Association Internationale d’Études Patristiques International Association of P
Association Internationale d’Études Patristiques International Association of Patristic Studies Bulletin d’information et de liaison 51 (2017) Répertoire des traductions françaises des Pères de l’Église (RTF) DISPONIBLE EN LIGNE SUR BREPOLiS Brepols Online Databases - UN I N STRUM E N T D E RECHE RCHE I RRE M P LA ÇA B LE P OUR L’É TUD E D E S TE XTE S D E S P È RES GRE CS, LATI N S E T ORI E N TAUX 3 5 Vie de l’Association De la part du Président. • De la part du Secrétaire. • Cotisation et Adhésion. • Statuts de l’AIEP / IAPS (texte français et traduction anglaise). • Règlement intérieur de l’AIEP / IAPS (texte français et traduction anglaise). • Membres du Conseil. • Correspondants nationaux • Membres du Comité exécutif. • Nouveaux membres. • Membres, anciens membres et collègues décédés. • Liste des membres par pays. Bulletin bibliographique: Travaux récemment parus ou en préparation 31 A. Bibliographie et histoire de la recherche 32 B. Ouvrages généraux I - Histoire du christianisme ancien 36 0. Christianisme et société dans l’antiquité tardive 40 1. Histoire des communautés, des institutions, des périodes, des régions 47 2. Histoire des doctrines (théologie) 58 3. Liturgie et hymnographie 60 4. Culture antique et culture chrétienne 67 5. Hagiographie et histoire de la spiritualité 73 6. Art et archéologie 76 7. Épigraphie 76 8. Codicologie (manuscrits, catalogues, microfilms, paléographie) 79 9. Papyrologie 79 10. Prosopographie II - Langues et littérature chrétiennes 81 1. Histoire des langues et des littératures classiques et orientales 82 2. Genres littéraires 84 3. Vocabulaire et stylistique 86 4. Thèmes littéraires 87 5. Patristique et Moyen Âge 91 6. Patristique et humanisme, Renaissance et Réforme, Temps modernes 94 7. Actualité des Pères III - La Bible et les Pères 98 0. Ouvrages généraux 100 1. Christianisme et judaïsme 100 2. Ancien Testament 104 3. Nouveau Testament 109 4. Apocryphes, pseudépigraphes 110 5. Gnose, manichéisme, etc. Table des matières 4 IV - Auteurs et texts 111 (ordre alphabétique des noms et des titres latins) Critères éditoriaux pour le Bulletin / Editorial Guidelines for the Bulletin 181 Français 182 English Nouvelles et communications 183 En évidence 188 A. Congrès, Colloques 196 B. Mélanges 201 C. Instrumenta studiorum (programmes de collection) 207 D. Nouvelles de l’Égypte 213 E. Nouvelles de l’Europe centrale et orientale 216 F. Nouvelles de Grèce 218 G. Dissertations en cours Supplément. Annuaire 2015: Addenda et corrigenda 223 Nouvelles addresses et nouveaux champs de recherche 228 Nouveaux membres 5 Vie de l’Association De la part du Président / From the President Dear Colleagues, This year the Association has continued a gradual process of adopting electronic technologies. As I explained in my message last year, the Bulletin is now being published in an electronic format (pdf) in order to reduce the costs associated with mailing printed copies. The cost of printing and mailing the Bulletin has for the most part been borne by Brepols Publishers. Since charges for postage have increased enormously in recent years, we must seek ways to reduce these costs. A printed copy of the Bulletin will still be sent to members who request one, but we are trusting that most members will find the electronic version as useful as the printed version. As well, this year we have launched a system whereby members pay their annual dues directly to the Treasurer of the Association by means of PayPal. We have done this in part to make it easier for the Treasurer to keep track of dues paid by members of the Association and in part to make it easier for members in various parts of the world, particularly outside of Europe, to pay their dues to the Association. We have tried to make these changes as smoothly as possible, though we recognize that it may take a bit of time for us all to become accustomed to them. In addition, the Executive has reflected on ways the Association can be of service to its members within the limits of the revenues obtained through its dues. In our reflections we have benefited greatly from information provided by National Correspondents in Eastern and Central Europe and in Latin America to our two Vice-Presidents, Lenka Karfíková and Patricia Ciner. Professor Karfíková’s report is published in this issue of the Bulletin. In the case of Latin America, the Executive was able to meet with the National Correspondents in the context of the Second International Conference on Patristic Studies/First Meeting on Patristic Studies in Ibero-America held in San Juan, Argentina, in March 2017. One idea that we will be pursuing in the