15 BIBLIOGRAPHIE Caws, Pete'r. Str'.Jctura1ism: The Art of the Intelligible. At
15 BIBLIOGRAPHIE Caws, Pete'r. Str'.Jctura1ism: The Art of the Intelligible. At1antic Highland, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1988, xiv + 276 Pp. "It is without question the very first work I would recommend to anyone who wants to become know1edgeab1e about structura1ism--and 1i~ewise to anyone who has been inc1ined to dismiss it." Forrest Wi11iams, University of Co10rado. Cel1, Howard R.and James MacAdam. Rousseau's Response to Hobbes. New York, Berne, Frankfurt, Paris: Peter Lang Pub1ishing, 1988, xii, 271 Pp. Chappe11, Vere and Wi11is Doney. Twentv-five years of Descartes Scholarship, 1960-1984: A Biblioqraphy. New York: Garland Pub1ishinq, 1987, 496 Pp. Derrida, Jacques. Of Spirit. Chicago: of Chicaqo Press, forthcominq. The University Gerassi, John. Jean-Paul Sartre: Hated Conscience of His Century. Volume 1: Protestant or Protestor. University of Chicaqo Press, 1988, 248 Pp. Harari, Josu~ V. Scenarios of the imaqinary: Theorizing the French Enliqhtenment. Corne11 University, 1988, 240 Pp. Kronegqer, Mar1ies. Ed. Ph~nom~noloqie et 1itt~rature. Colloque de Cerisy-Ia-Salle. Michael, Co1ette. Ed. Sade: His Ethic and Rhetoric. New York: Garland Publishing, 1989. Pau1son, Michael G. The Possible Inf1uence of Mont- . aigne' sEssais. on Descartes' Treatise on the Passions. Univ. Press of America, 1988, 138 Pp. Reiss, Timothy J. The Uncertainty of Analysis: Problems in Truth, Meaninq, and Culture. Cornell University Press, 1988, 312 Pp. Starobinski, Jean. ~ean-Jacgues ROU5seau: Transparency and Obstruction. Trans1. by A.Go1dhammer. Introd- uction by R.J. Morrissey. Univ. of Chicaqo press, 1988, xxxviii + 422 Pp. uploads/Litterature/ bibliographie 84 .pdf
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