PHOTOGRAPHERS GUIDE TO THE PANASONIC LUMIX LX7 GETTING THE MOST FROM PANASONICS ADVANCED COMPACT CAMERA ALEPLRH DEF-L S. WHITE Cepyright ti} E1113 by Ale:-Lander 5. White. All rights reserved Nd part ofthis puhliesticm may he reprddueed, 5-t'II|-l"[‘d in :1 retrieyal system err transmitted in any tierm -Ell‘ hy any ineaiis, eleetmnie, mechanical, phdtneepying, reedrding nr ether- wise, withdut the priur written permissiun df the copyright hulder, except [er brief quutatiuns used in :1 review. Published hy White Knight Press HTU4 Clld Club Trace Henrieu, Virginie 23233 wwwnwhiteknightpressm:-m cu11t:.=1etEgT:*white1~;nightpress.eum ISBN: 9?'S- I -':?T~?':?3Ei- I'D-El {paperback} 9T5-—l—93F9B5-1 1-T {E-bflfik} Printed in the United Slates Lit i‘-'tnieri~:n Contents Author's Hple and Acltnewleclgments Intreductien Chapter 1: Preliminary Setup Charging an-ti Inserting the Battery Chuersing and Inserting a Piernery Card intretluctlen te Main Eentrels Tep ef Camera Baclc er Camera Frent ef Camera Flight Side ef Camera Bettem ef Camera Setting the Language, Date, anti Time Chapter 2: Basie Dperatiens Tal-ting Pictures Fully Autemafie: Intelligent Ptute Ii-'1c:=|:le Basic "tiariatiens frem Fully Aute matit Fetus Manual Fecus Ertpesure Eitpesure Cempens-atiun Flash Pietien Picture Ftecertling Viewing Pictures Basic Playhacl-t Playing Meyies Chapter 3: The Fteecrrding Hucles Preliminary Steps Elefere Sheeting Pictures Intelligent Aute l'-‘letle Intelligent eute Plus Pregiam Merle Aperture Prierity ll-tede Shutter Prienty isle-tie Manual Eitpesure Merle Scene Pletle Pertrait Eeit El-tin Scenery Pane-rama Shet Sperts Night Pertrait Might Scenery Handheld Might Shet HDR Feed Baby 1 anti El-al:|y 2 Pet E1 l—|Il—|'l-l-I-l-I-l-l—|Il—|Ii—l FHC|TDGHiPiPHEl=t'5 GUIDE TD THE PP-H-HSUNIC Ll.ll'-'l[I='I LI? Sunset 1EIS Glass Threugn ttie 3D 11-El Creative Centrel Mede 113 Expressive 11S Retire 11S High Iiiey 1113 Lew liey 12[l Sepia 12-D Dynamic Menechreme 12-D Impressive Art 121 High Dynamic 121 Cress Precess 122 Tey Camera 123 Miniature 124 Seft Fucus 125 Star Filter 12Ei Cine Peint Euler 122 Smeeth Defecus 123 Ftadlai Defecus 12S Eustem I‘-‘iudes: E1 and C2 1213 Chapter 4: The Recording Menu 131] Phete Style 134 Standard 133 vivid 13S Natural 1-iii l'-ienuchreme 141 S-cenery 142 Pertrait 143 Custem 144 Picture Size 145 E1-ttended El|:|i:ical Eecim 14-E Digital 2eem 149 Quality 15-ii ISU |[Sensitivity]| 152 ISEJ Limit Set 15S ISEI Increments 155 EiILlIIEi'lIIlEIE| ISD 152 Pregiam Diagram 159 Face Fiecegnitien 151 PF [P-uteiecus} Mede 153 Face Detectien 154 AF Traclting 156 23-Area 152 1-Area 15S Quicli AF 121 .4F,ii!iE Leci-t 122 Metering Mede 123 Intelligent Dynamic 122 Multiple Eiipesure 12B Minimum Shutter Speed 152 El PHOTOGRAPHERS GUIDE TO THE PANASONIC LUMIX LX7 CIETTING THE MOST FROM PAl\lASONlC'S ADVANCED COMPACT CAl*vlERA ALE}{Ai*~l DEF-L S. WHITE Cepyright 1?