P L A N T G U I D E Find Your Style! Plants indoors are a must! They can help h

P L A N T G U I D E Find Your Style! Plants indoors are a must! They can help humanize your space and break the monotony of the room. Besides the aesthetic reasons, plants can also be very helful for your mental health! Being sorrounded by plants have a calming and relaxing effect on the mind and they help purify your air as well. Here's a simple guide that will help you know which plants are perfect for your home! Also, if you want to learn more on interior design theory, check out my complete guide on how to understand the property of colors, as well as all my favorite color palettes that you can easily use for your home! Let me know what you think! https://www.dsignersacademy.com/color-palette-e-book-one-time-only-ofer https://www.dsignersacademy.com/color-palette-e-book-one-time-only-offer HEY, GUYS! With love, Founder of D.Signers Zahira Cury https://www.dsignersacademy.com/ WWW.DSIGNERSACADEMY.COM/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIRhDGv9rblv6dpgsS1uehQ D.SIGNERS https://www.instagram.com/d.signers/ @D.SIGNERS | https://www.instagram.com/zahiracury/ @ZAHIRACURY @D.SIGNERS | @ZAHIRACURY WWW.DSIGNERSACADEMY.COM/ D.SIGNERS uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ plant-guide.pdf

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