Literatur zum ethischen Relativismus Bibliography on ethical relativism Last Up

Literatur zum ethischen Relativismus Bibliography on ethical relativism Last Update: 13.11.2010 Jörg Schroth ( Alphabetische Ordnung / alphabetical order: Chronologische Ordnung / reverse chronological order: 1994 [1] Afshari, Reza (1994): An Essay on Islamic Cultural Relativism in the Discourse of Human Rights, Human Rights Quarterly 16, S. 235–76. – Vgl. dazu [148]. 1997 [2] Aja, Egbeke (1997): Changing Moral Values in Africa: An Essay in Ethical Relativism, Journal of Value Inquiry 31, S. 531–44. 1986 [3] Arkes, Hadley (1986): First Things. An Inquiry into the First Principles of Justice and Morals, Princeton, N. J., S. 134–58 (”The Fallacies of Cultural Relativism; Or, Abbott and Costello Meet the Anthropologist”). 1983 [4] Arrington, Robert L. (1983): A Defense of Ethical Relativism, Metaphilosophy 14, S. 225–39. 1989 [5] Arrington, Robert L. (1989): Rationalism, Realism, and Relativism. Perspectives in Contemporary Moral Epistemology, Ithaca, S. 192–315 (“Relativism”, “Conceptual Relativism”). 1979 [6] Attfield, Robin (1979): How Not To Be a Moral Relativist, Monist 62, S. 510–21. 1995 [7] Attfield, Robin (1995): Value, Obligation, and Meta-Ethics, Amsterdam, S. 213–29. 2007 [8] Audi, Robert (2007): Moral Value and Human Diversity, Oxford. 2011 [9] Balaguer, Mark (2011): Bare Bones Moral Realism and the Objections from Relativism, in A Companion to Relativism, hrsg. von Steven D. Hales, Oxford, S. 368–90. 1998 [10] Barcalow, Emmett (1998): Moral Philosophy. Theories and Issues, Belmont, CA, 2. Auflage, S. 48–59 (“Moral Relativism”). 1996 [11] Bayefsky, Anne F. (1996): Cultural Sovereignty, Relativism, and International Human Rights: New Excuses for Old Strategies, Ratio Juris 9, S. 42–59. 1991 [12] Beauchamp, Tom L. (1991): Philosophical Ethics. An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Second Edition, New York, S. 39–68. 1975 [13] Bell, Linda M. (1975): Does ethical Relativism Destroy Morality?, Man and World 8, S. 415–23. 2004 [14] Benbaji, Yitzhak/Fisch, Menachem (2004): Through Thick and Thin: A New Defense of Cultural Relativism, Southern Journal of Philosophy 42, S. 1–24. 2009 [15] Benda-Beckmann, Franz von (2009): Moralischer Relativismus: Eine rechtsethnologische Per- spektive, in Moralischer Relativismus, hrsg. von Gerhard Ernst, Paderborn, S. 13–27. 1934 [16] Benedict, Ruth (1934): A Defense of Moral Relativism, Journal of General Psychology 10, S. 59–82. 1998 [17] Benn, Piers (1998): Ethics, Montreal, S. 1–29 (“Authority and Relativism”). 2006 [18] Bernstein, Richard J. (2006): Can We Justify Universal Moral Norms?, in Universalism vs. Relativism: Making Moral Judgments in a Changing, Pluralistic, and Threatening World, hrsg. von Don Browning, Lanham, S. 3–17. 1959 [19] Bidney, David (1959): The Philosophical Presuppositions of Cultural Relativism and Cultural Absolutism, in Ethics and the Social Sciences, hrsg. von L. Ward, Notre Dame, S. 51– 76. 2011 [20] Bilgrami, Akeel (2011): Secularism, Liberalism, and Relativism, in A Companion to Relativism, hrsg. von Steven D. Hales, Oxford, S. 326–45. 2008 [21] Billet, Bret L. (2008): Cultural Relativism in the Face of the West. The Plight of Women and Children, Houndsmills.1 2009 [22] Bilsky, Wolfgang (2009): Die Relativität von Werten: Einige Anmerkungen zu ihrer Definition und Operationalisierung, in Moralischer Relativismus, hrsg. von Gerhard Ernst, Pader- born, S. 81–95. 2009 [23] Birnbacher, Dieter (2009): Der ethische Pluralismus – ein gangbarer Weg?, in Moralischer Relativismus, hrsg. von Gerhard Ernst, Paderborn, S. 257–73. 1998 [24] Blackburn, Simon (1998): Ruling Passions. A Theory of Practical Reasoning, Oxford, S. 279– 310 (“Relativism, Subjectivism, Knowledge”). 2000 [25] Blackburn, Simon (2000): Relativism, in The Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory, hrsg. von Hugh LaFollette, Oxford, S. 38–53. 1999 [26] Blackburn, Simon (1999): Is Objective Moral Justification Possible on a Quasi-realist Founda- tion?, Inquiry 42, S. 213–27. – Vgl. dazu [126]. 1995 [27] Bok, Sissela (1995): Common Values, Columbia. 1990 [28] Bond, E. J. (1990): Could There Be a Rationally Grounded Universal Morality? (Ethical Relativism in Williams, Lovibond, and MacIntyre), Journal of Philosophical Research 15, S. 15–45. 1996 [29] Bond, E. J. (1996): Ethics and Human Well-being. An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Oxford, S. 21–62. 1 “The idea of universal human rights has been perhaps the most contentious concept of the twentieth century. Originally presented as a response to the atrocities of the past and an attempt to stifle the potential ills of the future, the concept has been under heated assault by adherents to the concept of ‘cultural relativism.’ The basic conflict between these two extreme perspectives lies with the degree to which either should be the primary consideration when dealing with the great diversity of peoples worldwide. While proponents of universal human rights believe that a fundamental group of human rights exist and can be applied uniformly throughout the world, cultural relativists are primarily concerned with protecting and understanding, usually in functionalist terms, the diversity of cultures worldwide. This overarching conflict is the underlying focus of ‘Cultural Relativism in the Face of the West’. Billet examines the debate between the uniform application of universal human rights and cultural relativism. In so doing, Billet outlines the foundations of both schools of thought and provides a history of their evolution. The book also examines case studies that involve either women or children and are typically viewed by the West as violations of fundamental human rights. Table of contents: Introduction: Universal Human Rights versus Cultural Relativism. Female Circumcision. Female Infanticide. Female Child Prostitution. Female Child Labour. Trafficking Women and Female Slave Labour. Conclusions and Implications. Bibliography. Index.” 1997 [30] Bowie, Norman E. (1997): Relativism, Cultural and Moral, in The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dic- tionary of Business Ethics, hrsg. von Patricia H. Werhane und R. Edward Freeman, Oxford, S. 551–55. 1959 [31] Brandt, Richard B. (1959): Ethical Theory. The Problems of Normative and Critical Ethics, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., S. 83–113 (“Ethical Systems in Different Cultures and their Development”), 271–94 (“Ethical Relativism”). 1961 [32] Brandt, Richard B. (1961): Drei Formen des Relativismus, in Texte zur Ethik, hrsg. von Dieter Birnbacher und Norbert Hoerster, München 1976, S. 42–51. 1967 [33] Brandt, Richard B. (1967): Ethical Relativism, in Encyclopedia of Philosophy, hrsg. von Paul Edwards, New York, Vol. 3, S. 75–78. 1984 [34] Brandt, Richard B. (1984): Relativism Refuted?, Monist 67, S. 297–307. 2006 [35] Browning, Don (Hrsg.) (2006): Universalism vs. Relativism: Making Moral Judgments in a Changing, Pluralistic, and Threatening World, Lanham.2 2000 [36] Buggie, Stephen E. (2000): Cultural Relativism and the Imposition of Ethics, Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies 19, S. 17–24. 1996 [37] Bunting, H. (1996): A Single True Morality? The Challenge of Relativism, in Philosophy and Pluralism, hrsg. von D. Archard, Cambridge, S. 73–85. 1955 [38] Cantril, Hadley (1955): Ethical Relativity from the Transactional Point of View, Journal of Phi- losophy 52, S. 677–87. 2009 [39] Capps, David/Lynch, Michael P./Massey, Daniel (2009): A Coherent Moral Relativism, Synthese 166, S. 413–30.3 2 “In formulating this collection, Don Browning asked his contributors to respond to a simple question: has moral relativism run its course? The threats of terrorism, reproductive technology, and globalization have forced us to ask anew whether there are universal moral truths upon which to base political and ethical judgments. In this timely edited collection, distinguished scholars present and test the best answers to this question. This dialogue includes contributions from widely-recognized scholars Richard Bernstein, Amitai Etzioni, Jean Bethke Elshtain, William Galston, Franklin Gamwell, Timothy Jackson, James Turner Johnson, John Kelsay, and Jean Porter. Although the conflict between universalism and relativism is a complex issue with many parts, the contributors to this volume tackle the question at hand in an engaging, thought-provoking manner. These insightful responses temper the strong antithesis between universalism and relativism and retain sensitivity to how language and history shape the context of our moral decisions. This important and relevant work of contemporary political and social thought is ideal for use in the classroom across many disciplines including political science, philosophy, ethics, theology, and law. Contents: Preface. List of Contributors. Introduction (Don Browning). Part I: Foundationalism v. Antifoundationalism. Can We Justify Moral Norms? (Richard J. Bernstein). Self-Evident Truth (Beyond Relativism) (Amitai Etzioni). The Origin of Moral Norms (Franklin I. Gamwell). Part II: Approaches from Human Nature. Moral Ideals and Human Nature (Jean Porter). Can We Justify Universal Moral Norms? Yes, with Qualifications (William Galston). Part III: Common Ground through Historical Understanding. Searching for Common Ground: Ethical Tradition at the Interface with International Law (James Turner Johnson). Christians, Muslims, and the Conduct of War (John Kelsay). Part IV: Multidimensional Approaches. Universalism and Relativism: Some Lessons from Gandhi (Timothy Jackson). Concrete Levels of Being and Their Political Implications (Jean Bethke Elshtain). Response (Richard J. Bernstein). Response (Amitai Etzioni).” 1985 [40] Carson, Thomas L. (1985): Relativism and Nihilism, Philosophia 15, S. 1–23. 1999 [41] Carson, Thomas L. (1999): An Approach to Relativism, Teaching Philosophy 22, S. 161–84. 1976 [42] Coburn, Robert C. (1976): Relativism and the Basis of Morality, Philosophical Review 85, S. 87–93. – Zu [95]. 1995 [43] Colby, Mark (1995): Narrativity and Ethical Relativism, European Journal of Philosophy 1, S. 132–56. 1999 [44] Cook, John W. (1999): Morality and Cultural Differences, Oxford. 1978 [45] Cooper, David E. (1978): Moral Relativism, Midwest Studies in Philosophy Vol. 3: Studies in Ethical Theory, hrsg. von Peter French, Theodore E. Uehling und Howard Wettstein, Morris, S. 97–108. 1982 [46] Copp, David (1982): uploads/Litterature/ bibliographie-zum-ethischen-relativismus-pdf.pdf

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