises frequently prescribed by professionals to treat dyslexia. Three-Letter Words (CVC) Three-letter words as built as soon as possible. Thus, students will be able to unlock many phonetic words very early in the game, solidly establishing the mechanics of reading and giving them a real feeling of success. There is no guessing or choosing—accuracy in reading and spelling is taught from the very first lesson. Spelling Rules Reading and spelling enhance one another and are best taught as an integrated unit. Learning how to read and spell by logical patterns develops critical, logical thinking and reasoning skills, which enhance math and other disciplines. Spelling rules are incorporated with reading lessons throughout the book, and are introduced together with the sounds being taught, one by one, in order of complexity. 6 Guide to Phonics Pathways & Reading Pathways © Dolores G. Hiskes 2008 Reading Pathways Overview: This book offers an easy-to-use, highly effective approach to teaching reading accuracy and fluency to students of all ages using a unique pyramid format. Reading pyramids begin with one word and slowly build into phrases and sentences of gradually increasing complexity. As the student moves from the pinnacle to the base of each pyramid, the phrase or sentence becomes more interesting and expansive, and the student’s confidence grows with each line completed. Progressively building up the amount of text per line increases eye span, strengthens eye tracking, and develops reading fluency. Part One: Simple Pyramids These pyramids are comprised of single-syllable words. Sounds blend into words, and are slowly built into phrases and sentences of gradually increasing complexity. Each line has a few added words and is centered under the previous one, giving it the shape of a pyramid. Part Two: Multisyllable Word Mini-Pyramids These mini-pyramids are comprised of single multisyllable words, one word per pyramid, built from syllables. Two multisyllable words at a time are then incorporated into practice sentences. Part Three: Multisyllable Word Pyramids (“Brain Busters”) These pyramids contain a wide variety of multisyllable words in every pyramid, and are for learners who are ready for more complex material. These “Brain Busters” are sure to be a challenge! Part Four: Multisyllable Word Games & Summary All words having three or more syllables are summarized and indexed at the end of the book for easy reference. Multisyllable word games help develop vocabulary. Learning to read long words accurately by syllables prevents guessing, removes the fear and mystique of multisyllable words, and helps students build the strong vocabulary so critical for success in reading and writing. Guide to Phonics Pathways & Reading Pathways 7 © Dolores G. Hiskes 2008 Using Phonics Pathways Preparation: 1–Read “Getting Started” section of Phonics Pathways (page xvii) for a quick overview of how to teach these lessons, including a sample session. 2–Make a folder for each student, and staple the “Student Achievement Chart” and the “Student Progress Notes” (pages 244 and 245) to the inside. This will provide an at-a-glance record of your student’s progress at any time, as well as of any comments you noted about the lesson itself. (This folder will come in especially handy at parent/teacher conferences!) 3–Make enough copies of The Short-Vowel Stick on page 3 of for each student. At first all students should keep one on their desk during lessons for quick referral and continuous reinforcement. These sounds can be difficult to learn, and students need all the help they can get! 4–Make four or more copies of The Short-Vowel Shuffle on page 4. This game reinforces the short-vowel sounds in a truly enjoyable fashion. Begin playing it with the A card, add other cards as more sounds are learned. (Learning these sounds can be tedious—this makes it fun!) 5–Make copies of The Short Sheet of Vowels (page 8 of this booklet). 6–For added reinforcement, make up Blendit! on page 14. Make one set for every two students – the game is played in pairs. It is great reinforce­ ment, and increases recognition/response time. It’s fun to play, and the slowest students have just as much chance of winning as the quickest! 7–It’s very important to plan ahead and have all of your materials ready before the lesson begins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so . . . . . . be prepared! Hot Tips: At first work for only about ten minutes a day with these lessons. You will find that you automatically spend more time with them as your student progresses, but lessons should be kept very short in the beginning. Only ten minutes every day will result in real progress! 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