Skrill Limited, 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5LQ, UK Skrill Wall
Skrill Limited, 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5LQ, UK Skrill Wallet Integration Guide For use by Skrill Wallet merchants This guide describes how to connect to the Skrill Wallet Checkout. It is only applicable to Wallet merchants Version 7.8 Skrill Wallet Guide 7.8 © Skrill 2017 Page 2 Copyright © 2017. Skrill Ltd. All rights reserved. The material contained in this guide is copyrighted and owned by Skrill Ltd together with any other intellectual property in such material. Except for personal and non-commercial use, no part of this guide may be copied, republished, performed in public, broadcast, uploaded, transmitted, distributed, modified or dealt with in any manner at all, without the prior written permission of Skrill Ltd, and, then, only in such a way that the source and intellectual property rights are acknowledged. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Skrill Ltd shall not be liable to any person or organisation, in any manner whatsoever from the use, construction or interpretation of, or the reliance upon, all or any of the information or materials contained in this guide. The information in these materials is subject to change without notice and Skrill Ltd. assumes no responsibility for any errors. Skrill Ltd. Registered office: Skrill Limited, 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5LQ, UK. Version Control Table Date Version Description 19/02/2014 6.6 Changes to Skrill 1-tap. 20/05/2014 6.7 Removal of Laser. Addition of Paysafecard. 20/09/2014 6.8 Addition of Trustly codes for Split Gateway. 09/01/2015 6.9 Changes made to the coverage of Visa Electron, JCB & Diners 05/05/2015 7.0 Removed Slovakian Koruna, Estonian Kroon and Lithuanian Litas currencies from ISO 4217 currency table. Removed individual bank payment method codes for Poland and other minor updates to payment method codes. 07/07/2015 7.1 Updated screenshots and made changes for the modernised Wallet Checkout UI. 13/11/2015 7.2 Updated the URL for merchants to post transactions to Updated Failed reason codes. Added Sales Tax feature. Updated split gateway section. 23/03/2015 7.3 Added information about Google 2 Factor Authentication Skrill Wallet Guide 7.8 © Skrill 2017 Page 3 Date Version Description 05/04/2016 7.4 Changed the list of supported countries. Included the full 1-Tap guide as a section of this guide. 08/09/2016 7.5 ELV payment method renamed to SEPA – logo changed Added Astropay and Unionpay. Skrill Direct payment method changed to Rapid Transfer. Poland added to list of supported countries. 27/10/2016 7.6 Added the Bitcoin payment method. Fix to examples in Table 2. 16/12/2016 7.7 Updated Autopay details. 17/01/2017 7.8 Updated Trustly and Rapid Transfer supported countries. Skrill Wallet Guide 7.8 © Skrill 2017 Page 4 Contents 1 About this Guide................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Objectives and target audience .............................................................................................. 7 1.2 Related documentation .......................................................................................................... 7 1.3 Conventions used in this guide ............................................................................................... 7 2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Connecting to the Wallet Checkout ...................................................................................... 10 2.1.1 The payment process .................................................................................................... 11 2.2 Steps in the payment process ............................................................................................... 12 2.2.1 Redirecting customers to the Skrill Gateway (Step 1) .................................................. 12 2.2.2 Recommended secure method of redirecting the customer ....................................... 17 2.2.3 Skrill Customer Login/Registration (Step 2) .................................................................. 18 2.2.4 Skrill Payment page (Step 3) ......................................................................................... 22 2.2.5 Skrill Transaction Status page and return to Merchant (Steps 4 and 5) ....................... 26 2.2.6 Skrill Status response .................................................................................................... 28 2.2.7 Detailed status description ........................................................................................... 30 2.3 Sales Tax / VAT Option .......................................................................................................... 30 2.4 Test Merchant ....................................................................................................................... 31 2.5 Securing your Skrill Merchant Account ................................................................................. 31 2.5.1 Restricting access to your Merchant account by IP address......................................... 31 2.5.2 Google Two Factor Authentication ............................................................................... 32 2.5.3 The Skrill Security Token ............................................................................................... 33 2.5.4 Additional Security Measures ....................................................................................... 33 3 Customization options ........................................................................................................ 34 3.1 Payment Methods ................................................................................................................. 34 3.1.1 Flexible .......................................................................................................................... 34 3.1.2 Fixed .............................................................................................................................. 34 3.1.3 Single Payment Code Message ..................................................................................... 35 3.2 Reduced Header Option ........................................................................................................ 37 3.3 Recurring Billing .................................................................................................................... 38 3.4 Secure return_url option ...................................................................................................... 40 3.5 Merchant refunds ................................................................................................................. 41 3.6 Chargeback notification ........................................................................................................ 41 3.7 Adding a descriptor ............................................................................................................... 41 3.8 Display in an iframe............................................................................................................... 41 Skrill Wallet Guide 7.8 © Skrill 2017 Page 5 3.9 Code integration examples ................................................................................................... 44 3.9.1 Generating the Session Identifier ................................................................................. 44 3.9.2 Redirecting the customer to Skrill................................................................................. 44 4 Skrill 1-Tap payment ........................................................................................................... 45 4.1 Enabling 1-Tap ....................................................................................................................... 45 4.2 Enable the MQI and API ........................................................................................................ 45 4.3 Skrill 1-Tap button ................................................................................................................. 47 4.4 Call Flows .............................................................................................................................. 