STUDENT’S GUIDE Table of Contents Checklist 2 Worksheet 1: Watching an Infomerc

STUDENT’S GUIDE Table of Contents Checklist 2 Worksheet 1: Watching an Infomercial 3 Worksheet 2: Delving into an Infomercial 6 Worksheet 3: Infomercial Language 10 Worksheet 4: Exploring a Script for an Infomercial 12 Worksheet 5: Exploring a Storyboard 14 Final LES Worksheet: Final Task 17 A fantastic project!! You had a lot of very interesting ideas. Very professional student book. Checklist Below is a checklist to help you remember what you need to submit to make sure your LES is complete. Make sure you hand in the following Tick the box when done and submitted (√) Worksheet 1 Watching an infomercial __ Worksheet 2 Delving into an infomercial __ Worksheet 3 Focus on form __ Worksheet 4 Exploring a script __ Worksheet 5 Storyboard __ FINAL TASK ● A script ● A storyboard ● A video __ __ __ Worksheet 1: Watching an Infomercial PART 1 - BEFORE YOU WATCH 1. The word infomercial is a compound, which means that it is composed of two words. Which two words do you think it might be? (E.G BRUNCH = Breakfast + Lunch) Word 1:_________________ + Word 2: _______________ = infomercial 2. Now that you know what the two words are, what do you think infomercial means? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you know any infomercials? If so, write the titles in the space below. If not, invent a catchy title for a product you would like to buy. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ PART 2 - WHILE YOU WATCH 1. Use a dictionary to find the definitions of the words in the table below. Words Definitions 1) Nod 1) 1) Convincing 2) 3) Warranty 3) 4) Manoeuvrable 4) 5) Allocated 5) 6) Lifetime 6) 7) Effective 7) 2. Click on the picture below and watch the infomercial on Pocket Hose. Tick the box that corresponds to the right answer. Statements on the Pocket Hose infomercial True False Traditional hoses tend to be heavy The Pocket Hose has a lifetime warranty The host, or the presenter, talks in a convincing and confident manner. The Pocket Hose is not easily manoeuvrable You get a nod when you purchase the pocket hose within the allocated time The phone number to call in order to buy the product is found at the end of the infomercial 3. Answer the following questions with a short answer: 1) What are some of the problems with traditional hoses? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2) Name three features of the Pocket Hose that can be solutions to the problems described above. ______________ ,______________ ,______________ . 3) How does the Pocket Hose expand? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ PART 3 - AFTER YOU WATCH (Think-Pair-Share) Now that you have watched the infomercial, read over the questions below and answer them. Once you are done, pair up with the person sitting next to you and discuss your answers. 1. After having watched this infomercial, would you consider buying the Pocket Hose? Why or why not? Explain. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. In light of what you have seen so far, would you think that infomercials are an effective way to sell a product? Justify your answer. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Worksheet 2: Delving into an Infomercial PART 1 - BEFORE YOU WATCH Nice idea. 1. Draw a line from the word bank to the appropriate definition. 2. Write down, on the lines below, what you remember from the ad (Pocket Hose) viewed last class. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ PART 2 - WHILE YOU WATCH 1. Re-watch the infomercial Pocket Hose infomercial and fill in the chart below. You are allowed to watch the video more than once. Analysis of an Infomercial Questions My Answers What is the title of the infomercial? What are the four roles seen in the infomercial? - - - - How is the product shown? What is demonstrated with the product? Name three uses. - - - What are the technical features? (camera shots, visual appeal of the product, setting). PART 3 - AFTER YOU WATCH 1) Answer the questions below in a team of four (Round Robin) 2) First, think of a product you know well and that could be sold in an infomercial. 3) Choose a role from the choices below and write down at least two sentences that would fit the role you have chosen. (tip: keep in mind what the role is about, what the role entails) - The host 1)_________________________________________________ 2)_________________________________________________ - The expert 1)_________________________________________________ 2)_________________________________________________ - The satisfied customer 1)_________________________________________________ 2)_________________________________________________ - The satisfied customer #2 1)_________________________________________________ 2)_________________________________________________ 4) Practice saying your sentences with your assigned team. Worksheet 3: Infomercial Language PART 1 Excellent way to focus on the imperative! 