Welcome to Y okohama Yokohama is a city of approximately 3.4 million people, th
Welcome to Y okohama Yokohama is a city of approximately 3.4 million people, the second largest city in Japan. In 1859, it was the first port to open in Japan, and since then it has continued development as a window open to international exchange. Today, Yokohama, an international port of great historical significance, is a modern city with high rise buildings, an industrial area that supports the development of Japan and rich green residential areas. It is also a city steeped in culture and natural beauty, with a vibrant multicultural population. Yokohama has forged friendships with 8 cities and 6 ports around the globe. As a Peace Messenger City, Yokohama continually strives for world peace. Yokohama also boasts a Secretariat for International Organizations, and holds a variety of international events and conferences; perhaps most notably the 2002 FIFA World Cup™will be held in Yokohama. “If you live here for three days, you become a Yokohama native! (Mikka sumeba hama-ko)” is the phrase that encapsulates the warm welcome that Yokohama extends to all people. We have prepared this booklet to introduce, among other things, a variety of administrative services and establishments, to help make non-Japanese residents lives in Yokohama as simple as possible. Please use it as an aid to your daily life. ■Yokohama Profile Population: 3,471,203 (2002/03/01); Registered non-Japanese population: 60,685 (2002/02/28) Land Area: 434.73 km2 Climate: Average yearly temperature 16.2˚C; Maximum 35.4˚C, Minimum -1.0˚C (2000) Municipal Government Establishment: April 1, 1889 Sister-Friendship Cities: San Diego (America); Lyon (France); Mumbai (India); Odessa (Ukraine); Vancouver (Canada); Manila (Philippines); Shanghai (China); Constantza (Romania). Sister-Friendship-Trade Cooperation Ports: Port of Oakland (America); Port of Vancouver (Canada); Port of Hamburg (Germany); Port of Shanghai (China); Port of Dalian (China); Port of Melbourne (Australia). <Yokohama City Homepage> www.city.yokohama.jp/ A site providing various information about Yokohama in English and Japanese 2 Procedures for Immigrating, Emigrating, and Moving 4 入国・帰国・引越したときの手続き一覧 International Lounge/Corner 6 国際交流ラウンジ・コーナー Medical Assistance, Fire Fighting Services and the Police 11 救急車・消防車・パトカーを呼ぶとき Earthquake Preparations 12 地震に備えて Medical Treatment 15 病気になったとき Emergency Medical Treatment at Night and on Holidays 16 夜の急病 Emergency Medical Centers Open on Holidays in Each Ward 18 各区の休日急患診療所 How to put out your Garbage 23 ごみの出し方 Electricity/Gas/Water 26 電気・ガス・水道 Telephones 28 電話 Paying Public Utilities Charges 30 公共料金の支払い方 Post Office 32 郵便 Savings, Transfers and Deposits 33 預貯金・振込・送金 Recycling Activities 34 リサイクル Health 36 健康管理 Housing 38 住宅 Automobiles, Motorcycles and Bicycles 40 自動車・バイク・自転車 Miscellaneous 41 暮らしあれこれ Pregnancy, Childbirth and Child Rearing 44 妊娠・出産・育児 Day Care Nurseries and Kindergartens 46 保育園・幼稚園 Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools 48 小学校・中学校 Child Rearing and Education Daily-Life Emergencies Community Information Contents 3 Working 52 仕事 Taxes 54 税金 Immigration Procedures 56 在留の手続き Non-Japanese Residents Registration 58 外国人登録 Seal Registration, Births, Deaths, Marriage and Divorce 60 印鑑登録、出生、死亡、結婚、離婚 Pension 63 年金 National Health Insurance 64 国民健康保険 Health and Welfare Services 66 福祉・保健サービス Troubles with Japanese Language 67 日本語に困ったとき Counseling for Non-Japanese Residents 68 外国人のための相談(公的な相談窓口) Consultations in Foreign Languages (Private Organizations for Consultation) 71 外国人のための相談(民間の相談窓口) Libraries 76 図書館ガイド Sports Facilities in Yokohama 78 スポーツ施設ガイド Entertainment in Yokohama 81 休日を楽しむ施設ガイド Community Guide 86 公共機関ガイド Railway and Subway Network in Yokohama 市内の鉄道路線図 Emergency Phone Numbers 緊急通報時のメモ Facilities in Yokohama Counseling and Support Immigration and Social Services Working and Taxation Yokohama City Hall & Ward Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 8:45am - 12:00pm, 1:00 - 5:15pm (closed Sat., Sun., holidays and 12/29 - 1/3) * Hours may vary by office. Procedures for Immigrating, Emigrating, and Moving 入国・帰国・引越したときの手続き一覧 All procedures are conducted in Japanese. If you will be needing assistance, please consult your local International Lounge/Corner (p.7-9) 4 Topic Entering the Country Moving & Leaving the Country Non-Japanese Registration →P58~59 National Health Insurance →P64~65 National Pension →P63 Elementary & Junior High Schools →P48~51 Electricity →P26 City Gas Contact the Tokyo Gas Kanagawa Customer Service Center Tel.0570-002211 →P26 (mobile phones; Tel. 045-948-1100) Complete the procedures at your local Ward Office Registration Section (Kuyakusho Toroku-kakari) within 90 days of settling in. Complete the procedures at your local Public Health and Welfare Center, Health Insurance and National Pension Division (Fukushi Hoken Senta, Hoken Nenkin-ka). *People whose employer provides health insurance or a pension plan will have these procedures taken care of by their employer Apply for Non-Japanese entrance into school at your local Ward Office Registration Section (Kuyakusho Toroku-kakari). Fill out the “Denki Shiyo Moshikomisho” attached to the breaker. Write your name and address and mail it in. Complete the procedures at your local Non-Japanese Registration Reception Desk. When leaving the country, return your Non-Japanese Registration Card upon your departure. Complete the procedures at both your new and former ward’s Public Health and Welfare Health Insurance and National Pension Reception Desk within 14 days of moving homes.