A Guide for Career Discovery Missouri Planning Council for Developmental Disabi

A Guide for Career Discovery Missouri Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities Left Blank on Purpose About this guide The Career Planning Guide: A Guide for Career Discovery was made possible by Missouri’s Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities’ continued commitment towards full community participation for persons with disabilities. It is designed to support job seekers to plan for, and achieve, integrated community-based employment earning competitive wages and benefits like other members of the community. This guide will take the job seeker and his or her support team through the career planning process by providing information he or she can use during the career planning sessions. It should be noted that since everyone is unique, the individual planning process will be unique to each person as well. The guide is simply a framework to allow the job seeker and his or her team to create a vision and a plan to achieve a career that makes sense to the job seeker. It is less about the forms and more about generating ideas, clear action steps, and moving the person closer towards his or her ultimate career goals. Acknowledgements & References Project Director and Lead Author Rob Hoffman, Employment Analytics, Smithville, MO A special thanks to the following team of individuals who, through their extensive experiences and expertise, worked collaboratively to plan and develop this guide for the benefit of Missourians with disabilities. Darla Wilkerson – Missouri’s Department of MH/DD (Kansas City, MO) Susan Rocker – MU-Disability Policy & Studies (Lincoln, NE) Tom McVeigh – UMKC-Institute for Human Development (Kansas City, MO) Mike McCarthy - UMKC-Institute for Human Development (Kansas City, MO) Jessica Boffa – ACT (Columbia, MO) Cris Rodriguez - Missouri’s Department of MH/DD (Nevada, MO) Bob Miller - Missouri’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (Kansas City, MO) Kathleen Featherstone – Missouri’s Department of MH/DD (Springfield, MO) Diana Beckley – MU-Disability Policy & Studies (Clarence, MO) Photography by Susan Rocker This project was funded by the Missouri Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities through the Administration on Developmental Disabilities. (2010, All Rights Reserved) Additionally, some information in this guide is based on previous career planning initiatives including the Missouri Career Networks, a partnership between UMKC/IHD and MU’s Region 7 CRP-RCEP. Finally, thanks to Mike McCarthy for his Discovering Who, Discovering What and Discovering How framework this guide is built around. For information on this guide and/or additional training and support contact MOPCDD at 573-751-8611. (Revised 6/2010 - Rob Hoffman, Employment Analytics) ‐ 1 ‐ Career Discovery: My Guide to My Career Congratulations! By picking up this guide, you are on your way to finding that job and career you have wanted. This guide contains a lot of information and resources to help you and all the people who will support you to plan and land a job and career that fits best with your skills and talents. But first, it is always good to get a better understanding of this work and career “stuff”. Here are some common areas and questions a lot of people want to know about. What is employment? Well, the easy answer is doing any task or job where you get paid for your efforts. There are many types of employment out there. To break it down a little, there are full time jobs, part time jobs and temporary jobs. Then, there is self employment, where you work for yourself rather than working for someone else. Whatever the definition is, the most important thing is to make sure you find employment that matches your interests and abilities. That’s what you will be doing as you go through this guide! Why should I work? There are a number of reasons. First, it is every citizen’s responsibility to work, earn a living and contribute to our overall society. Anyone of working age, regardless of having a disability or not, should do what they can to be as self-reliant as possible. You may have heard the phrase “there are no free rides”? This goes for employment too. Our country was built on the notion that everyone will work and contribute to the greater society; it is what makes our country run day after day. Think about it, if everyone chose not to work, who would serve you your favorite meal at the restaurant? Where would you go if there were no doctors and you were sick? So, it is really not about a choice to work or not, it is about a choice of where you want to work and making sure it fits your interests. What are some of the reasons you want to work and/or to change what you are doing now? ‐ 2 ‐ Is a Paycheck all I get for Working? Absolutely not! Working to earn income to pay your bills is a big part of it but not the only reason people work. There are many benefits to working, let’s look at a few in addition to earning money: • Meeting new people and making new friendships • Having a sense of pride in doing work that helps yourself and your community • Creating a sense of identity - what is the second question people ask when they first meet you right after asking your name? It is “What do you do?” Whether it is right or wrong, our culture attaches a person’s identity to what they do for a living. • And maybe most importantly, money opens many doors. Have you ever heard the phrase “money is power”? Well it’s true, not in a Donald Trump kind of way, but think about it, as you earn more money you have the power to make more decisions about how to live your life. You can move into that apartment, buy your own home, have more choices in what you do in your free time (more activities, vacations, etc.) No matter what it is, you will have more opportunities as you develop your career. Aren’t there just too many barriers for someone like me to work? This is an excellent question and one that actually prevents many people from moving forward with their career plans. However, many of these barriers are myths rather than truths. Let’s look at some of the more popular ones. • I will lose my Social Security benefits. For the most part, this is not true if you make sure and visit a Benefits Planner early on in the career planning process. Benefits Planners can show you exactly how work will affect your benefits, including your health insurance. The overall idea is that as you work and earn more money, the less reliant you need to be on these benefits. The key is to figure out the right What else besides money do you want to get out of working? ‐ 3 ‐ formula to make sure your essential needs are met. You can find information on Benefits Planners in the Resource Section of this guide. • Transportation. Yes, this is a barrier for many people, with all types of abilities, but it should not be a reason to not work. Through the career planning process, you and your team of supporters will look at all sorts of ways to get you to and from work. Some examples include riding the bus, walking, bugging your parents for a ride, paying a co-worker for rides, and, who knows, maybe you will start a home based business and won’t need a ride. • Employers won’t hire people with disabilities. This is a myth. Sure there might be some employers out there that haven’t hired certain people but this is usually because they just can’t see how it will work. It is really you and your support team’s responsibility to show them what you will bring to their business. Through this planning process, you and your team will outline all the skills and abilities you will contribute to the business. Someone once asked me about my dream job but they never found It. Why? First off, finding a job needs to be your responsibility. Sure you will have your team of supporters to assist you, but at the end of the day, it’s your job not theirs. Now, about that dream job…boy, wouldn’t we all like to just start in our dream job! The truth is, most people are still working towards theirs and very few, if anyone, have ever just started in their dream job. However, those people who are in their dream job, or close to it, have done a couple of things. First, they have worked many different jobs to figure out what their true passions are. Second, they understood they wouldn’t start at the top but had a plan and knew where they were going. And third, they have used many different people to support them throughout their journey. Now don’t get discouraged, this journey is all part of the process and it is the main way we find out what we like and don’t like about certain Are there any worries you have uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ career-discovery-guide 1 .pdf

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