The Way toward Harmony and Awakening(Enlightenment ; Direct Knowledge) in the 4

The Way toward Harmony and Awakening(Enlightenment ; Direct Knowledge) in the 42nd Chapter of Lao Tzu/ La voie vers l'harmonie et l'éveil (l’illumination; la connaissance directe dans le chapitre 42ème du Lao Tseu/La via verso l'armonia e il risveglio (l'illuminazione; la conoscenza diretta) nel capitolo 42 del Lao Tze/ El Camino hacia la armonía y el despertar (la Iluminación; el conocimiento directo) en el capítulo 42 de Lao Tzu/ Der Weg zur Harmonie und Aufbruch (Erleuchtung; Direkte Kenntnisse) in der 42 Kapitel des Laotse Calea catre armonie si trezire(iluminare; cunoastere directa) expusa de Lao Zi in capitolul 42 Dan Mirahorian Abstract: Abstract: vedeti/see: Dogen dit : " Surtout vous ne devez pas chercher la grande illumination. La grande illumination c'est seulement l'état normal des choses, l'état ordinaire des choses. '' "El [Lao Tzu] este pentru mine, de ani multi, cel mai înţelept şi cel mai liniştitor lucru pe care-l ştiu, iar cuvântul Tao înseamnă pentru mine intruparea înţelepciunii," (Hermann Hesse, scrisori, 1921)/"He [Lao Tzu] is for me for many years, the wisest and most comforting thing I know, the word Tao means for me the epitome of all wisdom". (Hermann Hesse, Letters, 1921) "Il [Lao Tseu] est pour moi pour année de nombreux, les plus sages et les plus réconfortantes chose que je sais, le mot Tao signifie pour moi l'incarnation de la sagesse". (Hermann Hesse, Lettres, 1921)/"Él [Lao Tzu] es para mí durante años muchos, el más sabio y reconfortante lo que sé, la palabra Tao significa para mí la personificación de la sabiduría". (Hermann Hesse, Letras, 1921)/"Egli [Lao Tzu] è per me per anni molti, il più saggio e più confortanti cosa che so, la parola Tao significa per me la quintessenza di ogni saggezza". (Hermann Hesse, Lettere, 1921)/"Er [Laotse] ist für mich seit vielen Jahren das Weiseste und Tröstlichste, was ich kenne, das Wort Tao bedeutet für mich den Inbegriff jeder Weisheit" (Hermann Hesse, Briefe, 1921) Content /Cuprins/ Contenu/ Inhalt/ Contenido /Contenuto 1.TEXT/TEXTE/ TEXTO/ TESTO 2. VARIANTE ANTICE ALE CAPITOLULUI 42 AL LUI LAO ZI /ANCIENT VERSIONS/ LES VERSIONS ANTIQUES /ANTIGUO VERSIONES /ALTE VERSIONEN/ LE ANTICHE VERSIONI 3. TRADUCEREA CONVERGENTA A CAPITOLULUI 42/CONVERGENT TRANSLATION OF 42ND CHAPTER / TRADUCTION CONVERGENT DE 33E CHAPITRE KONVERGENTE ÜBERSETZUNG VOM 42 KAPITEL / TRADUZIONE CONVERGENTE DEL CAPITOLO 42/ TRADUCCIÓN CONVERGENTE DEL CAPÍTULO 42 4. Translations versions in Romanian language, in English, French, Italian, Spanish & German / Versions de traduction dans langue roumaine, en anglais, français, espagnol ,italien et en allemand /Variante de traducere ale acestui capitol in lb. romana, engleza, franceza, italiana, spaniola si germana /Versionen Übersetzungen in Rumänischer Sprache, in Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, und Deutsch / Versiones de las traducciones en lengua Española, en Rumano, Inglés, Francés, Italiano y Alemán /Traduzione versioni in lingua rumena, in inglese, francese, italiano, spagnolo e tedesco 5.Commentary/Comentariu/Commentaire /Kommentar/Comentario/Commento 6.Conexiuni/Connections/Connexions/ Verbindungen/Conexiones/Connessioni 7.Dictionar/Dictionary/Dictionnaire/ Wörterbuch/Diccionario/Dizionario 8. Bibliografie/ Bibliography / Bibliographie/ Bibliografía 1.TEXT/TEXTE/ TEXTO/ TESTO TEXT IN LB. CHINEZA TEXT TRANSLITERAT IN PINYIN 42.