Minecraft Crafting Guide Crafting in Minecraft is the method by which the major
Minecraft Crafting Guide Crafting in Minecraft is the method by which the majority of items, blocks and tools are created. To craft an item move the ingredients from your inventory into the crafting grid and place them in the order representing the item you wish to craft. The 2x2 crafting grid is contained within the inventory screen and the 3x3 grid can be accessed from a crafting table. Select a category from the menu above or scroll down to view the recipes. Basic Recipes Name Ingredients Image Description Wooden Planks Wood Basic building material. Sticks Wooden Planks Used to craft torches, arrows, fences, signs, tools and weapons. Torches Coal & Stick T orches provide light and also melt ice and snow. Crafting Table Wooden Planks Opens a 3x3 crafting grid when right clicked. Furnace Cobblestone Allows the player to smelt. Basic Blocks T ools Defence Mechanism Food Other Dye Wool Brewing Uspomene su na sigurnom Uz Telenor Capture Na poklon do kraja 2017! Minecraft Skins MCPE Servers Minecraft Mods Minecraft Seeds Minecraft Crafting 1.8 Servers Minecraft Info Texture Packs Minecraft Servers Minecraft Crafting Guide http://www.minecraftcrafting.info/ 1 од 18 1/10/2016 10:27 AM Chest Wooden Planks Used to store blocks and items. Ladders Sticks Allows the player to climb vertically. Fence Sticks & Wooden Planks Barrier that cannot be jumped over. Boat Wooden Planks Used to travel in water. Wooden Slabs Wooden Planks Used to create gradual slopes. Stone Slabs Stone or Brick or Stone Brick or Sandstone or Cobblestone or Nether Brick or Quartz or Red Sandstone Used to create gradual slopes. Sign Wooden Planks & Stick Shows text. Doors Wooden Planks or Iron Ingots Wooden doors can be opened by clicking or redstone power. Iron doors can only be opened by redstone power. Block Recipes Name Ingredients Image Description Glowstone Glowstone Dust Bright light source that can be used underwater. Snow Block Snowballs Store of snow and building material. Minecraft Crafting Guide http://www.minecraftcrafting.info/ 2 од 18 1/10/2016 10:27 AM TNT Gunpowder & Sand Creates explosions. Clay Block Clay Store of clay and building material. Brick Block Clay Bricks Strong building material. Bookshelf Wooden Planks & Books Decoration. Sandstone Block Sand Building material. Smooth Sandstone Sandstone Block Building material. Decorative Sandstone Sandstone Slabs Building material. Note Block Wooden Planks & Redstone Plays a note when left clicked. Jack-O Lantern Pumpkin & Torch Light source. Lapis Lazuli Block Lapis Lazuli Dye Store of Lapis Lazuli Dye. Diamond Block Diamonds Store of Diamonds. Minecraft Crafting Guide http://www.minecraftcrafting.info/ 3 од 18 1/10/2016 10:27 AM Gold Block Gold Ingots Store of Gold Ingots. Iron Block Iron Ingots Store of Iron Ingots. Emerald Block Emeralds Store of Emeralds. Coal Block Coal Store of Coal. Stone Brick Stone Building material. Wooden Stairs Wooden Planks Used for staircases. Stone Stairs Cobblestone or Sandstone or Brick or Stone Brick or Nether Brick or Quartz or Red Sandstone Used for staircases. Cobblestone Wall Cobblestone or Moss Stone Decorative block that acts in a similar way to fences. Block of Redstone Redstone Redstone power source. Nether Brick Nether Brick (Item) Building material. Block of Quartz Nether Quartz Building material. Minecraft Crafting Guide http://www.minecraftcrafting.info/ 4 од 18 1/10/2016 10:27 AM Chiseled Quartz Block Quartz Slabs Building material. Pillar Quartz Block Block of Quartz Building material. Stained Clay Hardened Clay & Dye Building material. Hay Bale Wheat Decorative block and food for horses. Granite Diorite & Nether Quartz Decoration. Andesite Diorite & Cobblestone Decoration. Diorite Cobblestone & Nether Quartz Decoration. Polished Granite Granite Decoration. Polished Andesite Andesite Decoration. Polished Diorite Diorite Decoration. Prismarine Prismarine Shard Decoration. Minecraft Crafting Guide http://www.minecraftcrafting.info/ 5 од 18 1/10/2016 10:27 AM Prismarine Bricks Prismarine Shard Decoration. Dark Prismarine Prismarine Shard & Ink Sac Decoration. Sea Lantern Prismarine Crystals & Prismarine Shard Light source. Coarse Dirt Dirt & Gravel Similar to normal dirt however grass cannot spread to it. Slime Block Slimeball Can be used to push other blocks using pistons. Moss Stone Cobblestone & Vines Decoration. Mossy Stone Brick Stone Brick & Vines Decoration. Chiseled Stone Brick Stock Brick Slab Decoration Red Sandstone Red Sand Decoration Smooth Red Sandstone Red Sandstone Decoration Chiseled Red Sandstone Red Sandstone Slab Decoration Tool Recipes Minecraft Crafting Guide http://www.minecraftcrafting.info/ 6 од 18 1/10/2016 10:27 AM Name Ingredients Image Description Pickaxes Sticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds Used to mine stone blocks