1865 03 30 confering rank of brevet general by president

CONFERING RANK OF BRIGADIER GENERAL Upon JOHN ALEXANDER MARTIN Ernst F Tonsing Ph D Thousand Oaks California July This transcription of a parchment document in the Atchison County Historical Society Museum in Atchison Kansas records the elevation of Colonel John A Martin to the rank of Brigadier General An elegant printed certi ?cate the ?rst three lines form an arc over a ying eagle breaking through clouds and lightning clutching arrows in its talons A bright blue seal on the left side of the certi ?cate veri ?es its authenticity Below the signatures at the bottom is an array of ags spears and halberds resting on crossed cannon Under the ags and canon are various implements of war ??stacked canon balls loose balls a bar-shot projectile and the barrel of a mortar on the left owers drum ?fe bugle trumpet and sword in the middle and two crossed bar- shot projectiles a wood barrel of powder a powder horn crossed bowie knife and axe stacked canon balls and the wheels and barrel of a howitzer emerging from the American ag on the right The latter has twenty-one stars in a circle around a single star in the center of the ?eld When Kansas became the thirty-fourth state to enter the union but as an Abolitionist state to the consternation of the South thirteen Confederate states withdrew from the Union Twenty-one thus was the number of Union states left The document is signed by Edwin McMasters Stanton Secretary of War under Presidents Lincoln and Johnson Stanton opposed Johnson ? s lenient policies for the South after the conclusion of the Civil War and Johnson ? s attempt to remove Stanton led to his impeachment by the House of Representatives in Johnson was sworn in as President on April the day after Lincoln ? s assassination Martin was well acquainted with Johnson however Lincoln had appointed Johnson the only senator from the South to have remained a loyal Union member of Congress the military governor of occupied Tennessee in March with o ?ces in the State House in Nashville During the occupation of the city Col Martin served as Provost Marshal from December to June and had his o ?ce next to that of the governor Martin admired Johnson and supported his presidency strongly throughout the troubles in the White House The text is recorded from a photograph that I took through a glass case at the museum using natural light Boldface type is used to suggest similar lines in the document and italics where the lines are handwritten Some of the hand-written lines are indistinct and my uncertainty is indicated by question marks in brackets Ernst F Tonsing CTHE PRESIDENT of the United States of AMERICA E PLURIBUS UNUM SEAL To all who shall see these presents greeting Know Ye that I do hereby confer on John A Martin of the U S Volunteers in the service of the United States by and with the advise and consent of the Senate

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  • Publié le Jui 08, 2022
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  • Langue French
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