Cognos® 8 Planning ANALYST USER GUIDE Product Information This document applies
Cognos® 8 Planning ANALYST USER GUIDE Product Information This document applies to Cognos® 8 Planning Version 8.3 and may also apply to subsequent releases. To check for newer versions of this document, visit the Cognos Global Customer Services Web site ( Copyright Copyright © 2007 Cognos Incorporated. Portions of Cognos® software products are protected by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 6,609,123 B1; 6,611,838 B1; 6,662,188 B1; 6,728,697 B2; 6,741,982 B2; 6,763,520 B1; 6,768,995 B2; 6,782,378 B2; 6,847,973 B2; 6,907,428 B2; 6,853,375 B2; 6,986,135 B2; 6,995,768 B2; 7,062,479 B2; 7,072,822 B2; 7,111,007 B2; 7,130,822 B1; 7,155,398 B2; 7,171,425 B2; 7,185,016 B1;7,213,199 B2. Cognos and the Cognos logo are trademarks of Cognos Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and complete, some typographical errors or technical inaccuracies may exist. Cognos does not accept responsibility for any kind of loss resulting from the use of information contained in this document. This document shows the publication date. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Any improvements or changes to either the product or the document will be documented in subsequent editions. U.S. Government Restricted Rights. The software and accompanying materials are provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions in subparagraph (C)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, or subparagraphs (C)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48CFR52.227-19, as applicable. The Contractor is Cognos Corporation, 15 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA 01803. This software/documentation contains proprietary information of Cognos Incorporated. All rights are reserved. Reverse engineering of this software is prohibited. No part of this software/documentation may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of Cognos Incorporated. Table of Contents Introduction 19 What's New? 23 New Features in Version 8.3 23 Microsoft Excel 2007 23 Select Folders in Cognos Connection 23 Select Framework Manager Package for D-List Import 23 Chapter 1: Analyst Overview 25 Saving Analyst Data 25 Registry Settings 25 Restart Analyst 26 Understanding Analyst 26 Formulas in Analyst and Excel Spreadsheets 26 Using LIB and LIBNO Parameters 27 Other Differences 27 Multi-User Object Access 28 Analyst Samples 28 Tutorialgo 29 Great Outdoors Analyst 29 The BiF Library 31 The Slice Update Sample 31 Customizing the Analyst Toolbar 34 Use Custom Menus 35 Create Custom Toolbar Buttons 36 Chapter 2: Administration 37 Viewing and Editing Analyst Workspace Settings 37 Creating Planning Tables 38 Set Filesys.ini 38 Rebuild Index Files 39 Refresh References 39 Validate D-Lists 39 DOS File Names 39 Close ODBC Links 40 Configuration Settings 40 Chapter 3: Objects 43 Add a Description to an Object 43 Reveal Object Name from DOS Filename 43 Chapter 4: Security 45 Cognos Namespace 45 Authentication Providers 46 Deleting or Restoring Unconfigured Namespaces 47 User Guide 3 Users, Groups, and Roles 47 Users 48 Groups and Roles 48 Setting up Security for a Cognos 8 Planning Installation 50 Configure Cognos 8 to Use an Authentication Provider 51 Add or Remove Members From Planning Rights Administrators and Planning Contributor Users Roles 52 Enabling Planning Roles in Cognos 8 53 Restricting Access to the Everyone Group 53 Recommendation - Creating Additional Roles or Groups for Contributor 54 Configuring Access to Analyst 54 Configure Integrated Windows Authentication 56 Specify a Default Library 57 Restrict D-Cube Access 57 Assign Access at the Library Level 57 Assigning Access at the Object Level 58 Assigning Access at the Item Level 60 Chapter 5: Integration 63 Financial Planning with Cognos Finance and Cognos Planning Products 63 Prerequisites and Required Components 64 Understanding the Process 64 Using Cognos Finance Input Forms or Report Files 65 Importing From Cognos Finance 65 Financial Planning with Cognos Performance Applications and Analyst 67 IQD Files and the Import from IQD Wizard 68 Creating Planning Models and Data from Cognos Performance Applications Data 72 Determine Plan Granularity 74 Create a Planning Model in Analyst 74 Set up a Contributor Application 76 Populate the Planning Application in Contributor 77 Publish Planning Data 79 Automation 81 Command Line 81 Chapter 6: Importing Data from Cognos 8 Data Sources 83 Create a