How to do a Bibliography: In order to remember how to cite sources correctly, t
How to do a Bibliography: In order to remember how to cite sources correctly, the following are steps for citation under the Modern Language Association style ( MLA) : Book : Book with one author : Author’s last name first , first name.Title. Place of Pub.: Publisher, Copyright date. Grisham, John.The Last Juror. New York: Doubleday, 2004. Book with two authors : Same as one author except , second author’s name begins with their first name . Eggins, Suzanne, and Diana Slade. Analyzing Casual Conversation. London: Cassel, 1997. Book with an editor : Editor’s last name, first name, ed.Title. Place of Pub.: Publisher,date. Bloom, Harold, ed. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. NY: Chelsea House, 1989. Book with a corporate author : Name of corporation that is responsible for the content of the book.Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Copyright date. The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective. Our Bodies, Ourselves. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1998. exampl e exampl e exampl e exampl e Website : Author. “ Title of website. “ date of access. < URL> T yrell, Anna. “ Binge Eating Disorder. “ 14 Nov. 2003. <>. Entire Internet Site : Title of site. Name of editor of site ( if given ). Year of publication and electronic site. Date accessed . < URL > . History History Channel . 28 Sept.2005 <>. Online Newspaper Article : Author. “ Title of article.” Name of online newspaper. Date of article. Date accessed. < URL > . Patinkin, Mark. “ Getting Older.” Providence Journal . 12 Sept.2005. 17 Oct. 2005. <>. Online Government Publication : Name of the Government. Name of the agency . Title of Publication. Author. Date of publication. Date accessed < URL > . United States. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice. Law Enforcement and Juvenile Crime. By Howard N. Snyder. Dec.2001 . 29Jan. 2004 <>. Personal e-mail : Author last, first or username. “subject line” . Personal email. date written (d/m/yr ) . exampl e exampl e exampl e exampl e exampl e Doe, Jane. "How to Cite Information from an E- mail." . 24 Nov. 2003. Newspaper : Author. “ Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper (including city if necessary in parentheses ), Date ( day,month,year ), page. Adams, George. “Ford’s Plan to Spur Republican Revival.” Christian Science Monitor, 29 Nov. 1974, p.20. (If there is no author , leave it out ) Articles : Encyclopedia Article : Author’s name (last name first ). “Title of Article.” Title of Encyclopedia . Copyright date of edition. Dickinson, Robert E. “The Norman Conquest.” World Book Encyclopedia. 1990 ed. (If there is no author , leave it out ) Newspaper Article : Author. “Title of Article.” Name of Newspaper. Date, Edition of newspaper: Section of the paper noting page and a + if on additional pages . Wims, Meaghan. “Zoners to Hear Flurry of Plans for Affordable Housing Units.” The Providence Jornal . 17 Nov.2003, West Bay: B1+ Article in reference book with an author’s name : Author. “Title of Article.” Title of reference book. Copyright date. Goldsmith, Oliver. “She stoops T o Conquer.” World Literature and it’s Times. 2001. exampl e exampl e exampl e exampl e Article in reference book without an author’s name : “Title of Article.” Title of Reference Book. Copyright date. “Joseph Lister.” Encyclopedia of World Biography.1998. Magazine Article : ( weekly magazine ) Author(s). “Title of article.” Name of Magazine. Date of Publication: Pages. Weintraub, Arlene, and Laura Cohen. “A Thousand-Year Plan for Nuclear Waste.” Business Week. 6 May 2002: 94-96. ( If there is no author , leave it out ) Magazine Article : ( monthly magazine ) Author(s). “ Title of Article.” Name of Magazine. Date of Publication (month , then year ): Pages. Sterling, Jeffrey. “Apartheid in South Africa.” The World and I . April 1986: 27-35. Video and DVD : Director’s name. Title. Performers. Date Created. Format. Distributor. Date released in this format. Hitchcock, Alfred, Dir.Suspicion. Perf. Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine. 1941. Laser disc. T urner, 1995. Television Program: “Name of Individual Program.” Name of TV series. Name of narrator. Name of director. Network. Date program was broadcast. “ Frederick Douglas.” Civil War Journal. Narr. Danny Glover, Dir. Craig Haffner. Arts and Entertainment Network. 6 Apr. 1993. exampl e exampl e exampl e exampl e exampl e uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ bibliography - 2023-03-28T140024.930.pdf
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