Guide case interviews How to Prepare for a Case Interview What is a case interview It is an interview method designed to ? test your analytical ability ? test your ability to think logically and organize your answer ? observe your thought process ? test y

How to Prepare for a Case Interview What is a case interview It is an interview method designed to ? test your analytical ability ? test your ability to think logically and organize your answer ? observe your thought process ? test your tolerance for ambiguity and data overload ? assess your poise self ? con ?dence and communication skills under pressure ? see if you are genuinely intrigued by problem solving ? determine if it is a good ?? ?t ? for you How should you prepare for a case interview Become familiar with business frameworks which can help you structure your thought process Some commonly used frameworks include ? Porter ? s Forces Barriers to Entry Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers ? Availability of Substitute Products and Level of Competition Among Firms ? C ? s Cost Customers Competitors Capacity sometimes added as a th C ? P ? s Product Price Place Promotion ? SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats ? Pro ?t Revenue ? Costs revenue is a function of price and volume costs can be divided into ?xed and variable components Note Frameworks may or may not be appropriate for the case you are given Be careful not to force a framework onto the problem However a general understanding of the various frameworks will help you address appropriate issues within the case Some questions require you to make assumptions The idea is not that you have the right answer to a question for example How many romance novels are sold each year in Canada it is your thought process they want to see You should also be familiar with ? Population of Canada and the U S ? Men Women represent what percentage of the population ? Average life expectancy ? People per household ? Number of households ? that have cable DVD PC smart phones Mac the Internet Research and practice case interviewing in order to become more familiar with the process Case examples are available at various consulting ?rm websites Visit us online www mcgill ca caps Page C ? The Boston Consulting Group ? Practice case interviews https www bcg com careers path consulting practice-interview-cases aspx ? Interactive case library https www bcg com Interactives ICL ? McKinsey Co ? Interviewing This site includes interview tips and downloadable practice tests https www mckinsey com - Careers - Interviwing ? Oliver Wyman ? Case interview tips simulations http www oliverwyman com careers entry-level interview-preparation html ? Deloitte ? Case interview tips https www deloitte com us en pages careers articles join-deloitte- careers-case-interviewtips html ? Preparing for the case interview https www deloitte com us en pages careers articles join-deloitte-case-interview- preptool html CaPS also has the following books and online materials ? Case in Point Complete Case Interview Preparation ? Case in point Graph and Analysis for Consulting and Case Interviews ? Case Interview Questions for Tech Companies Real Interview Questions and Answers ? Case Interview Secrets A formar McKinsey Interviewer

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  • Publié le Fev 28, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 32.8kB