coming year is to gather information on existing working groups in specific areas of research and to post this information (name, short description, primary contact) on a separate page on the Association’s website. We hope this will enable members with similar interests to contact one another and develop their research programs. As always, I wish to thank the Executive and the National Correspondents for their ongoing work for the Association. In addition to the work of the Vice-Presidents already mentioned, the Secretary, Marco Rizzi, has once more compiled the Bulletin with the help of Dr Paolo Bernardini, and the Treasurer, Anders-Christian Jacobsen, has attended to financial matters with the assistance of Dr Birgitte Bøgh. I am also grateful to the National Correspondents for responding to various queries over the past year as we have moved to adopt a new system of payment. The Executive had the good fortune this year to meet in Argentina in the context of the conference held in San Juan. I wish to acknowledge the generous hospitality of our hosts, the Universidad Católica de Cuyo and the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades in that university. The Dean of the Faculty was extraordinarily attentive to us, as were the organizers of the conference, Professor Ciner and her 6 Vie de l’Association collaborators. The occasion was made all the more remarkable by the presence of two former Presidents of the Association, Angelo Di Berardino and Carol Harrison, and one former Secretary, Lorenzo Perrone. I am also grateful to the institutions of three members of the Executive for covering costs of travel to the meeting: the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Aarhus Universitet, and the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ottawa. Theodore de Bruyn De la part du Secrétaire / From the Secretary Dear Colleagues, In the last twelve months, thirty new members from sixteen different countries have joined the Association, thanks especially to the efforts of our two Vice-Presidents, Patricia Ciner and Lenka Karfíková, who have been promoting AIEP in Latin America and Eastern Europe, respectively. As already stated in the President’s message, you can read Vice-President Karfíková’s report in this issue of the Bulletin, while Vice-President Ciner’s report was published in 2016. The significant increase in memberships in some of the countries in these geographical areas has required the appointment of new National Correspondents by the Executive Committee: Prof. José Fernando Rubio Navarro from Colombia, Prof. Giancarlo José Bellina Shols from Peru, Dr. Marcela Andoková from Slovakia and Dr. Gorazd Kocijančič from Slovenia. Moreover, the appointment of another new Correspondent by the Executive Committee is significant in that it shows that the Association is spreading outside of its traditional boundaries: Dr. Girgis Boshra of the Panarion Center for Patristic Heritage in Cairo. The activities of the Panarion Center were described in the previous issue of the Bulletin. In this issue you will find information about two other important Egyptian institutions active in our field of studies, particularly in translating the writings of the Fathers into Arabic to make them accessible to a wider public. The entire body of work is impressive, and testifies the living actuality of Patristics in one of the major birthplaces of the ancient Christian literary and theological tradition. The Executive Committee wishes to convey to all the new National Correspondents its warmest wishes and thanks for assuming this role, which will surely make the network of the Association richer and more effective. To the already serving National Correspondents, again, I direct my personal thanks for their unique and indispensable help in preparing the Bulletin, especially the section of bibliographical notices. As is customary, this issue of the Bulletin contains also the Addendum with the addresses and the fields of interests of new members. The full Annuaire with the data of all members will be published next year (2018), three years after the previous one (2015), in order to permit the complete updating of the Association database and to give an exact picture of the state of the Association in preparation for the meeting of the General Assembly and the Council at Oxford in 2019. Marco Rizzi 7 Vie de l’Association Cotisation et adhésion I - Modes de versement des cotisations À partir de 2017, les membres de l’AIEP-IAPS sont priés de verser leurs cotisations annuelles directement au Trésorier, Anders-Christian Jacobsen, au moyen de PayPal. uploads/Litterature/ bulletin-aiep-51-2017 1 .pdf
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