NIGHTFALL BLADER GUIDE "When the determination of a man and his courage reaches

NIGHTFALL BLADER GUIDE "When the determination of a man and his courage reaches the peak of his capacity it only remains to risk and sacrifice of freeing others from danger and death. In the war between Ousters, Vampires and Slayers the class of Splitters is an alternative for those seeking safety, distraction and especially rid the fellows of threats even if it costs the live of the Splitter, however this class is considered the ultimate physical punishment executioner against any type of magic caster threat and especially same race Slayer magical traitors." STRENGTH Build "The Mage Hunter" Mage Hunter, The Punisher, full STR, STR based or simple call them as you prefer. Once level 150 and a Job Changed slayer add 100 points in DEX and the rest into STR. At Horus 100 you should look like the picture below. Advantages -Berserker is based on STR. The more you have the better Damage the buff gives. -The greatest physical damage dealer compared to the other game classes. -The second major alternative among the race of Slayers to hunt treasure and items. -Just as Defenders the Splitters also have excellent locomotion. -The greatest protection among all classes. -The combination of high protection and the skill Air Shield activated will stand even 3 physical opponents at same time when PvP . -With Wild T yphon skill can temporarily stun strong beings: Crag, Red Berith, Gores Gland (vampire summon), Adam Keeper and even Asylion b2 boss... -This Splitter build with Granter supports can reach 5000 health points (HP) around Horus 60~70. In the final Horus 100 can reach values above 6000. -Due to the high damage most skills perform Critical Hit when they hit. -Performs a high amount of HPs and MPs thanks to skill 170 Bomb Crash Walk. -Has good combos. -No need too much HPs to train compared to Defenders. -The skill 150 Dragon Tornado does not miss. -The drop rate for weapons is very high in our server for gunners, sworders and particulalrly Bladers. -The ultimate physical class to exterminate Elemental Ousters, Bishops, Granters and Magic- Caster Vampires. -Can train and level up easier and more quickly. Disadvantages -Low T oHit. -Does not hit the Chief Mount Crag (Red Crag) at night. -Need MPs and Attack Speed to level comfortably. -The skill Berserker reduces too much defense when activated. -Due to a bug found in this version of Darkeden the skill Charging Power can not be stand together with the skill Berserker. -Can possibly not hit Mage-Caster Vampires at night and practically will not hit Warrior Vampire (these even under the Intimate Grail). -The Combat Ousters are another big problem to deal alone with. -Due to this build restrictions of T ohit and Defense the player tends to get bored, but that is relative. DEXTERITY Build "The Agile Berserker" Full DEX, DEX based, you name it. Once level 150 and a Job Changed slayer you should add all that bonus get in DEX. At Horus 100 you should look like the picture below. Advantages -Excellent balance of physical characteristics: T oHit, Defense, Protection and especially Damage. -Just as Defenders the Splitters also have excellent locomotion. -Average skills Critical Hit performance. -The fact that most Splitters choose to allocate more attribute points in strength this build will drastically surprise any opponent. -Performs a high amount of HPs and MPs thanks to skill 170 Bomb Crash Walk. -Has good combos. -Need more HPs to train compared to Strenght Splitters. -The skill 150 Dragon Tornado does not miss. -The drop rate for weapons is very high in our server for gunners, sworders and particulalrly Bladers. -Due to the balance of this build its always a good company to be in a party. -They are expansive. The more you play the more you evolve the offensive and defensive characteristics of them. In other words it is a class that gives the player fun for a long period of time. Disadvantages -Wild T yphon has a kind of malfunction. You should add 90 bonus points into STR to eliminate the problem. -T o obtain the maximum efficiency of this build is necessary to equip the counter-balance rings before activating Potential Explosion and Berserker skills. -HP is similar of the Defenders. -Need MPs and Attack Speed to level comfortably. -Due to a bug found in this version of Darkeden the skill Charging Power can not be stand together with the