How Do You Plan To Get There? Some Straight Talk from PotPieGirl This report is

How Do You Plan To Get There? Some Straight Talk from PotPieGirl This report is the sole property of You do NOT have any rights to give away this report, edit this report, or link to this report in any way, shape or form (whether online OR offline). I count on my subscribers to honor and respect this request. If you are reading this report from anyone other than Jennifer Ledbetter from and, please go to and use the contact form to notify me immediately. Thank you! I think it's time we talked. No, not about a way to make a lens, or create back links, or write an article, but about the BIG picture of your online marketing business. I am going to be VERY honest and straight-forward in this short report. It is not my intention to offend anyone nor am I writing anything with the intention of singling any one person out. I am also going to share some very sensitive information here. This is information that I strongly request be kept private between you and me. I am making this guide for YOUR information only. You may not use it for your own marketing efforts or share it with anyone. This is for YOUR eyes only. Thank you! Ok – let's talk. I started online in February 2007. Do you think I made a couple lenses and wrote a few articles and then magically hit it big? No way. I worked. I created all the online content I could possibly manage in the 16 hours a day I worked and learned. I knew I would never make it online if I didn't create content that earned some money to fund my business. No money= no growth In essence, I was my own little start-up company with NO start-up capital – so I had to create it myself. I also knew I would never make it online if I didn't take the time to build relationships along the way. Yes, relationships... like you know, with people. Business relationships and friendships are crucial to the success of your business (and I don't care WHAT your business is either). Have you ever heard the saying that it takes a village to raise a child? If you twist that saying a little, it totally applies to internet marketing, too. It takes a VILLAGE to “raise” a successful internet marketer. It takes community and support and trust-worthy tools and resources. Above all, it takes other PEOPLE to help a person reach their fullest potential. If I didn’t have my own hand-crafted network of amazing people (and now friends), my success would have been severely limited. These are the people I sound off to, bounce ideas off of, go to for help and advice – and even approach when I have a “simple” problem that they have already solved. Those relationships have been priceless – without them, there is no telling where I would be right now. There is also something else those relationships have done. Think about this - When you start online, no one knows you. You have no credibility....and without credibility and recognition, you don't have the most important part of the equation... Trust. I know I am a trust-WORTHY person, so my job was to “expose” myself and let people get to know me. You can't fake this – you EARN this. How did I get there? One of the first things I did online was choose an online “name” that was unique. Believe it or not, 'PotPieGirl' was a term that Google had never, ever heard of or indexed before me. For the longest time, if you typed “potpiegirl” into Google, they thought it was a typo. Now, 2+ years later, I am a recognized term in the Google index. In fact, my “name” is slowly becoming a popular search term and is showing in the Google keyword tool: This is how the Google search volume for “me” looks today : Pretty cool, huh? If you know me at all, you know I am not sharing these things to brag. Yes, I am proud of what I have accomplished so far, but above all, I feel very, very blessed to have this experience so I can share it with others. Many, many times I wasn't sure WHY I was doing something or how it would fit into the big picture, but I plodded along following my gut instinct. I've made good decisions online – and I've made bad ones. I am equally proud of both. Proud of failures? You bet I am! Every single step I have taken – whether it was a success or a total bomb – gave me something that NO ONE can take from me.... knowledge. I received my first “thank you” email on June 20, 2007. It was from a woman named Kathleen. It was printed out on that day and has hung on the wall to the left side of my computer ever since. It was one of my first “clues” that I was on the right path. (and yes, Kathleen, I know you're still out there – and I appreciate you beyond words!) And when money isn't coming in, and you are so frustrated you could scream, you take any clue you can get, don't you =) No matter what system you choose to follow to make money online, the bottom line is not money – it is PEOPLE. Thankfully, that is something I was able to learn very early. Thankfully, I learned this very early. Oddly, this simple concept was like this huge break-through for me. Let me put it this was – and this may upset some people, but... It's NOT all about YOU. If your marketing and your content and every action you take is designed and created to help and benefit YOU – you will have a problem. Think about this quote from Zig Ziglar (emphasis mine): You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want Crazy, isn't it? Helping OTHERS get what they want helps YOU get what YOU want. But – I'm here to tell you – it is so, so true. Ironically, that was the topic of the guest speaker at my daughter's High School graduation. The gentleman got up to the podium, looked straight at the graduating class and said, “No matter what you think, no matter how you've been raised... It's NOT all about YOU.” I don't say all this to be harsh – in fact, I want this to be an “A-Ha” moment for you. I want you to apply this to your marketing. In reality, it's a good way to live all the way around, but if your marketing reflects this principle that the reader is important to you, life will change for you if you stick with it. This whole concept “hit” me in January of 2008 and I changed my entire approach with my online marketing efforts. I changed my little (rarely seen at that time) sales page-like blog over to a RESOURCE that HELPED people. That simple change in my approach made an astounding change in my results. Perhaps some of you know this quote I have used before: “A candle loses NOTHING by lighting another candle”. You lose NOTHING by helping someone. Think about things you've read online – the way it made you feel about the person writing it... Did you place value on it? After reading from this person over time, did you begin to trust this person? No matter what market you go into, become a candle lighter. You also need a community where you can light candles...and yes, so YOUR candle can be lit, too. One of the BEST decisions I made was a choice I made while sitting at waters edge on our family beach vacation in July 2008. I was sitting there with our youngest and we were both quiet and watching the waves. I had been a little stuck on a business decision and wasn't sure what to do. Oddly, my (now) daughter-in-law was behind us on her beach towel and snapped a picture at the moment I was making this decision. I was trying to decide whether or not I would join Wealthy Affiliate. At that point in my online marketing career, I was doing pretty well. Earnings were good and improving across the board steadily. The topic of me having to get a “real job” was long ago taken off the table in my house and I was quietly making good money and helping folks via my blog at and my niche site tutorial website at All in all, I was content. I didn't really need any newbie marketing lessons, but I knew I was missing something. Now, years later, I know my “vision” was limited because * I * was limiting MYSELF. “The basic goal-getting principle is to uploads/Industriel/ bonus-guide.pdf

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