Guide to lost flaneur guide

FLANEUR SOCIETY'S GUIDE TO GETTING LOST No This special print run of The Guide to Getting Lost was created in collaboration with Carl Goes the city guide publisher for curious and creative people In the spirit of adventure we both urge you to take this guide and go on an urban safari May your journey take you to unexpected places resulting in inspiring discoveries FLANEUR X SOCIETY HOW DO YOU GET FROM POINT A TO B WHAT IF THERE WAS NO POINT B THE CITY IS YOUR FOREST The Flaneur Society was created to encourage and inspire the idea of the ? neur the urban explorer Through the concept of the urban safari the Flaneur Society seeks out people who like to explore the hidden crevices of cities It is also for those who might not naturally get o ? the beaten path but have an innate desire to do so We argue that what makes cities interesting places to be is the unexpected By deliberately creating a space for idle wandering without destination the chance of discovery is heightened The Flaneur Society is not about commerce It's about discovering what is right under your feet in front of you above you and around you Ultimately there are two rules of thumb that will serve you well take your time and embrace the journey The rest is up to serendipity and you ??Not to ?nd one's way in a city means little ? ? But to lose oneself in a city as one loses oneself in a forest requires practice ? ? Then the street names must call out to the lost wanderer like the snapping of dry twigs and the small streets of the city-centre must re ect the time of day as clearly as the mountain hollow ? ??Walter Benjamin GO ON AN URBAN SAFARI OPTION Urban safari Head to the bus stop nearest your house Get on the next bus that arrives Get o ? after stops When you step o ? the bus take a left When you pass a person who looks interesting to you turn around immediately and take the next left Find the nearest newspaper stand local shop or café Stop and observe your surroundings Head in the direction that looks most interesting to you Turn into the next side street that you come across and take a right when you come out of it Reorientate yourself and look for the nearest hill Head towards it Look for a place to take a break bench park grass Sit there for at least ten minutes and see what unfolds EXPERT TIP If at any point in your journey these guidelines are not useful head towards something that interests you Remember the urban safari is more about the joy of discovering the unexpected than following a set of instructions OPTION Point of interest Head to a neighbourhood you are curious about As your starting point pick a park or another spot that attracted you to

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  • Publié le Sep 14, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 26.7kB