(第四十二章) (di4 si4 shi2 er4 zhang1 ) 道生一,一生二, dao4 sheng1 yi1,yi1 sheng1 er4, 二生三,三生萬物。 er4 sheng1 san1 , san1 sheng1 wan4 wu4 . 萬物負陰而抱陽, wan4 wu4 fu4 yin1 er2 bao4 yang2 , 沖氣以為和。 chong1 qi4 yi3 wei2 he2 . 人之所惡,唯孤,寡,不穀, ren2 zhi1 suo3 e4 , wei2 gu1 , gua3 bu4 gu3 , 而王公以為稱。 er2 wang2gong1 yi3 wei2 cheng1 . 故物或損之而益, gu4 wu4 huo4 sun3 zhi1 er2 yi4 , 或益之而損。 huo4 yi4 zhi1 er2 sun3 . 人之所教,我亦教之。 ren2 zhi1 suo3 jiao4 , wo3 yi4 jiao4 zhi1 . 強梁者不得其死。 qiang2 liang2 zhe3 , bu4 de2 qi2 si3 . 吾將以為教父。 wu3 jiang1yi3 wei2 jiao4 fu4 . 2. VARIANTE ANTICE/ANCIENT VERSIONS Versiunea lui Wang Bi (王弼): 道生一。一生二。二生三。三生萬物。萬物負陰而抱陽,沖氣以為和。 人之所惡,唯孤、寡不穀,而王公以為稱,故物或損之而益, 或益之而損。人之所教,我亦教之,強梁者,不得其死。 吾將以為教父。甫 Heshang Gong("Inteleptul de la malul apei") (河上公)(202-157 i.e.n.) este un mistic chinez care a dezgropat o copie a Dao De Jing datind din 579 i.e.n.,dar nu exista azi nici o dovada a existentei textului. Versiunea lui Heshang Gong a Dao De Jing a fost utilizata mai mult de eruditii care au vrut sa analizeze diferentele fata de textul versiunii Wang Bi cat si diferitele comentarii asupra textului/He shang Gong ("Riverside Sage") (202-157 BCE) is a mystical Chinese personage who is said to have unearthed a copy of the Dao De Jing dating to about 579 BCE, but there is no proof of that text's existence. Gong's version of the Dao De Jing has been used mostly by scholars who compared the few textual differences between it and the Wang Bi version, as well as their very different commentaries on the text. Versiunea Heshang Gong("Inteleptul de la malul apei")(河上公)(202-157 i.e.n.) 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物。萬物負陰而抱陽,沖氣以為和。 人之所惡,惟孤﹑寡﹑不穀,而王公以為稱。故物或損之而益, 或益之而損。人之所教,我亦教之。 強梁者不得其死,吾將以為教父。 Fu Yi (傅奕)(555 - 639 e.n.) Versiunea lui Fu Yi (傅奕) dateaza din sec II i.e.n a fost gasita intr-un mormant din perioada dinastiei Han si a fost publicata de invatatul taoist Fu Yi (555-639 e.n) in 574 e.n; Fu Yi (555 - 639 CE) was a Daoist scholar and astrologer who compiled a text of the Dao De Ching called the Chiao-ting Gupen Laozi (Ancient Text of the Laozi Collated). Fu Yi claimed that his version was based on a text found in 487 CE at the excavation of the grave of one of Xiang Yu's (232 - 202 BCE) concubines in the town of Xuchou near the Grand Canal. If that is true, then the text Fu Yi based his version on had to be dated prior to 202 BCE, since Yu's concubine wouldn't be afforded such an elaborate grave after Yu died. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea Fu Yi(傅奕)(555 - 639 e.n.): 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物。萬物負陰而袌陽, 沖氣以爲和。人之所惡,惟孤寡不穀,而王侯以自稱也。 故物或損之而益,或益之而損。人之所以教, 我亦我之所以教人。彊梁者,不得其死,吾將以爲學父。 