1. Read the sentences below. Note that they are in the simple past. Rewrite the equivalent sentence in the imperative form. Use the verbs in bold. Example: Simple Past: I wore a red shirt for an entire week. Becomes Imperative: Wear a red shirt for an entire week. Sentence in the Simple Past Sentence in the Imperative Form 1. Henry bought this amazing product on the website. 2. I acted quickly because it was a limited time offer! 3. We went on the website and found a lot of information. 4. They placed their order as quickly as possible. 5. They emailed the company upon seeing the advertisement. 6. We signed up for the monthly subscription of the magazine. 7. He jumped on this offer as soon as he saw the incredible price. 8. Amy posted her cheque in the mail the final day for the offer. 9. She rushed to the phone to get more information. 10. They hurried to purchase the product before it was too late. PART 2 1. Think of a product or a company you personally enjoy. Once chosen, write down the best description you can come up with in 1-2 lines using the imperative. Be clear and concise since you will have your colleagues guess which item you described. 1) Name of the product or company: ____________________________________ a) Think of why you like that product or company. What are some keywords you could use to sell it? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ b) Write down 1 sentence using the imperative to sell your product or company and reuse some of the keywords from a). ______________________________________________________ 2. Now, sit with a partner and have them guess the item/object by reading the description you wrote above. Once guessed, switch roles and try to guess your partner’s object based on his/her description. Write down what you guess your partner’s object/item is. Once completed, find another partner and repeat the process a second time. Partner 1) Guess: (What you think the item/object is) _____________________ Answer: (What the item/object really is)________________________ Partner 2) Guess: (What you think the item/object is) _____________________ Answer: (What the item/object really is)________________________ PART 3 1. How do you think the imperative will be useful for the writing of the script? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Worksheet 4: Exploring a Script for an Infomercial BEFORE YOU READ 1. Revisit the most important terms from worksheet #2 by reading over the definitions located below the crossword puzzle. Then, complete the crossword puzzle below by using the appropriate term. WHILE YOU READ 1. Click HERE and take a look at the Instant Genius Glasses script. Pay attention to the annotations in the columns. Ensure that you understand all the different technical features. You can zoom in by clicking the little “+” sign under the picture of the script. 2. Once you are familiar with the technical features, fill in the blanks below, with at least 2 examples of each element. - ACTORS:_____________________________________________________ - VISUAL DIRECTIONS: _________________________________________ - SETTINGS: ___________________________________________________ - CAMERA SHOT: ______________________________________________ - DIALOGUES: _________________________________________________ - SECTIONS:___________________________________________________ 3. Once you have completed it, get in a pair and write down one example, for each line, from your partner. AFTER YOU READ 1. Based on the roles you have come across so far (host, expert, customer, film crew), which role would suit you best and why? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. If you were asked to take on one of the roles above, what qualities do you think you would need to fulfill that role? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Worksheet 5: Exploring a Storyboard BEFORE YOU WATCH 1. The term “storyboard” is a compound composed of two words. What are those words? _________________ + ________________ = Storyboard 2. Take a look at the picture below. 3. According to the illustration above, what do you think a storyboard is? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ WHILE YOU WATCH Excellent 1. Click HERE to watch this short video and answer the questions below. a) What is the purpose of a storyboard? _____________________________________________________________________ b) Name three aspects that a storyboard illustrates. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Click HERE to see the functional language repertoire and answer the questions below. Get in a team of four and answer the questions below. Each of you should take turns answering one question (Round-Robin cooperative learning structure). a) What production feature would be used to show the actors how to stand and act when filming? _____________________________________________________________________ uploads/Geographie/ students-guide 1 .pdf

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