and ores. Axes Sticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds Used to chop wood blocks faster than by hand. Shovels Sticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds Used to dig sand, gravel, dirt, grass and snow faster than by hand. Hoes Sticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds Used to till dirt blocks in preparation for growing crops. Fishing Rod Sticks & String Used to catch fish. Flint & Steel Iron Ingot & Flint Creates fire. Compass Iron Ingots & Redstone Points to the spawn point. Clock Gold Ingots & Redstone Displays the time relative to the positions of the sun and moon. Bucket Iron Ingots Used to transport water, lava and milk. Shears Iron Ingots Used to collect wool from sheep and leaves from trees. Defence Recipes Name Ingredients Image Description Minecraft Crafting Guide http://www.minecraftcrafting.info/ 7 од 18 1/10/2016 10:27 AM Helmet Leather or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds Head armor. Provides 1.5 protection points. Chestplate Leather or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds Chest armor. Provides 4 protection points. Leggings Leather or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds Leg armor. Provides 3 protection points. Boots Leather or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds Foot armor. Provides 1.5 protection points. Sword Sticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds Deals more damage to mobs than by hand. Bow String & Sticks Used to shoot arrows. Arrow Flint & Stick & Feather Ammunition for bows. Horse Armour Wool & Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds Special type of armour worn by horses. Mechanism Recipes Name Ingredients Image Description Pressure Plates Wooden Planks or Stone Send a redstone signal when stepped on by a player or mob. Trapdoor Wooden Planks Horizontal door activated by clicking or redstone. Minecraft Crafting Guide http://www.minecraftcrafting.info/ 8 од 18 1/10/2016 10:27 AM Fence Gate Wooden Planks & Sticks Used as a gate that can be opened like a door. Button Stone or Wooden Plank Sends a short redstone signal when pressed. Lever Stick & Cobblestone Sends a redstone signal that can be turned on and off. Redstone Repeater Stone & Redstone T orch & Redstone Used as a repeater, diode or delayer in redstone circuits. Redstone Torch Stick & Redstone Constantly sends a redstone signal. Jukebox Wooden Planks & Diamond Used to play music discs. Dispenser Cobblestone & Bow & Redstone Holds and shoots out items when powered. Piston Wooden Planks & Cobblestone & Iron Ingot & Redstone Pushes blocks. Sticky Piston Piston & Slime Ball Pushes blocks and pulls back the touching block. Minecart Iron Ingots Used to travel along Rail. Powered Minecart Minecart & Furnace Pushes other minecarts along track using fuel. Minecraft Crafting Guide http://www.minecraftcrafting.info/ 9 од 18 1/10/2016 10:27 AM Storage Minecart Minecart & Chest Used to transport blocks and items along track. Rail Iron Ingots & Stick Guide for Minecarts. Powered Rail Gold Ingots & Stick & Redstone Speeds up Minecarts when powered. Detector Rail Iron Ingots & Stone Pressure Plate & Redstone Sends a redstone signal when crossed by a Minecart. Redstone Lamp Redstone & Glowstone Block Light source when powered by redstone. Tripwire Hook Iron Ingot & Stick & Wooden Plank Used to create a tripwire that activates a redstone signal. Activator Rail Iron Ingots & Sticks & Redstone T orch Used to activate TNT minecarts and minecarts with hoppers. Daylight Sensor Glass & Nether Quartz & Wooden Slabs Emits a redstone signal during daylight. Dropper Cobblestone & Redstone Drops items (similar to a dispenser) when powered. Hopper Iron Ingots & Chest Moves items into and out of chests, dispensers and other blocks that can hold items. Minecart with Hopper Hopper & Minecart Minecart that functions in the same way as a hopper. Minecraft Crafting Guide http://www.minecraftcrafting.info/ 10 од 18 1/10/2016 10:27 AM Minecart with TNT TNT & Minecart Minecart that explodes when triggered by activator rail or when hit. Redstone Comparator Redstone Torches & Stone & Nether Quartz Block used in redstone circuitry. Trapped Chest Chest & Tripwire Hook Chest that emits a redstone signal when opened. Weighted Pressure Plates Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots Similar to regular pressure plates, but can only be activated by items. The number of items determines the signal strength. Iron Trapdoor Iron Ingots Trapdoor activated by redstone. Food Recipes Name Ingredients Image Description Bowl Wooden Planks Holds Mushroom Stew. Mushroom Stew Bowl & Red Mushroom & Brown Mushroom Restores 4 hunger points. Bread Wheat Restores 2.5 hunger points. Golden Apple Apple & uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ minecraft-crafting-guide.pdf
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