Mawangdui(馬王堆) Textele pe matase de la Mawangdui au fost descoperite intr-un mormant care dateaza din anul 168 i.e.n.. Ele includ doua copii aproape complete ale Laozi, la care ne referim ca Textul A (甲) si Textul B (乙), ambele inversand ordinea traditionala si pun partea despre Te inaintea partii despre Tao. Intemeindu-se pe stilurile caligrafice utilizate si pe regulile de interzicere a folosirii numelor imperiale expertii considera ca versiunile A si B pot fi datate, respectiv, in prima sia treia decada a secolului al II-lea i.e.n(Boltz 1993:284). Both Mawangdui texts (also referred to as the "Silk Laozi") were discovered in 1973 in a grave excavated in the town of Mawangdui (Hunan Province). The occupant of the grave was Li Ts'ang who died in 168 BCE. Texts A and B were written in different script styles of the period, and apparently by two different scribes. Many of the ancient characters are no longer in use today, and there are varying opinions as to which modern character should be used to represent the ancient ones. I've relied on Robert Henricks' opinions as to which characters to use for this chart. Since this chart is intended for the use of people who may not have access to dictionaries which include some of the most ancient Chinese characters, I've limited thecharacters listed here to those readily available (having the same or similar meanings), and which can be accessed in most Chinese dictionaries. Mawangdui A [versiunea A] □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□中氣以為和天下之所惡唯孤寡不穀而王公以 自名也勿或損之□□□之而損故人□□教夕議而教人故強良者不得死我□以為學父 Mawangdui B[versiunea B] 道生一﹦生二﹦生三﹦生□□□□□□□□□□□以為和人之所亞唯孤寡不穀而王公以自□□□□□□ □云﹦之而益□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□吾將以□□父 Guodian(郭店) Cea mai veche versiune cunoscuta a textului lui Laozi este scrisa pe fasii de bambus si a fost descoperita in 1993, intr-un mormant situat langa orasul Guodian (郭店) din Jingmen, Hubei, si este datat inainte de 300 i.e.n. Versiunea Guodian cuprinde 800 de fasii de bambus cu peste 13,000 caractere, din care 2,000 corespund cu Tao Te Ching, incluzand 14 versuri necunoscute anterior. Capitolul 33 nu exista in versiunea Guodian pe fasii de bambus In 1993 a tomb was uncovered in Guodian (Hubei Province) which contained some (but not all) of the chapters of the currently used Dao De Jing. Since this text was written on bamboo slips, it's also referred to as the Bamboo Slip Laozi. Historians have dated the tomb to the Third or Fourth Century BCE, being the oldest version of the Dao De Jing in existence today. Many of the characters used on the bamboo slips are so old that even the scholars debate which modern characters should be used to represent them. I've relied on both Henricks and other scholars at the Dartmouth Conference on the Guodian in my character selection for this chart. For more extensive research on the Guodian characters, consult the book listed below written on the Dartmouth Conference. References used for Chinese characters: LAO TZU'S TAO TE CHING, Robert Henricks THE GUODIAN LAOZI (Proceedings of the International Conference, Dartmouth College, May 1998), Sarah Allen and Crispin Williams Photos of the actual bamboo slips from the Guodian tomb can be found at: Chapter 42 is not present in Guodian Bamboo Slips Tabelul de mai jos prezinta in comparatie versiunile existente Wang Bi 王弼 HeshangGong 河上公 Fu Yi 傅奕 Mawangdui A 馬王堆 Mawangdui B 馬王堆 Guodian 郭店 道 生 一。 一 生 二。 二 生 三。 三 生 萬 物。 萬 物 道 生 一, 一 生 二, 二 生 三, 三 生 萬 物。 萬 物 道 生 一, 一 生 二, 二 生 三, 三 生 萬 物。 萬 物 □ □ □ □ uploads/Litterature/ calea-catre-armonie-si-trezire-expusa-de-lao-zi-in-capitolul-42.pdf

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