} 21313 by Aleicander S. White. All rights reserved hie part efthis publicatien may be repreducecl, stered in a retrieval system er transmitted in any tbrm er by any means, electrenic, mechanical, phetecepying, recerding er ether- v.'ii-se, vritheut the priur written permissiun ef the cepyright helder, eitcept [er brief guetatiens used in a review. Published by Wliite Knight Press S2114 (lid Club Trace Henrice, Virginia 23233 1ivivvv.virhiteltnightpressmem ceiitacttéivvhiteltnightpressmem ISBN: 923- I -':?T~2"5i3Ei- lill-El -[piaperbaclt] 9T5-—l—93lT9B5-1 l-T {E-DUDE} Printed in the United States et America Contents Anther's Hi:-te and Acluieiiiiledgments Intreiluctien Chapter 1: Preliminary Setup Charging and Inserting the Battery Cheesing and Inserting a Memery Card tntreductlen te Main Eentrels Tep ef Camera Bad»: er Camera Frent ef Camera Ftight Side ef Camera Bettem er Camera Setting the Language, Date, and Time Chapter 2: Basic Dperatiens Tal-ting Pictures Fully Autemalic: Intelligent Aute Mede Basic variatiens frem Fully Aute matic Fetus Manual Fucus Ertpesure Eapesure Cempensatieri Flash Metien Picture Ftecerding Viewing Pictures Basic Playlaact-t Playing Mevies Chapter 3: The Fteeerding Hades Preliminary Steps Elefere Sheeting Pictures Intelligent Aute Mede Intelligent Aute Pius Piegiam Mede Aperture Prienty Mede Shutter Pi-ienty Me-tie Manual Eiipesure Mede Scene Mede Perhait Sert Si-tin Scenery Pane-rama Shet Sperts Might Pertrait Might Scenery Handheld Might Shet HDR Feed Eahy 1 ancl El-ahy 2 Pet E1 l—|Il—|'l-l-I-l-I-l-l—|Il—|Ii—l PHUTDGHAPHEITE GUIDE TD THE PANASONIC Ll.ll'-'l[2t LI? Sunset 133 Glass Threugh 133 3D 11-El Creative Control Mede 113 Expressive 113 Retro 113 High Iitey 113 Low ltey 12[l Sepia 12-3 Dynamic Monochrome 12-3 Impressive Art 121 High Dynamic 121 Cress Precess 122 Tey Camera 123 Miniature 124 Soft Focus 125 Star Filter 125 Cine Point Color 122 Smeeth Defecus 123 Ftadlai Defecus 123 Custom I‘-‘ledes: C1 and C2 123 Chapter 4: The Recording Menu 13D Phete Style 134 Standard 133 vivid 133 Natural 1-iii Monochrome 141 S-cenery 142 Pertrait 143 Custem 144 Picture Size 145 E1-ttended Cl|:|i:ical 2oom 14-E Digital 2eem 143 Quality 15-ll ISCI |[Sensitivity]| 152 ISEJ Limit Set 155 ISCI Increments 155 EiItlIIEi'lIIlEC| 1SCi 152 Pregiam Diagram 153 Face Fiecegnitien 151 AF [P-uteiecusji Mede 153 Face Detection 154 AF Traclting 155 23-Area 152 1-Area 153 Quicli AF 121 AFJAE Leci-t 122 Metering Mede 123 Intelligent Dynamic 122 Multiple Eiipesure 123 Minimum Sh utter Speed 132 El Intelligent Resolution Intelligent 2oom Digital 2oem Step 2eom Sta l3lll2E.'l' Autofecus Assist Lamp Flash Flash Synchre Flash Adjustment Red-eye Removal Clptional viewfinder Aspect Eracltet Time Lapse Shot Date Stamp Clocit Set Chapter 5: Dtlier Controls Aspect Ratio Switch Aperture Ring Focus Switch Flash Clpen Switch Mode Dial Shutter Elutton Eoem Lever Power Switch Movie Eutton Play Button i"tCi;'Focus Lever Rear Dial Eiiposure Compensation with Rear Dial Program Shift with Rear Dial Quicli Men u.i"l'rash 3utton Cluiclt Menu Function Cance|,i'Trash Function AF,i'AE Loclt 3utton Five-Button Array Up 3utton: ISCI Right Button: White Balance Left Button: Function {Fn} Down E-utton: Continuous Sheetingi'Self-Timer Eu rst Shooting Auto Eracliet Sell‘-timer Center E-iutton: Men u,i'5elt Display Button Status Indicator Chapter 5: Playback The Playbaclt l'-'lenus The Playbaclt t-‘lode Menu iiiermal Play Slide Show [Play] All CC! l"-lTEl"-JTE 1-33 134 135 135 132 133 133 133 133 134 1'35 1'33 133 232 234 235 235 233 233 213 213 211 211 212 212 213 214 212 212 213 223 223 222 224 225 225 225 233 241 242 243 253 253 253 252 25-B 253 253 253 2'52 253 3 PHUTDGF-'LAPHEl=t'5 GUIDE TD THE PA-l‘-lA5Ul“~lIC Ll.ll'-'lIIl'I