(For moves within the city, procedures are only required in the new ward.) Similarly upon leaving the country, complete procedures at your local Public Health and Welfare Center Health Insurance and National Pension Division. After leaving Japan, you may apply to have the money you paid into the National Pension Plan refunded to you. Application forms for this are available at Ward Office Health Insurance Sections (Kuyakusho Hoken-kakari). *From April 2002, these procedures may also be carried out at Social Insurance Offices (Shakai Hoken Jimusho). Bring your “school certificate” of your former school and notify your new local board of eduaction (Kyoiku Iinkai) (within Yokohama you should notify the local Ward Office Registration Section). Notify your school before leaving the country. Inform your power company of the date of your departure or move prior to your leaving. 5 Procedures for Immigrating, Emigrating, and Moving Topic Entering the Country Moving & Leaving the Country Water →P27 Contact the Water Works Bureau in your ward. Telephone →P28~29 Driver License →P40 Post Office →P32 Pets →P41 Taxes →P54~55 Complete procedures at the nearest NTT East Japan Reception Desk. For mobile phones, contact the various companies. International driver licenses are good for 1 year. It is possible to convert foreign licesnses into Japanese ones by taking a test at the Driver License Testing Center (Unten Menkyo Shikenjo). Dial “116.” For mobile phones, contact your mobile phone company. After moving, bring proof of your new address to the local police station or Driver License Testing Center (Unten Menkyo Shikenjo) and carry out the procedures. In the event of leaving the country, there are no procedures required. Inform your nearest post office of your forwarding address. It may even be possible to have mail forwarded internationally. When leaving the country you must secure the appropriate health forms (Kenko Shomeisho) and vaccines. <Income Tax> Those people with incomes outside their salary must notify the Taxation Bureau (Zeimusho) before leaving. <City&Prefuctural Taxes> In the event of unpaid taxes, notify the Ward Office City Tax Section (p. 86- 94) of a proxy before leaving. (in the event that you want mail forwarded) International Lounge/Corner 国際交流ラウンジ・コーナー 6 日本語を勉強したい、外国語が通じる 病院を知りたい、教育や税金のシステ ム、日本の習慣などについて 「困った」 「わからない」 というときは、まず、こ こへ相談を。ボランティアスタッフが 外国語でも対応している。 国際交流ラウンジ・コーナーは何をす るところ? 外国人市民が横浜で安心して楽しく暮 らせるよう、いろいろなサポートをし ている。主な活動内容は次のとおり。 困ったときに限らず、近くのラウン ジ・コーナーへ行ってみよう。日本人 や各国の人とも親しくなれる。 ・外国人市民への情報提供 ・通訳・翻訳ボランティアの紹介 ・日本語教室の開催 ・外国語の行政資料・生活資料の提供 ・国際交流グループや外国人グループ の紹介 ・日本人と外国人との交流会開催 ・外国人への日本文化紹介イベントの 開催 *活動内容は施設によって多少違いが ある。 Visit your local International Lounge/Corner for consultation on matters including; studying Japanese, foreign language speaking hospitals, the education and taxation systems, “problems with” or “not understanding” Japanese customs, etc. The volunteer staff can even accommodate questions in foreign languages. What is it that International Lounge/Corner do? They provide various support services to facilitate an enjoyable and anxiety-free life for non-Japanese residents of Yokohama. The main services offered are as follow in the list below. When having difficulties, please visit your closest International Lounge/Corner. You can befriend Japanese people and persons from various other countries as well. Services • Offering information for non-Japanese residents • Introducing volunteer interpreting and translation services • Providing Japanese language classrooms • Offering information on foreign languages, government, and everyday life • Introducing international exchange and non-Japanese groups • Facilitating international exchange among non-Japanese and Japanese • Holding events aimed at introducing non-Japanese to Japanese culture *The services offered vary at each International Lounge/Corner 7 International Lounge/Corner ■YOKE Community Lounge (Yokohama Kokusai Koryu Raunji) www.yoke.city.yokohama.jp/ (English/Japanese) 〒231-0023 Naka-ku, Yamashita-cho 2, Sangyo Boeki Center 9F Access: 15 min. walk from Kannai or Ishikawacho Sta. (JR) Closed: The 1st Sun. of the month & 12/29-1/3 Information Corner 1671-7209 FAX 671-7187 Hours: 10:00am - 5:00pm (1:00 - 4:00pm on national holidays & Sun.) Assistance in English is offered everyday *Assistance also offered on selected days in Korean, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Thai, Indonesian, French, and Russian. Newsletter: Information Corner News (“Kawaraban”) (English and Japanese written side by side, released in Feb. Apr. Jun. Sep. Nov.) Meeting Rooms & The Browsing Corner 1671-7128 FAX 671-7187 Hours: 9:00am - 9:00pm (9:00am - 5:00pm Sat., Sun. & national holidays) Using the “Free Space” For Group Activities The “Free Space,” which has an excellent view of the Yokohama Bay, may be used freely for group activities. Look over the ocean while talking with friends or planning group activities. ■Aoba International Lounge (Aoba Kokusai Koryu Raunji) 1971-2040 FAX 971-0260 www2.ocn.ne.jp/~aoba (English/Japanese) Email: a2040@beige.ocn.ne.jp 〒225-0024 Aoba-ku, Ichigao-cho 25-6 Access: 5 min. uploads/Geographie/ yokohama-living-guide.pdf
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