Shashamanne Poly Technic College Learning Guide Use Hand tools, power tools and

Shashamanne Poly Technic College Learning Guide Use Hand tools, power tools and test instruments This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics  Plan and prepare tasks and workstation  Prepare hand tools  Use hand tools and test equipment  Maintain hand tools This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to:-  Identify Tasks to be undertaken properly  Identify and select Appropriate hand tools and test instruments according to the task requirement  Make Workstation ready in accordance with job requirements/specifications  Check Appropriate hand tools for proper operation and safety  Identify and mark Unsafe or faulty tools are for repair according to standard company procedure  Use Tools according to tasks undertaken  Observe All safety procedures in using tools at all times and appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) are used  Report Malfunctions, unplanned or unusual events to the supervisor  Handle Tools without damage according to procedures  Undertake Routine maintenance of tools according to standard operational procedures, principles and techniques  Store Tools safely in appropriate locations in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications or standard operating procedures TTLM Development Date: 2015 Page 1 of 29 BY: Gizaw Tadesse Shashamanne Poly Technic College Information sheet Use Hand tools, power tools and test instruments The Electrician’s Tool Pouch The Electrician’s tool pouch is essential in that it helps kept electrical tools organized. The tool pouch allows the right tools at hand which makes the job more efficient. The electrician must have proper tools for the job. Tools must be maintain and kept in good working condition. Certain tools are essential, and without them the electrician should not attempt to do any type of wiring. Listed are the basic hand tools that are essential to electrical wiring. TTLM Development Date: 2015 Page 2 of 29 BY: Gizaw Tadesse Shashamanne Poly Technic College Electrical Specific Hand Cutting Tools TTLM Development Date: 2015 Page 3 of 29 BY: Gizaw Tadesse Shashamanne Poly Technic College Electrician's Essential Tools TTLM Development Date: 2015 Page 4 of 29 BY: Gizaw Tadesse Shashamanne Poly Technic College Tools Used for Specialty Work Rules for care of hand tools There are many more hand and power tools that electricians will use in residential and commercial wiring. All tools should be used only for the purpose intended. It is the electrician’s responsibility to keep his or her tools sharp, clean, and lubricated. A well maintained tool has a longer life and is safer than an improperly maintained tool. Repair tools when possible, but discard worn or damaged tools. Test instruments Understanding a) Analogue and b) Digital Multimeter TTLM Development Date: 2015 Page 5 of 29 BY: Gizaw Tadesse Shashamanne Poly Technic College Multimeters (analogue and digital) are one way in which you can “see” what’s going on in an electrical circuit. Voltmeters, ohmmeters, and ammeter are essential in all electric work. Multimeters can go by many names. Some people call them as “multimeter” or just “meter”, while others refer them as “VOMs” or “multitesters”or even “tester”. They are among the simplest and least expensive pieces of test equipment available that every electronic enthusiast should have. names. Some people call them as “multimeter” or just “meter”, while others refer them as “VOMs” or “multitesters”or even “tester”. They are among the simplest and least expensive pieces of test equipment available that every electronic enthusiast should have. A multimeter is as basic to an electronic technician as a brush is to a painter. In this chapter, you will learn the features of analogue and digital multimeter and in the following chapters you will learn how to measure electrical voltage, current, and resistance. Learning how to connect ammeter and read these electrical circuit values is a fundamental skill that every electronics repairers must know in order to successfully perform basic tests, troubleshooting and repairing. Meter’s function and range TTLM Development Date: 2015 Page 6 of 29 BY: Gizaw Tadesse Shashamanne Poly Technic College Analogue and digital multimeters have either a rotary selector switch or push buttons to select the appropriate function and range. Some Digital Multimeter (DMMs) are auto ranging; they automatically select the correct range of voltage, resistance, or current when doing a test. However you still need to select the function. First, just before you make any measurement you must know what you are checking. If you are measuring voltage then select the AC (10V, 50V, 250V, or 1000V) or DC (0.5V, 2.5V, 10V, 50V, 250V, or 1000V) range. If you are measuring the resistance, select the Ohms range (Rx1Ω, Rx10Ω, Rx100 Ω, Rx1kΩ or Rx10kΩ). If you are measuring the current then select the appropriate current range (DC mA) as shown in the photo in the previous page. TTLM Development Date: 2015 Page 7 of 29 BY: Gizaw Tadesse Shashamanne Poly Technic College Black test lead plugs into meter terminal marked Common, Com,oror Red test lead plugs into meter terminal marked or V-Ω- mA. Now that you know the very basic of a multimeter, I’ll describe how you can use the meters (analogue and digital) to take voltage, resistance, and current readings in the next few chapters. Precaution While Using Multimeter Don’t give shock or vibration to the multimeter especially analogue meters, which have a delicate meter movement. Sometimes even a slight fall from the repair bench to the floor could cause the digital meter LCD panel to cracked! Even if after the zero ohm adjuster turned to maximum, the pointer still does not reach zero, replace the batteries. Batteries out of life must be immediately removed from the meter, otherwise components inside will get corroded by leakage of the battery electrolyte. When you are not certain of the voltage or current value, measurement is always started on the highest range to know its approximate value. TTLM Development Date: 2015 Page 8 of 29 BY: Gizaw Tadesse Shashamanne Poly Technic College Lower range may be selected accordingly. Read and understand the manual book that comes with your multimeter. Don’t replace any meter fuse with one having a higher current rating orslower response time. In other word, do not replace the fast blow fuse with a slow blow fuse. Go to fuse chapter to know more fuses. Don’t take any resistance (Ohm) measurement in a circuit that has any power applied otherwise it may cause the components inside the meter to blow. Don’t connect your ammeter (meter set to current range) directly across a power source, such as a battery or power supply output. An ammeter must always be connected in series with the load. Don’t take any resistance (Ohm) measurement in a circuit that has any power applied otherwise it may cause the components inside the meter to blow. Don’t connect your ammeter (meter set to current range) directly across a power source, such as a battery or power supply output. An ammeter must always be connected in series with the load. Always treat all electrical circuits with respect! Knowing what you’re doing is important. If you don’t know what you’re doing in areas that could prove dangerous, such as in 240 volt household circuits, then don’t do it! Get more information or just ask a repair friend to show or guide you the right way to test electrical circuits. Lastly, there are many differences among various makes of digital and analogue multimeters. Always study the instruction booklet that comes with a particular meter to ensure you are using it TTLM Development Date: 2015 Page 9 of 29 BY: Gizaw Tadesse Shashamanne Poly Technic College properly and safely. Inserting a meter in series, however, is not always an easy task. In many cases you must physically interrupt a circuit at the point you wish to measure, and then connect test leads across the break. Although it may be easy to interrupt a circuit, keep in mind that you must also put the circuit back together. Set your multimeter to the desired function (DCA or ACA) and select the appropriate range. If you are unsure about proper range, set the meter to its largest range. Make sure that the meter can handle the amount of current you are expecting. Turn off all power to a circuit before inserting a current meter as shown in Fig below. Insert the meter and reapply power. Read Current directly from the panel meter. Caution! Never try to read current in parallel. Placing a current meter in parallel can cause a short circuit across a component that can damage the part, the circuit under test, or your multimeter. TTLM Development Date: 2015 Page 10 of 29 BY: Gizaw Tadesse Shashamanne Poly Technic College Factors For Purchasing Tools Factors to consider when purchasing tools are size, design, and quality. Always purchase the correct sized tools for the work to be done. Tools should be designed specifically for electrical work. Ex: Insulated handles, hammers with uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ learning-guide 2 .pdf

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