47 4.5 Setting up an initial 1-Tap Payment ...................................................................................... 50 4.5.1 Example of a Skrill 1-Tap Payment form ....................................................................... 50 4.5.2 Customer Setup Experience .......................................................................................... 51 4.6 Taking Subsequent 1-Tap Payments ..................................................................................... 54 4.6.1 Prepare Payment Step .................................................................................................. 55 4.6.2 Execute Payment Step .................................................................................................. 60 4.7 Checking or Cancelling 1-Tap Payments ............................................................................... 62 4.7.1 Cancel Skrill 1-Tap payment .......................................................................................... 63 4.7.2 Get Skrill 1-Tap payment status .................................................................................... 64 4.7.3 MQI Error Messages ...................................................................................................... 66 5 Astropay and UnionPay ...................................................................................................... 67 5.1 Bank Transfer ........................................................................................................................ 68 5.2 Cash / Invoice ........................................................................................................................ 78 5.3 Refunds ................................................................................................................................. 82 5.4 Payment Method Codes ....................................................................................................... 83 5.5 List of Banks Supported by Country ...................................................................................... 84 6 Bitcoin Payment Method .................................................................................................... 87 6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 87 6.1.1 BitPay and Bitcoin transactions .................................................................................... 87 6.1.2 Supported countries ..................................................................................................... 87 6.1.3 Permitted transaction types ......................................................................................... 87 6.1.4 Bitcoin over and under payments ................................................................................. 87 6.2 Bitcoin Integration ................................................................................................................ 88 6.2.1 Merchant prerequisites ................................................................................................ 88 6.2.2 Customer prerequisites ................................................................................................. 88 6.2.3 Payment Method Code ................................................................................................. 88 6.3 Bitcoin payment process ....................................................................................................... 88 Skrill Wallet Guide 7.8 © Skrill 2017 Page 6 6.3.2 BitCoin treatment of underpayments and overpayments............................................ 93 6.4 Bitcoin refunds ...................................................................................................................... 94 7 Appendices......................................................................................................................... 96 7.1 ISO 4217 currencies .............................................................................................................. 96 7.2 ISO country codes (3-digit) .................................................................................................... 97 7.3 MD5 signature....................................................................................................................... 99 7.4 SHA2 signature .................................................................................................................... 100 7.5 Example HTML forms .......................................................................................................... 100 7.6 Payment method codes ...................................................................................................... 102 7.7 Failed reason codes ............................................................................................................. 103 8 Glossary ........................................................................................................................... 105 9 Index ................................................................................................................................ 107 Skrill Wallet Guide 7.8 © Skrill 2017 Page 7 1 ABOUT THIS GUIDE 1.1 Objectives and target audience This guide provides details on how to connect your website to the Skrill Wallet Checkout using the Skrill Wallet service. It is intended for users who have a working knowledge of HTML. The guide covers the steps in the payment process and the information that needs to be passed from your web servers to Skrill, to enable Skrill to process payments. This guide is only relevant to Skrill Wallet merchants. 1.2 Related documentation You should use this guide together with the additional Skrill Wallet Checkout documents described below. Guide Description Automated Payments Interface Guide Describes how to connect to Skrill using the Automated Payments Interface (API). This supports functionality such as merchant queries against the system, sending money and processing refunds (where available). 1.3 Conventions used in this guide The table below lists some of the conventions used in this guide. Table 1: List of conventions Convention Description Reference Indicates a reference to another section in this guide. For example, refer to the Introduction on page 5. File path Used to indicate a file path or folder structure. Glossary Glossary term Skrill Wallet Guide 7.8 © Skrill 2017 Page 8 2 INTRODUCTION The Skrill Wallet Checkout is a secure Skrill site, where you redirect customers from your website to make a Wallet payment through Skrill. The gateway collects customer payment details using standard HTML forms. After the payment is complete, the customer is returned to your website and you receive a real-time notification of the payment, which includes details of the transaction. Requesting a test account You may need a test account to test your integration to the Skrill Wallet Checkout. Test accounts work in a live environment, however funds cannot be sent from a test account to a live account. To set up a test account: 1. Open an additional Skrill Digital Wallet account online via the Skrill website. 2. Inform Skrill of the email address of the new account and request that this be enabled as a test account. Who to contact for queries For all support queries, contact the Merchant Services department. Email: Language Telephone Number Operating Times (weekdays) English 44 203 308 2520 8am - 5pm GMT German 49 302 2403 0293 8am - 5pm GMT Spanish 34 935 452 390 8am - 5pm GMT Italian 39 064 523 6612 8am - 5pm GMT Polish 48 221 288 257 8am - 5pm GMT Czech 44 203 308 2520 8am - 5pm GMT French 33 173 443 315 8am - 5pm GMT Russian 7 495 249 5439 8am - 5pm GMT Romanian 44 203 308 2520 8am - 5pm GMT Turkish 44 203 308 2520 8am - 5pm GMT Greek 44 203 308 2520 8am - 5pm GMT Chinese 44 203 308 2520 8am - 5pm GMT English US 1 855 719 2087 8am - 6pm EST Spanish US 1 855 719 2087 8am - 6pm EST Skrill Wallet Guide 7.8 © Skrill 2017 Page 9 Skrill Wallet Guide 7.8 © Skrill 2017 Page 10 2.1 Connecting to the Wallet Checkout Connecting to the Skrill Wallet Checkout requires adding uploads/Geographie/ skrill-wallet-checkout-guide.pdf
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