skill Berserker. -Can possibly not hit Warrior Vampire at night (without Granter Intimate Grail assistance). -The Combat Ousters are sometimes a problem to deal alone with (at least until Horus 80~90). -The damage of 150 and 170 skills are not so good as the Defender ones. Stereotype For each Splitter STR operates as follows: the first point adds 3.5 HP. The second 4 HP. The third 3.5 HP. The fifth 4 HP... Splitters in general on any version or Darkeden server have a too abounding life pool, because of the weapon blade domain higher compared to the other classes of Slayers. What would be about 1700 HP. Do not think that the fact you add STR on your Defender you will be as strong as one Splitter. WRONG! Again mentioning that the advantage of the Splitters are the skills Berserker and Air Shield, but mainly their HP for most circumstances. These are the stereotypes characteristics of a Splitter. Considering Damage will grown as your STR is allocated more. Buffs Similar to the Defenders the Splitters can be very addicted to the Enchanter buffs (not a case for strength Spliiters based). The more items with T oHit equipped the largest bonus obtained through the enchanter buffs will be (for T oHit) same goes for STR and Damage, however there is a proper order to apply the buffs. The image below shows the correct order. Increases DEX by +8 and STR by +8. It is important and should be applied before using berserker and ghost blade to get more T ohit and bonus then. Another rule. I consider this a very important skill. It acts as a two-sided knife on the one hand will reduce some Defense points while activated but will significantly increase your T ohit and Damage. I performed some tests, but remember that the larger the STR the higher the bonus applied to the Damage will be. with 554 T oHit ghost blade gives +87 T oHit with 352 T oHit ghost blade gives +55 T oHit, so basically for every 200 T oHit (considering Dragon Eye 2) Ghost Blade bonus increases +32 T oHit approximately. You can experiment more, but remember DEX Splitters will always have more T oHit (this was a basic test applying only potential explosion and then ghost blade. It was a test I did comparing the two Splitter builds I'm teaching. Below a test that shows T oHit deeper and in constant evolution according to the Splitter STR and DEX. An enhanced and better version of the Defenders Sharp Shield skill. Provides +15 of minimal and maximal Damage. This skill is often activated before Job Change only, since the bonus damage is very low, so use during the stages of non Job Changed Slayer. Grade Skills +5 T ohit. +15 Attack Speed. +15 Curse Resistance. +2 HPs. DEXTERITY based Splitter +5 DEX. STRENGTH based Splitter +5 STR. +5% of T ohit. Thanks @Dream he was right to say. The more T oHit the moreit will affect when buffing up. Blader Set The set of this class isn't very expensive and you can solely play with it, while you search for items and makes fortune (STR based). On the other hand if you plan to make a DEX based one you need a second class to buy the items. Primarily an enchanter. With time, patience and determination you can even PvE Asylion Adam Keeper alone (STR based). Although the time for this PVE is double compared to Granters. For PvP against Elemental Ousters I highly suggest Damage and Critical Hit (DEX based Splitter). Alternatively STR based Splitters are bound to be the ultimate warriors against magical casters, so with a Critical Hit pet and the assistance of a Granter you are done. Suggestion Jewelry: HPs, All Resistance, Curse Resistance, Poison Resistance, DEX or STR. Armors (glove, boot, belt, shield, torso, leg and helmet): The main thing is All Resistance. If possible Poison Resistance and/or Curse Resistance (Keeper has it). Blade: the main thing is HPs and MPs. The third option I recommend STR, INT, DEX, All Attribute or attack options (Attack Speed, Critical Hit, Damage). Note: I could notice that the weapon grade causes a huge impact considering the critical, so try to find a blade romphaia or harpe to promote! Thats is not a rule, but the best set for PvE and PvP in my opinion to get is: a pendant, 4 rings and 2 bracelets (each piece) with HPs, All Resistance, and Curse Resistance. For armors All Resistance, Curse Resistance and some attribute. The sword with HPs, MPs and uploads/Litterature/ nightfall-blader-guide.pdf

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