Data Source Connection 84 Create a Framework Manager Project and Import Metadata 86 Create and Publish the Cognos Package 87 Working with SAP BW Data 88 Create a Detailed Fact Query Subject 88 Recommendation - Query Items 89 Recommendation - Hierarchy 89 Recommendation - Hiding the Dimension Key Field 90 Working with Packages 90 Chapter 7: D-Lists 91 Open a D-List 91 Create a D-List 91 Formulas 93 4 Analyst Table of Contents Import a Formula (CalcTexts) 93 Preview or Print the Formulas 95 Create a Subtotal 95 Enter a Formula into a D-List 95 Edit a Formula 97 Copy a Formula 97 Remove a Formula 98 Troubleshooting Formula Errors 98 View Formulas 100 D-List Conditional Formulas 101 Formula Priority 104 Apply a Time Average 106 Weighted Averages 106 Choosing Which Item to Weight By 107 Apply a Weighted Average 107 Override a Weighted Average 108 Force to Zero 108 Remove Averages 108 Applying Local Formats to D-Lists 109 Types of Formats 109 Assign Local Formats 110 Save a Local Format 110 Load a Local Format 110 Formulas and D-List Formatted Items 111 Format a Specific Row or Column 111 Numeric Formats 112 Date and Time Formats 114 Apply D-List Formats 117 Apply Free-Text Format to a D-List Item 118 Timescale D-Lists 118 Create a Timescale D-List 119 Create a Custom Timescale 120 Timescales and BiFs 120 Common Errors in Timescales 120 Set Periods of Uneven Lengths 120 Copy an Existing D-List 121 Edit a D-List 121 Edit D-List Item Names 123 Insert items from a D-List 123 Create an Import Link into a D-List 124 Run an Import Link into a D-List 124 Paste Items from a Spreadsheet, Database, or Other Text Source 125 Import D-List Items from Another D-List 125 Import D-List Items from Unmapped ASCII Files 126 Import D-List Data from Mapped ASCII Files 127 Import D-List Items from a D-Cube 128 Import D-List Items Using ODBC 129 Import D-List Items From a Cognos Package 130 Export a D-List as an e-List 131 User Guide 5 Table of Contents Implement Changes 131 Delete items from a D-List 131 Import Mode 132 Example - Import Modes 132 Copying from Another D-List 133 Importing from ASCII files, ODBC sources, Cognos Packages, or D-Cube data 134 Where Drop-Box 135 Subtotals Drop-Box 135 Maintaining Hierarchies 135 Manage D-Lists 139 Rename/Move a D-List 139 << Move 139 Delete a D-List 139 Search for a D-List 140 Show a D-List's Dependants 140 Show a D-List's Precedents 140 Upgrade Pipe Symbols in D-List Item Names 141 Unique Names 141 Edit Unique Names 141 Define the Unique Part of a D-List Item 141 Manually Reorder D-List Items 142 Sort D-List Items 143 View/Edit Summary Information on a D-List 144 Add Sub Headings to Reports 145 Set D-List Colors 146 Chapter 8: D-Cubes 147 Interrupt a Calculation 148 Set or Clear Audit Trails 148 View the Audit Trail of a Cell Within a D-Cube 149 Breakback 149 Default Rules for Breakback 149 Use Breakback to Set Global Targets 151 Holds and Breakback 151 Using Breakback with Integer Arithmetic 152 Set Breakback to Integer or Decimal Mode 153 Set a Target Using Breakback 153 Create D-Cubes 154 Open D-Cubes 156 Open Multiple D-Cubes 157 Expand a Subtotal 157 View Multiple Slices of a D-Cube in Separate Windows 157 D-Cube Data Allocations 158 Enter Data 159 Enter Data into Individual Cells of a D-Cube 159 Color Conventions for Data 160 View a Formula 161 View the Origin of a Detail Cell 161 Edit D-Cubes 161 6 Analyst Table of Contents Copy a Range on the Same Page 161 Copy Ranges in a D-Cube from Page to Page 162 Copy Data Using Operators 163 Copy from a Spreadsheet to Analyst 163 Insert Lines to Separate Totals from Detail Items 164 Edit Undo and Redo 165 Suppress Zero Rows, Columns, or Pages 165 Reveal All Zero Suppressed Rows and Columns 166 Change the Column Width or Row Label Width 166 Annotate a Cell 167 Edit Data 168 Edit Data on the Current Page of a D-Cube 168 Edit the Data in Individual Cells Using Operators 169 Select a Range of Cells in a D-Cube 170 Reset Data 171 Recover from Errors 172 D-Cube Commands 173 Apply Commands 175 Edit a Range of Data on the Current Page 176 Delete the Data from an Entire D-Cube 176 Set a Column or Row to Zero 177 Change Ranges of Data Using Menu Commands 178 Locks, Protects, and Holds 180 Hold Data 181 Protect Data 183 Lock Data 183 Special Copy and Paste 185 Random Number D-Cube uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ analyst-guide 1 .pdf
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- Publié le Oct 29, 2021
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