L342 [Play] Picture Dnlyfvideo Dnly 3D Play Category Selection Favorite Cither Playtiacit Modes filtering Play Calendar The Playbaclt l'-'lenu Upload Set ‘|'|tle Edit Tel-it Stamp 'v'ideo Divide Resi:-:e Cropping LeveHng Favorite Print Set Protect Face Recognition Edit Cent Auto Retouch and Creative Retouch Playbaclt of Videos and Dther Types of Files 255 255 255 255 252 252 253 223 221 222 223 224 225 223 223 233 231 232 233 233 235 233 Chapter 2': The Setup I-llenu 233 233 Clocl-t Set World Time Travel Date Beep ‘v'olume Custom Set l'~'lemory Fn Button Set LCD Display LCD Mo-de L"iiF Display Style LCD Display Style Guide Line Histogram ‘video Recording Area Remaining Display Highlight Eirpesure Meter Lens Resume Manual Focus {M F] Assist Economy Play on LCD Auto Review Start Mode hlu moor Reset Reset USE Mede Clutput 'v'IERA Llnlt 13 2'33 232 232 233 234 233 331 332 333 334 334 335 335 333 313 313 311 312 313 315 315 315 312 315 313 313 323 3D Playbaclt Rotate Display Scene Menu Menu Resume User's ti-lame Recording 'v'ersion Display Format Language Demo Mode Chapter 3: Hutton Pictures Elasics of L22 'v'ideography Choosing the Shooting Mode and Dther Settings Creative 'v'ideo Mode High Speed indeo Recording Matting Clther Settings 'v'r.ihen Recording Movies The Motion Picture Menu Photo Style Recording Mode Recording Quality I53 Limit 5-et ISCI Increments AF Mode Continuous AF AF,l'AE Locit Metenng Mode Intelligent Dynamic Er-rposure Mode Intelligent Rfioluljon Intelligent 2oom Digital 2oom Sta trllizer AF Assist LEl|'nD Wind Cut Recording Time Shooting Still Images While Recording a 'v'idee Recommendations for Recording 'v'ldeo Chapter 3: Other Te pics Macro [Closeup] Shooting Using RAW Quality Using Flash Infrared Photography Digiscoping and Astrophotography Street Photography High Dynamic Range [HDR] Photography Connecting to a Television Set Appendix A: ACCESSDRIES Cases Batteries AC Adapter viewfinder-s Add-on Filters and Lenses CC1'i"-lTEl‘-lT‘.5 323 321 322 323 324 325 325 325 322 3.23 323 333 332 335 335 333 333 333 34-3 341 342 342 342 342 342 343 343 343 343 344 344 344 344 345 345 342 343' 343 352 355 353 351 355 35-3 323 325 325 323 323 331 335 11 PHl3TCHI3RAPHER'5 GUIDE TD THE PA-l‘-lA5Cil“~lIC LUl'-'lIK LK2 Evrternal Flash Units Cable Release Adapter Automatic Lens Cap 333 333 335 APPEHDIIII Bi: QUICK TIP‘-.5 332' Appehtlilt C: RESCIURCES FDR FURTHER IH FDRMATIDH 432 4C2 Photography Boolis Web Sites L33 Photography Digital Photography Review Tire Clfticlal Panasonic Site Leica Rumors Cambridge in Colour Infrared Photography Digiscoping Reviews of the L‘aT" 4C2 32333232323 4C Index 4D 12 5 Autl'ior"s Note oncl Acknowledgments n Ctctober 2333. I published my first camera guide boolc. IPlioiogrupher"s Guide to the Leica D-Lax 4, which I fol- lowed in Inly 2313 with a similar bool-t about Panasonic's I_.l.It11I_i-'. IJl'v]C.-L313, a camera that is in Inost respects identical in features and operation to the [I-Lu:-t 4. When the Panasonic Lumiic DlvIC-LK5 began shipping in the United States at the end of August 21113, I turned my attention to that camera for another boolt- blow, with the advent of the Lumillt IZllvIC-LK2, I am continuing this series- F_I All of the uploads/Geographie/ photographers-guide-lx7.pdf

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