Bibliography Primary Sources: "

Bibliography Primary Sources: "White Rose Documents." ​​. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2017. I used this source to find the original leaflets of the White Rose Movement. I put quotes from parts of the leaflets all around my website. This site had all the original leaflets on it so I got to read all of them and see what the college students wrote. Burns, Lucy. "White Rose: The Germans Who Tried to Topple Hitler." ​BBC News​. BBC, 22 Feb. 2013. Web. 12 Feb. 2017. <​​>. I used this website to find a picture of Hans and Sophie together. I used this picture on my website on the page “The Scholl’s History.” The White Rose: An Interview​. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2017. <>. I used this interview with Mrs. Susanne to find out all I could about her relationship with the White Rose and I found out that she was a good friend of Sophies. Mrs. Susanne helped Sophie create the stencils that Hans used to graffiti anti-Nazi slogans on walls in Munich. "White Rose Memorial Essay Contest." ​White Rose Memorial Essay Contest | Jewish Federation of Tulsa​. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2017. I took a picture from this website of Christoph Probst, Hans and Sophie Scholl. I used this photo on my home page. nsibility/05/WhiteRose72.html "72 Years Later: The Enduring Impact of the White Rose." ​German Missions in the United States - The White Rose​. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2017. < onsibility/05/WhiteRose72.html>. This website helped me find out what happened when the Hans and Sophie Scholl went to distribute leaflets at the Munich University. I found out that Sophie still had leaflets leaflets after distributing them around the University up to the third floor, so she threw them over the balcony and that’s when she was seen by a caretaker. "New York Encounter." ​The White Rose - 2012 Exhibits​. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2017. <​​>. I used this website to find all about the marble dedication piece for White Rose in Munich. The piece was an image of all the leaflets the White Roses made. It’s made out of marble and implanted in the sidewalk for everyone to see in Munich. We Will Not Be Silent -Russell Freedman Freedman, Russell. ​We Will Not Be Silent: The White Rose Student Resistance Movement That Defied Adolf Hitler​. Boston: Clarion , Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016. Print. I used this source to find out the name of the janitor who got called the Gestapo and Hans and Sophie arrested. His name was I also used this book to figure out the dates when the White Rose group painted with black tar around the walls in the Munich University. This source was the most helpful to me during my reasearch. ose Bildung, Bundeszentrale Für Politische. "Sophie Scholl Und Die "Weiße Rose"." ​Widerstand Der Weißen Rose | Bpb​. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2017. On this website I found a picture of the White Rose dedication piece in Munich. I think that was very heroic that these students did that because the White Rose Resistance gave up their lives to try to stop Hitler. Secondary Sources: "White Rose." ​United States Holocaust Memorial Museum​. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2017. I found a picture of Alexander Schmorell petting his horse that I used on my website and I learned that it was a janitor who saw and got Hans and Sophie Scholl arrested. "The White Rose Revolt & Resistance" ​The White Rose Revolt & Resistance​. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2017. I used this source to find another picture of Alexander Schmorell. I also found this quote ​“We will not be silent, we are your bad conscience. The White Rose will not leave you in peace!." It turns out, after reading this whole page I found out that this quote is one of their more famous quotes that they had written. "Nazis Arrest White Rose Resistance Leaders." ​​. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2017. I used this website to help me find the date when the Scholl were arrested. I also found out that the leaders of the group was Hans and his sister Sophie, even Hans didn’t admit it. "Sophie Scholl Biography -." ​Biography Online​. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2017. This website had facts about Sophie Scholls life. Sophie got involved in a pro-Nazi organization when she was 12 years old and she was very enthusiastic about it. Sophie was doing very well in the group but then she started to not like it as much. I added all of this information on the page “The Scholl’s History.” "White Rose Timeline." ​Timetoast​. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2017. This source helped me write a timeline for the different events the the White rose took part of. Then I took the timeline that this website helped me write and I could layout my website’s format. "BBC World Service - Witness, The White Rose." ​BBC News​. BBC, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2017. I used a section of this video in my website on the page “Distributing the leaflets.” I used the audio from 6:00-6:30. This clip of audio talks about how the Scholl’s were arrested and tried for treason against Hitler and then found guilty. After that section of the website it talks about how the trio was rushed into execution. Http:// "The Search for White Rose 5/4/16." ​YouTube​. YouTube, 22 Nov. 2016. Web. 13 Feb. 2017. <>. This youtube video helped my hear real people who are around today talk about the impact of the White Rose Resistance. Hearing all these people talk about the White Rose helped me write my thesis. Peter the person who directed this film also helped my showing on this video the inside of the Munich University. <​​>. Asheejin. "White Rose Group-Holocaust." ​YouTube​. YouTube, 19 Feb. 2013. Web. 10 Feb. 2017. I used this youtube video to find a picture of Sophie Scholl sending Willi Graf, Hans Scholl, and Christoph Probst off to the war front to serve as medics. I used this picture on my homepage. "The White Rose Movement." ​History Learning Site​. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2017. This website helped me find out what happened after Hans, Sophie, and Alexander Probst were caught. I learned that they were executed after four days of their arrest but usually they should have been executed 80-90 days after arrest. This site also helped me find who the sixth leaflet was smuggled out to, it turned out to be the British that a copy of the sixth leaflet was smuggled out to. "University of Oregon Libraries." ​UO Libraries​. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2017. I found out using this website that the White Rose Resistance published six leaflets. I also found that this group of five students created a passive resistance instead of creating a aggressive resistance. uploads/Litterature/ bibliography 43 .pdf

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